"Of course! Thank you for liking this book. " Kevin took over Wuthering Heights and signed his name.

The girl's face is full of happiness after receiving Wuthering Heights signed by Kevin.

"Thank you, dear Mr. Kevin. Oh, let's go. We've got a place ready for you. "

It's only at this time that the girl comes to mind. Yes, her final task this time is to pick up Kevin and arrange a residence.


Kevin follows him to the heart of Glasgow, north of Clyde. Although it is not as prosperous as the city of London, it is also a fashion capital. This time, the book city arranged Kevin in a five-star hotel.

After Kevin had a rest in the hotel for more than an hour, Enni and others came to the North Bank of Clyde. Under the arrangement of Jingxin culture bookstore, they met in the bookstore.

This time, Ernie is more casual, just a deep V T-shirt with a pair of brown jeans. But just because of this, her proud figure is more prominent.

After discussing the signing activities tomorrow, the three parties finally reached an agreement. The general content is similar to that of a bookstore in Edinburgh - first the question session, then the formal signing, and finally the group photo.

"Kevin, Congratulations, you finally have your second signing in your life. I hope this time is more successful than before. " After the meeting, Annie, editor in chief, congratulated Kevin.

"Thank you. With your careful arrangement, I think everything we expect will be successful." Kevin said with a smile.

Yes, their common aspiration is the same this time. That's Wuthering Heights. After all, they signed the sharing contract. That is to say, the more Wuthering Heights is sold, the more both sides will earn.

Since the Adams incident, the topic of Wuthering Heights has never stopped, which has aroused many people's curiosity about the book, which naturally leads to its popularity. So Kevin is also very successful in the next few signings. With the end of these signings, more and more people like Kevin, and his twitter fans have increased by 300000.

At this time, no one doubted that it was wrong for the London Literature Publishing House to invite Bella to do the cover promotion, and no one doubted that the book would lose money. The madness of the London Literature Press won. Their innovative propaganda means not only create history, but also create huge profits.

The success of the London literature press has also made many colleagues in the publishing industry fully understand. Maybe their propaganda methods should be more crazy and innovative.

But they will not understand that if the author is not Kevin this time, and the book is not called Wuthering Heights, maybe their innovation promotion or crazy promotion is futile. Because in this world, only classics with proper publicity can create miracles.

Many people began to be fascinated by Kevin's plot. They were happy, sad, moved and moved by it.

"What a nuisance. Why didn't Kevin make the ending of the story better. Does he want to be the father of grief? "

"Yes, this novel is full of frustration and sadness. Heathcliff fell in love with Catherine Earnshaw, but Catherine Earnshaw married Edgar Linton, which made Heathcliff miserable. At last he ran away from home

"But Kevin is the father of sadness after all. The story of sadness is not over yet. Heathcliff, who is well-dressed, wants to take revenge on Hindley and Linton. Hindley was a dandy who lived a dissolute life. He drank, gambled, squandered his family property and ended up in poverty. Even the rest of his estate was mortgaged to Heathcliff and became his servant. Heathcliff often visits Thrushcross Grange. His sister Isabella falls in love with him and elopes with him. But Heathcliff imprisoned her in Wuthering Heights and tortured her to vent her strong resentment. "

"The world has always been sad, but Kevin deliberately portrayed it to make it bigger and bigger! I have to say, I think Kevin is more like a tear jerker. Anyway, after watching Wuthering Heights, I cried sixteen times. "

"Yes! Kevin is a tear master. I also shed tears for the sad story many times. Damn it, Kevin, you give me back my tears. "

Jennie Norfolk also found it appropriate to call Kevin "tearful master". After all, she was the same. When she watched Wuthering Heights, she also cried and watched it.

So, after "romantic poet", Kevin is called "tearful master".

Even when Bella called him, she called Kevin "tear master."

"Hi! Tear master, let me tell you one thing, my new album is ready for sale. Remember that song when you're old? " Bella said.

"Of course, that's my poem. Do you really take it as the main song? " It's been a while since it happened, and it's only at this time that Kevin thinks about it.

"Yes," when you're old "is the main song of my album. Only when such a romantic poem is made into music can it move more people. " Bella said positively.

"Thank you! I think I'll support it. Maybe you'll be the most popular singer in Britain. "

Bella has been secretly preparing for her new album while filming recently. That's why she finished this task in such a short time.

That's what Bella expected. In her early years, she wanted to make an album and become a singer, but she never had time. It was only during this time that she found time to turn the idea into reality.

Originally, she had been looking for a good song as the main song of her new album, but after a long time, she was not satisfied. Since the appearance of "when you are old" written by Kevin, she has been moved by this poem.

She thought: this poem can move me. Maybe it can be made into music, which can also move other people.

So Bella chose to use the lyrics of Kevin's when you're old as her main song.

When she was working on the arrangement of this song, Bella took great pains to revise it ten times. She didn't give up until she was satisfied. Therefore, she has reason to believe that when her fans hear the song "when you are old", it will cause deep resonance( Sorry, because the computer suddenly poisoned, so the update of this chapter is relatively slow. Recently the computer is very depressed, Wuwu! Thank you for your support to papaya. Remember to take care of yourself. Good night