Hudson made great efforts to celebrate the "Jane Eyre phenomenon" created by Jane Eyre. This celebration banquet not only invited many famous stars to come, but also invited famous domestic and foreign directors and elders to share his joy.

The celebration banquet of Jane Eyre was held in the original London International Hotel, which was specially arranged by Hudson. In his opinion, we should celebrate from wherever we start. The opening banquet of "Jane Eyre" was held here, and now the celebration banquet should also be held here.

When Kevin comes to the door of the international hotel with Dzeko, it is already full of all kinds of European luxury cars. Many of them are limited sales in the world. In addition to seeing it in car magazines, Kevin seldom meets it in real life.

In addition to luxury cars, the international hotel tonight is also full of stars. This is what Dzeko told Kevin. He said that director Hudson invited a lot of well connected stars to the banquet tonight.

Kevin and Hudson said hello, after a few words of casual conversation. Then, under the guidance of the service lady, she went into the banquet hall. This time, Hudson arranged for him to have a table with Bella and Enni.

When Kevin gets to his place, he finds Bella sitting there. It's just that this time there's someone else besides Bella. Kevin knows this man, too. That's Bella's friend Alva.

Kevin met Alva at Bella's concert. Alva is also a famous singer in England. So Hudson invited her this time.

"Hi! Kevin, you're here at last. Long time no see. " Alva also saw Kevin, this time took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, beautiful miss Alva. Long time no see. " Kevin replied politely.

Bella changed her dress this morning and is now wearing a black dress. Because of this, her feminine charm is more and more obvious.

"Hi, Bella, are you so fast? I thought it would come before you Kevin said with a charming smile.

"No, dear Kevin, we just arrived. Come on, sit down. " Bella said with a smile.

Tonight, in addition to all kinds of stars and celebrities in the film and art circles, there are also many friends from the media. These people don't miss interviews with celebrities.

Kevin has just sat down and is going to talk to Bella. I saw three people coming to interview Bella.

"Hi! Hello, Miss Bella. We are reporters of entertainment headlines. May I ask you a few simple questions before the celebration of Jane Eyre

"Of course! I think I can answer some of your questions. " Bella said.

"Thank you very much, Miss Bella. Miss Bella, as the actor of Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre, what do you think of Jane Eyre The reporter asked.

"It's great. It's wonderful. I usually read some novels, but never a work can shock me so much. So when director Hudson gave me the script to play the leading role in it, my heart was completely boiling. I agreed without hesitation Bella thought for a few seconds, then replied sincerely.

"I heard that you shed tears many times in the process of filming. Is that true?" The reporter continued to ask.

"Yes, the story of Jane Eyre is so miserable that I have to cry for her. Fortunately, she is a brave girl, in those tragic experiences, she finally strong down, laughing to live. This is also the spirit I worship. I love the role of Jane Eyre so much. " Bella replied.

"Have you ever thought that when you first made this film, its box office would exceed 600 million?" Reporters are still reluctant to continue to ask.

"No, not at all. I only know that my fans will support it and the audience will like such a work. But never thought it was so hot. It feels great. " Bella also answered the reporter's questions with great interest.

"Thank you, Miss Bella. Oh, we seem to see Mr. Kevin, the author of Jane Eyre, also at the scene. Hello, Mr. Kevin. May I ask you a few questions, too? "

The reporter also noticed the people around Bella at this time, so he immediately took the opportunity to ask.

"Of course." Kevin said with a smile.

"Thank you. Jane Eyre is your work. What do you think of Bella's role in it? In other words, is the Jane Eyre that Bella interprets your ideal Jane Eyre

The reporter's question is also a temporary one, which can be described as very tactful. After all, the protagonist and creator are here now.

"Bella's acting is fantastic. I don't think anyone can make Jane Eyre better. " Kevin just gave a simple answer.

"What do you think of Jane Eyre as a film legend?" The reporter continued.

"Thank God for making it so lucky that people like it. That's what I want to say

"Well, thank you for the interview. I wish you all the best. "

When reporters got the answers they wanted, they left to interview other celebrities. After all, many of the people who came here tonight have the meaning of interviews. They won't miss any chance.

After the reporter left, the editor in chief of Enni arrived in a hurry. Like Bella, she also changed her clothes. Maybe women have a common sense in clothes. Annie is also a dress, but the color is different.

This 30-year-old woman chose a slightly more mature dark colored dress, which is also full of femininity. It's just that her femininity is obviously age-related.

"Sorry, Kevin, I'm late." Annie sat next to Kevin and said.

"We just arrived, too. Oh, what a beautiful dress you have today. " Kevin praised.

In Britain, it's polite for a man to praise a woman for her beauty, so that's why Kevin often praises others for their beauty.

"Yes? Thank you for your compliment. Oh, here comes Bella

"Yes, we all just arrived. It's a wonderful evening. Nice to see you again, elegant Ms. enny. " Bella said.

"Nice to meet you, too, beautiful miss Bella."

Not long after Annie's chief editor arrived, many people entered the banquet hall one after another. When the waiting time was almost over, Hudson returned to his desk. Obviously, there was a big smile on his face.