As the question session continues, Kevin looks out to the audience again. At this time, he saw a white man, about thirty years old, looking a bit like his father. Therefore, he intends to give the other party a chance to ask questions.

"So Kevin replied," I think it's Celine Earnshaw. Maybe you'll know when you read the whole Wuthering Heights. Her character is so diverse. "


Half an hour later, the host went on stage, and then said“ All right, everybody, because of the time, that's the last question. Please keep asking questions. "

Thus, the audience who has not yet been selected quickly raised their hands. Kevin looks at it and finds an eight or nine year old girl. This is estimated to be the youngest reader in the whole signing hall.

Kevin thought, maybe we should give such a little reader a chance to ask himself. So he ordered the eight or nine year old girl. The little girl had a big smile when she was hit by Kevin.

"Thank you, dear Mr. Kevin. I like your "Jane Eyre", it tells me that people should bravely pursue what they like, love, career, or other things. What I want to ask is, how old are you to start publishing your own works? I want to learn from you. " Said the little girl.

In the little girl's heart, he regarded Kevin as that kind of literary genius. So he thought Kevin would be like Augustine, published articles in literary newspapers at a very young age. And her ideal is to be a writer, she wants to learn from Kevin, and then asked such a topic.

"To be honest, I haven't been writing for a long time, and no one thought that I would become a writer before that, including my parents. When they heard that my book could be published, they were surprised. And you can be yourself, even better. " Kevin told the truth.

With Kevin's last answer, this question session is officially over. Although readers are reluctant to part with it, they still have many questions to ask Kevin. But according to the rules agreed in advance, the question time is only half an hour.

After the question session, it's time for the signing meeting. All readers who want to sign for Kevin have to buy a copy of Wuthering Heights before queuing up to sign for him.

Of course, before the signing ceremony, these people also ordered Wuthering Heights in a bookstore early. At this time, each of them had a copy in hand.

"Would you please line up and come one by one?" The host said at the end of the question session.

So readers hold a copy of Wuthering Heights in their hands and wait in line for Kevin's autograph. They're looking forward to it.

Kevin felt a little thirsty after answering the readers' questions. After a few drinks, he sat down and signed the book that everyone had handed.

This is the first signing meeting in his life, and the first time he has signed autographs for so many people, although his hands are a little tired. But Kevin felt comfortable in his heart.

Due to the large number of people, the organizers changed their attention temporarily, that is, to start from the first row of seats. When the people in the first row sign their names, they go to the second row, and so on. This avoids crowding( Thank you for today's rewards of "evergreen without regret", "Zimeng still" and "walking along the river Tai". Thank you. I wish you all the best and win the lottery.)