With the box office sales of Mr. and Mrs. clinders, director Hudson's heart became more and more uneasy. But he is still under great pressure to "Jane Eyre" is about to release the news to the media.

Director Hudson not only publicized "Jane Eyre" to the media, but also put up posters on billboards in major squares.

So, early this morning, many people saw not only the poster of "the clinders", but also the billboard about the upcoming release of "Jane Eyre".

As a result of playing a Bella starring, director of Hudson's signboard, so some people are also interested in a few eyes. But just a few eyes, many people moved away. Because they bought tickets for the clinders, now it's time for them to walk into the cinema as soon as possible and wait in line to enter the movie hall.

Many people are puzzled by the news that Jane Eyre will be released in the near future. Some friends of Hudson also called to confirm.

"Tell me, Hudson, do you really plan to release that movie in the near future?"

"Yes, Jane Eyre is a very good story. I think people will like it. " Hudson said exactly.

"But can it be compared with the clinders? If not, I suggest you put it off for a while. It doesn't seem to be your character to be impatient. "

"Dear friends, it's not my character to be impatient. You should believe my decision more《 Jane Eyre is really a very wrong work. It can easily enter people's hearts and make people like it Hudson continued to explain.

"Well, stubbornness has always been your character. As a friend, I can only bless you and give my support at the same time. "

Even Hudson's words are so confident that his friends have nothing to say.

Not only Hudson's friends, but also some people who care about the film and television industry are very surprised to see the news.

"What's the matter? How could Hudson choose to release Jane Eyre at this time? Didn't it know that Mr. and Mrs. clinders would pull down the box office a lot? "

"What a surprise. It's said that Jane Eyre was just a book published a while ago, which was adapted into a film by director Hudson. And the author is still a newcomer. At this time, Hudson chose to make a film of a work written by a newcomer, which will be shown in the craze of Mr. and Mrs. clinders. Can he sell at the box office? "

"Which screenwriter wrote Jane Eyre? Is that Smith? I remember Hudson and Smith were always close. But no matter who wrote it, it shouldn't be released at this time, because it met the "Big Mac" of "the clinders."

"What? Why did director Hudson choose to make a movie with the work of a new writer? And it's on again? What does he think in his mind? Can a new writer's work compare with the classic Mr. and Mrs. clinders

"Director Hudson really made a huge mistake. Maybe the new low box office is the punishment for his mistake. To be honest, I like director Hudson, but this time he is a bit disappointing

Many people have expressed their views on Hudson's move.

In addition to expressing personal views on Hudson's move, some media people also expressed their opinions one after another, and unanimously believed that the release of Jane Eyre at this time was the wrong policy of crankard film and television company and Hudson director.

In particular, the famous film critic leavit wrote a film review article called "those touching classics" when "Mr. and Mrs. clinders" was released, and he praised Jordan Dick's wisdom in the article.

Now after seeing director Hudson's impulsive choice to release "Jane Eyre" in the near future, he smiles contemptuously, and then plans to write an article for this behavior of Hudson. Anyway, it's common for him to write his own opinions before the movie is released.

At the beginning of his career, Levante was not well-known, but his keen observation and prediction of film works made this young film critic famous in a short year.

Before expressing his views, Levant went to consult the author of Jane Eyre. After all, before you express your opinion, you should always know the author of a work and other information. When he saw what happened to Kevin, he was surprised.

"Oh, my God, the author of this play is a newcomer, and he only started writing this year. What happened to director Hudson? Is it because this new writer has written two best-selling books? No, before he chose, the author wrote only one work. "

Levante can't understand the behavior of Hudson director. For many years, he has been very fond of Hudson's works, and has published film reviews to praise his talent.

But seeing all this, he couldn't praise Hudson's behavior. In particular, after knowing that Hodson had postponed the famous perfume of Smith in the tomb, he even thought that Jane Eyre would be "taint" in Hodson's life.

So he began to write about the evaluation and prediction of the release of Jane Eyre. He titled the article "new screenwriter, old director.".

I recognize Hudson's talent as a director, and I love all his works, Levant said in the article. But I'm not optimistic about the release of Jane Eyre at this time. It's not that I don't believe in the talent of Hudson's director. It's just that "Mr. and Mrs. clinders" is too hot now. It will attract people's attention and make them forget the existence of "Jane Eyre".

And let's not forget that the screenwriter of Jane Eyre is still a newcomer. Before Hudson chose the film copyright of this work, I checked it. This is his only long work. Here, I deeply admire the courage of director Hudson.

Of course, director Hudson has always been a well-known emotional figure in the industry, and he is so excellent that his choice of Jane Eyre is naturally reasonable. I'm not going to comment here. What I'm commenting on is that he chose this time to release Jane Eyre.

How does Jane Eyre, written by a new writer, compete with Mr. and Mrs. clinders, a well-known classic?

I think my answer is no, and God will agree with me

After Levante's article came out, many people nodded in agreement with him. Because at this time, directors with a little bit of market vision will know how to choose.

As a result, many people can't help but wonder what happened to director Hudson( I'm very sorry, the computer couldn't log in last night, so it didn't update to the second chapter, only one chapter was updated. Don't worry. I'll make it up today. Maybe it's my computer IE problem. I'll go to buy a good computer after I've published the manuscript fee. Thank you for your support and wish you all well.)