With the promotion of Warner pictures, posters of "Mr. and Mrs. clinders" have been put up at the gates of almost all British cinemas. Not only that, Warner film and television company also carried out publicity and promotion in its official twitter. Although this is a film adapted from a British classic, they are not stingy with the cost of promotion. For a time, the news about the upcoming release of "Mr. and Mrs. clinders" also made headlines in major media sections.

"It's great to finally see this masterpiece made into a movie. Thank you, director Jordan Dick, for bringing such a classic to the screen. I think no matter what happens that day, I will definitely go to see it. "

"Jordan Dick was one of my favorite directors, and the clinders is my favorite. That's great. The two things I like are connected at the same time. I don't think I'll miss it

"There's no doubt that a classic is made into a movie by Jordan Dick. It must be classic. For such works, if I miss them, I don't think God will forgive me. "

"I've been watching Mr. and Mrs. clinders since I was a child. Just a few months ago, I imagined what it would be like if it was made into a phone call. Now it seems that I finally have a chance to see the result of all this."

"Today, I saw this news in the movie theater near my home. My boyfriend and I have made an appointment and will go to see it that day. Nothing can make us refuse to like it. "

"It's been a long time since we've been expecting Mr. and Mrs. klinds to be a movie, and Jordan Dick has finally achieved our expectation. Thank you, great director

Netizens have published their own ideas, and said that they will go to see "the clinders" after the release. This also makes Warner pictures and director Jordan Dick full of confidence in this work. Because they know that the popularity of a film before its release directly determines the box office of the film.

When Kevin came back from nikonston, he decided it was necessary to talk to Hudson. So he called. Hudson was planning how to promote Jane Eyre in his room a week later. When he saw Kevin's call, he picked it up.

"Hi! Kevin, I didn't expect to hear from you at this time. "

"Respected director Hudson, as a friend, maybe I should call you often."

"Well, what's the purpose of your call?" Director Hudson asked directly.

"As I passed the cinema today, I saw the news that Mr. and Mrs. clinders was coming, so I wanted to say hello to your plans." Kevin gave the real purpose of the call.

"Yes, we are also chagrined at the news. After all, Mr. and Mrs. clinders is an adaptation of a famous British novel. I believe you know its influence. If it is released at this time, it will undoubtedly be bad for our box office. " Director Hudson said.

"Do you mean to postpone the release of Jane Eyre?"

"That's what they mean, but I convinced them, so congratulations, Jane Eyre is on schedule. Of course, I don't know the final result. May God bless us

"Don't worry, director Hudson, just like I said:" Jane Eyre's box office must be a record. No matter when, where, or what kind of classic its opponent is. " Kevin said confidently.

Kevin's self-confidence comes from the memory of this literary masterpiece on earth. Jane Eyre was put on the screen for the 17th time in 2011, and it was released in North America in March, so it was welcomed by the audience. North American developers usually limited the release of such foreign art films. Although there were only four theaters in the first week, it won the highest annual price of $45721 per studio, and then expanded to 90 theaters, For three weeks in a row, the number of single libraries exceeded 10000.

While the commercial blockbuster "save the mother from Mars" was shown in 3117 theaters, it was only $2218, compared with $993 the next week. At that time, many people in the industry also thought that the box office of Jane Eyre would be dismal because of the same period of Mars saving mother. But the fact surprised them.

Therefore, Kevin is full of confidence in Jane Eyre. In the earth of the previous life, its release can complete all the great works at that time. Now, in this parallel world where the literary level is generally lower than that of the earth, he has reason to believe that the result will not be very bad.

Hudson knew that Kevin's self-confidence would never decline. After all, he was young. A talented young man, at a certain age, is always full of self-confidence. Of course, this self-confidence is also the best way to attract young girls.

"Kevin, now we can only look forward to what you said. Because we have no choice. " Hudson told the truth.

"Thank you for believing in Jane Eyre so much. Once someone said that only if you believe in one thing, will everything belong to you."

"Yes, I seem to have been poisoned. ha-ha. Oh, I'm sorry, I have to have something going on, so I think that's what our call should be

Having said that, Hudson and Kevin said goodbye, then hung up and continued to discuss everything about Jane Eyre with his assistants.

Kevin was relieved that Jane Eyre had not been delayed. In fact, as a writer, he has taken the money of film and television copyright, he could not care about and care too much. After all, the money always belongs to him, even if the box office is too low, it will not affect these.

But Kevin didn't care about the money, but something else《 Jane Eyre is his first novel in this parallel world, and it is also the first novel to be watched by the director. If the film box office of this work is too low, or there is no sound and color, then even if the later work is well written, it is estimated that it is difficult to be valued. This can be seen from the fact that Wuthering Heights has not yet sold the film and television copyright.

So in order to go further in the future film and television copyright, he always cares about everything about Jane Eyre.

The news that "Mr. and Mrs. klinds" will soon be released in the major cinemas is still in the uproar of publicity, and many people are full of curiosity about her. After all, they have read the original novel, and they also want to see the effect of being moved behind the scenes.

Kevin went down the stairs these two days. When he passed the crowd, he heard some people talking about it. Even some people said that he would ask for a day off from school or work on the day when "Mr. and Mrs. clinders" was released( Special thanks to "evergreen without regret" and "the cat of diaowen" for their reward. I wish them all the best every day, everything they want to achieve and the whole family happy. Papaya, thank you