After Angela spent more than an hour writing this article, she thought she should give it a nice and proper name. She named it "a work as warm as sunshine".

Angela wrote in the article:

First of all, I want to tell you that I am a leukemia patient and my family is poor. So before that, my life was full of melancholy and uneasiness, and even deeply doubted that I was an unhappy person abandoned and forgotten by God.

But on the day of Jane Eyre, my family and I went into the cinema and watched Jane Eyre. The story in it deeply moved me and shocked me.

Jane Eyre, the protagonist in the movie, is humble in birth and ordinary in appearance, but she doesn't feel inferior. She despises the arrogance of the powerful, ridicules their stupidity, and shows her self-reliance personality and beautiful ideal. She has tenacious vitality, never bow to fate, and finally has a good life she yearns for.

She lives in an environment where her parents are both dead and depend on others. Since childhood, he has been treated differently from his peers: aunt's dislike, cousin's contempt, cousin's insult and beating. But she didn't despair, she didn't destroy herself, she didn't sink in insults. On the contrary, it is Jane Eyre's infinite confidence, her indomitable spirit and an invincible inner personality power.

She has a rational understanding of her own thoughts and personality, and a firm pursuit of her own happiness and emotion.

It is this spirit that makes me understand that everyone can be so strong. There is no injustice in the world. Diseases, pains, setbacks, tribulations, all the unhappiness we think can be overcome as long as you change your mind and have unlimited confidence in life.

So, I began to understand, God let me have leukemia, it is not that he did not love me, it is not that he forgot my existence. But he was too busy to take care of everyone.


Thank you "Jane Eyre" told me all this, I think without it, maybe I will not come out from the haze of leukemia, without it, my smile will not appear again. To know how much my parents yearned for my smile, they said it was more beautiful than rasanhua smile.

I don't care what other people think of this work, what I just want to say is that this work seems to be a good medicine, which can let people put down decadence and anxiety, and then bravely pursue independence and beauty.

Since I came back from watching Jane Eyre, I have gradually accepted the fact of my leukemia and cooperated with the doctor's treatment. I think that no matter I suffer from illness, I can't stop myself from pursuing love and life, because the spirit is quite different.

Thank you, Jane Eyre - a work as warm as sunshine.

As soon as this article appeared on the Internet, many newspapers and magazines saw the market. They knew that such an article from the bottom of their heart would certainly resonate with many people, so they transferred the article one after another. Of course, before that, they also contacted Angela, the author of the article, and also gave the forwarding fee.

As many newspapers and magazines rushed to report, it soon made this article known to more people. They are moved by Angela's experience, but also more curious about Jane Eyre.

"Is Jane Eyre really that good? It can let Angela out of the haze of leukemia. Maybe I should see it. "

"God, I can't help it. I think I'm going to see this great work tonight. I think it can easily change Angela's mind. It must have some magic."

"Poor Angela, come on, we all cheer for you, nothing is invincible, as long as you are strong enough. Also, I think it's time for me to see this work called Jane Eyre. According to Angela, it should be good. "

"Jane Eyre? Is it the new work that Hudson said was going to show the other day? I think I should go to see it, or I'm so sorry for Angela. Angela, come on. I'm willing to do anything for you. "

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Jane Eyre may be a good work too. We should go and have a look“

After reading Angela's article, these people all expressed their curiosity about Jane Eyre and decided to go to the cinema in person. They want to see what kind of magic Jane Eyre has. It can make a leukemia patient easily sweep away the snow in his heart, see the sunshine again, and regain his confident smile.

As a result, after the articles were published, many cinemas began to welcome the upsurge of Jane Eyre. This made the cinema totally unexpected. They started to mess up.

Jane Eyre has been on for three days. There are not many people who go to the cinema to watch Jane Eyre every day for the past three days, so the number of shows arranged in one day is just in the morning and in the evening. And also arranged in a slightly smaller movie hall.

But now they don't think it's enough, because there are too many people coming to buy tickets for Jane Eyre. They have lined up at the gate of the whole cinema.

"Come on, it's my turn. I want to see this great work. "

"Yes, why only two shows a day. Can't we just drive a few more? "

"We have been waiting in line for an hour, and now we are very upset to hear that there are no tickets. After all, we are already curious about Jane Eyre

People in the cinema saw that the audience was so enthusiastic that they could only temporarily open a few more shows, and left the largest Hall of the cinema to broadcast Jane Eyre. That makes the audience feel better. After all, after reading Angela's article, they can't wait to see Jane Eyre.

Some people see that "Jane Eyre" brings positive energy and positive thoughts to Angela. In order to make their children benefit from the film like Angela, they bring their whole family with them.

This frenzy of "Jane Eyre" was ignited by an article of Angela, a leukemia patient. They watched it out of curiosity. At last, they had to be deeply shocked by the film like Angela and others.

Yes, no one will doubt its wonderful and moving, no one will say it is a new writer's script, the content is too superficial and so on. On the contrary, they think it is a film full of philosophy of life, which can guide people to be independent, strong, confident and brave to pursue and like all the time.

No one would doubt that Mr. and Mrs. clinders, which has long been popular, is a film promoting charity and love. But at the moment, if Jane Eyre is an independent, unyielding, brave work to pursue a better life, no one will object.

They are so wonderful, they are so shocking, easily aroused the resonance of people's heart. However, due to the previous neglect, many people have a kind of guilt at this time, that is, they owe a movie ticket for Jane Eyre