Angela is also very grateful for Hudson's support. After all, her family is not rich, and the cost of leukemia chemotherapy is very large. If it wasn't for hard's financial support, maybe her condition would not be protected by treatment.

"Thank you, director Hudson. Thank you for your concern. I think with your concern, I will get better. God will surely care for me. " Angela said confidently.

"Come on, dear Angela. We believe that God will make you healthy to pursue the happy life you want. Because you are so brave and kind - that's what God wants to see most. " Beauty said.

... as the beauty host continued to ask a few questions, the interview was basically over. In just one hour, the audience in front of the TV can see clearly what Kevin looks like, and also let people know more about Jane Eyre.

As Kevin walks backstage, Angela comes up with a book.

"Dear Mr. Kevin, can you sign for me?"

Angela is holding Kevin's Jane Eyre in her hand. Since watching the movie, she has been looking for the book in many bookstores. After hearing that she could see Kevin in an interview with London TV station, she decided to take the book with her and ask Kevin to autograph it for her.

Kevin gave Angela a a positive look and said, "of course, thank you for loving Jane Eyre."

With that, Kevin takes Angela's Jane Eyre and signs his name on the front page with a pen.

"Come on, Angela. You are brave and nothing stands in your way Kevin said as he handed the book back.

"Thank you. I think I will."

Angela took the book signed by Kevin and said cheerfully.

After the interview, Kevin and Hudson stayed in London TV station for more than ten minutes and then left.

The interview with Jane Eyre also made the ratings of London TV station much higher than before. After all, Jane Eyre is now a legend in the British film and television industry, and many people are full of curiosity about it. This is the world. When you are legendary enough, people will be curious about you.

"Kevin, you are wonderful. If I'm not wrong, this should be your first time on TV. But I don't seem to feel much tension from your answer. " On the way back, Hudson said to Kevin in the car.

"No, dear director Hudson, I'm very nervous. It's just that I'm nervous and I'm hiding it deeply, so you don't notice too much. " Kevin replied with a smile.

"Oh, so you're fit to be an actor."

When Hudson finished, they looked at each other and laughed.

Speaking of actors, Kevin suddenly thinks of Bella. According to Dzeko, Bella will be in London tonight. It's not too early now, so Bella should have arrived.

Back at the Sikes Hotel, Kevin calls Bella. Bella had just finished her shower when she saw Kevin's phone call. She picked it up immediately.

"Hi. kevin. It happened that you called me shortly after I arrived in London Bella said.

"Of course, I can feel the beauty coming. Not to mention such a beautiful woman. "

"Well, I don't think God likes you to be a glib. Oh, I heard that you and director Hudson went to London TV tonight for an interview. Why is it over so soon? " Bella asked.

Originally, the interview also invited Bella, the protagonist in Jane Eyre, to interview. However, Bella refused the interview because she couldn't arrange the time for her concert. So Bella knows something about the interview.

"Well. Just came back from the end. We saw Angela. She's a brave girl

"I heard from my assistant about Angela. She is so pitiful and brave at the same time. Of course, all this is due to the charm of Jane Eyre, your great writer. " Bella praised.

"All right, dear Bella. Don't flatter me like they do. I just wrote what I had to write. "

"All right. Dear Kevin, I think it's time for me to go to bed. After a hard day, I feel very sleepy. Oh, see you tomorrow. Good night

Kevin also wanted to ask Bella out of London for a snack. When he heard Bella say so, he could only say "good night."

After hanging up the phone, you may have just experienced a tense live TV interview. Kevin didn't feel sleepy at this time.

He plans to use his spare time to write a new book "Robinson Crusoe". After all, "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights" have been published, and the film and television of "Jane Eyre" has been put on the screen. It's time for Robinson Crusoe to take off as soon as possible.

therefore. Kevin really went to sleep at one o'clock in the night. When I woke up the next day, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. I don't know why, Kevin suddenly has a habit that it's always easy to get up at nine. Even if it was the night before yesterday.

Kevin's ready to call Bella when he's finished. But just got the phone, the other party called it in advance.

"Hi, Miss Bella. Good morning." Kevin said politely.

"I'm sorry, Kevin. I was so sleepy last night. So forgive me for hanging up in a hurry. "

I don't know why Bella suddenly cares about Kevin's feelings. She was worried that Kevin would be in a bad mood because he just said "good night" last night, so she woke up this morning and called herself to apologize.

In fact, it's just a trivial matter, but I don't know why. Deep in her heart, there seems to be a voice urging her to call Kevin.

"Bella, it's nothing. Besides, if I disturb your sleep, it will make me feel guilty. I don't think God will forgive me for that. Oh, did you have breakfast? Would you like to enjoy the morning cake with me? " Kevin made an invitation to Bella.

"Of course, the cakes at the Sikes are wonderful."

"Good. I'll see you later. "

"See you later."

Kevin hasn't seen Bella for a while. When he sees her again, she is still so beautiful. In particular, Bella is wearing a dress today, which is more feminine.

"Why do you look at me like that? Is there anything wrong with me today?"

"No, no, I just feel that you're dressed differently than before. Of course, it's still beautiful. " In the UK, complimenting someone beautiful is the most basic courtesy, so Kevin is always generous with his compliments. And this is so worthy of the name.

"Oh. This dress is my first time to wear, I bought it when I was in Liverpool. Come on, the cakes at the Sikes are waiting for us. "

So Kevin and Bella had a wonderful breakfast at the Sikes hotel.

In China, there is a saying called "beautiful food", so it is a very happy and beautiful thing to have dinner with beautiful women. Kevin knows that at the same time.

Bella is also happy to chat with Kevin. She told Kevin about the concerts these days. And also told him how many people like "when you are old" this song, and how many people found their own love under the infection of this song.