With the departure of Somerset, the banquet continued. Ernie and Jane Norfolk toasted Kevin one after another, as if they wanted to get each other drunk, and then they could be gentle tonight.

But Kevin didn't get drunk, but Jennie Norfolk got drunk first. The child of this noble family is still young, so his drinking capacity is not very good. She is not like Enni, who wants to socialize everywhere, so she has already developed a capacity for drinking.

Seeing that Jane Norfolk was drunk, Kevin immediately put his hand on her shoulder“ Miss Jennie Norfolk, are you ok. Maybe you have enough wine for tonight. "

Jennie Norfolk's head was a little dizzy. Seeing that Kevin held her up, she simply laid her head in Kevin's arms. It was warm and safe. When Jane Norfolk's soft body was close to his body, Kevin felt like he was boiling with blood. With a little more wine, the music tonight was so romantic that he was completely intoxicated with the fragrance of this 18-year-old girl.

Kevin also tried to hold Jennie Norfolk in his hand and asked, "are you OK, Miss Jennie Norfolk?"

"No! It's just a little dizzy. Oh, I'm sorry At this time, Jane Norfolk had a premonition that she had been a bit impolite. After all, it was a public occasion. But she enjoyed that feeling again. She felt that there were so many differences between Kevin and Somerset. This man is full of tenderness and romance, talent and humor. Somerset, in addition to his royal identity, seems to have nothing more.

With Jeanne Norfolk drunk, the party ended in half an hour. Ernie and the people from the London literature press had a car, so they went back to the hotel together. And Kevin went back to the neighborhood with Jennie Norfolk's car.

"Driver, take Mr. Kevin back to his neighborhood first, and then transfer to your house." Said the drunk Jeanne Norfolk to the driver.

"Yes, Miss Jennie Norfolk." The driver nodded.

Kevin helps the drunken Jeanne Norfolk into the Bentley, and the other side leans on Kevin. With such a beautiful woman in his arms, Kevin didn't dodge any more and held her directly. The scent of an 18-year-old girl intoxicated Kevin again.

Along the way, Kevin looked at the drunk girl with his eyes. Her cheek became so charming under the stimulation of alcohol. Unfortunately, such a good time is always short, the car soon arrived in Kevin's community.

"I'm sorry, it's on your shoulder." After arriving at Kevin's neighborhood, Jane Norfolk got up and said shyly.

"It's OK. You're comfortable. Oh. Here I am. Thank you for seeing me off. Good night Kevin said with a smile.

"Good night. I wish you a good dream. "

After Kevin got out of the car, Jane Norfolk seemed to feel something was missing, and the car became empty.

It's eleven o'clock in the evening. After taking a shower, Kevin plans to turn on the computer for ten minutes and then goes to bed. But when he turns on the computer, he sees Bella tweeting the message from Terry.

"Kevin, will the signing be successful today?"

Kevin is a bit ashamed to see this message now. He wanted to call Bella. However, seeing that it was very late, it was estimated that the other party had gone to bed, so he simply chose to tweet back to the other party

Thanks for Miss Bella's concern. Everything is so smooth today.

After giving Bella a message, Kevin casually looks at the news and then goes to sleep.

But this time, he did not comment on the writing style and plot of Wuthering Heights, but on the phenomenon that Wuthering Heights sold well in its first print.

Adams pointed out in the article: the reason why Kevin's Wuthering Heights sold so much in the first print was just because of Bella's publicity effect and people's curiosity. It's not really that good the writing and plot of the book. In his opinion, a big sale of a book doesn't mean anything. It's a great success to get high praise.

Adams also pointed out in the article: as a new writer, although Zela has been depressed about the big sale of Wuthering Heights by Kevin since she published it, she suddenly woke up after reading this article by Adams.

"Maybe the answer is what Adams said."

She also agrees with ADAMS. In order to let more people see this article, she immediately forwarded it, and then happily laughed.

Yes, if this time readers feel that Wuthering Heights is generally written, they will feel cheated. It will not only make people feel that Kevin is a big liar, but also make the image of London Literature Press and Bella lose. After all, they had done a lot of publicity for Wuthering Heights before.

Adams had his own fans. When his article was published, his fans expressed their support for Adams.

"I've been watching Adams write his review paper for five years, and I believe in his vision. Maybe Wuthering Heights's first big sale is just because Bella made the cover for it, or the crazy promotion of London Literature Press

"Yes, writing and plot are the most important. I don't contradict any big selling works. But as Mr. Adams said, the speed of the book is so fast, how can it keep up with the quality? "

"Mr. Adams's view is unique, but it makes a lot of sense. If Bella is invited to cover any novel, it will also be a best seller. It's just how the result is, that's the quality of the book. It's just that the time between Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre is so short. I can only say that I don't think much of this book

But they don't know that those who bought wuthering heights are watching it seriously at this time, and even a small number of people stayed up late last night to watch it. The reason for all this is not because of curiosity, but the plot in the book completely attracted them.