Editor in chief Annie is always concerned about the dynamics of this young writer, so she naturally sees Kevin's reply.

"Well done! As expected. "

After that, Ernie thought of something. That is, while we are still curious about Wuthering Heights, we should think about Adams and think that his position in the world has won the controversy.

But when these people who are trying to find fault open Wuthering Heights seriously look, they have forgotten the ultimate goal of browsing.

"I thought Heathcliff was a cruel, insensitive animal, not even a man's moral principles to his kind. But when he wanted to drive Lockwood into the snow alone, Heathcliff leaned out of the window and begged Cathy's ghost to come in. In this snow, Heathcliff was obviously deeply emotional and compassionate. I had to reconsider my evaluation of this man. "

"Yes, I feel Heathcliff is cruel, but I also know that there is infinite tenderness and great love in his heart. Obviously, at some point in his life, that potential has been destroyed. "

"You're right. I'm curious. I want to know how Heathcliff's psychology happened. Don't make any noise. I'll continue to have a look."

These people have been deeply attracted by the story setting, they can't help but continue to read the next chapter after reading one chapter. Finally, they found some reasons for Heathcliff's distorted psychology.

"It turns out that Heathcliff's childhood as an orphan in the poor streets of Liverpool has undoubtedly taught him many lessons and made him appreciate the cruelty of life, and his subsequent years at Wuthering Heights have hardly changed these lessons."

"But when old Mr. Earnshaw passed away, he could still feel deeply and comfort Cathy with heaven. The picture was more beautiful than a priest could imagine. However, the real suffering of Heathcliff is still behind. Just as the few trees that survive tenaciously in the villa will always be frustrated and destroyed by the roaring wind, hendriana's persistent hatred of jealousy distorts and frustrates Heathcliff's love and turns it into anger. "

"Yes, until with Katherine's betrayal, everything of love may disappear forever. Heathcliff aptly exemplifies what psychologists and sociologists tell people about what happens when a child is deprived of love. They become incapable of feeling that emotion, or distorting it in a destructive way

"You are all right, but I think Heathcliff is more than a sociological case. He is not shown as a person who hates just to fill the gap after the loss of love, but in the form of a terrible symbol of evil. This evil is actually a positive force in nature. However, they can forgive those innocuous defects for the magic plot( Special thanks for the reward of "evergreen without regret" and wish her (him) all the best and the whole family happiness. And you, my readers - my God. Everything goes well.)