After discussing the signing process, they chatted for half an hour in tsarist King tsarist hotel before they planned to leave. Ernie and her three colleagues come here this time, planning to wait until Kevin's signing in Edinburgh is over. So, Jennie Norfolk took the initiative to arrange accommodation for them.

Jane Norfolk asked for Kevin's contact information when she said goodbye to him. This is also one of the purposes of her visit, because she admires those talented people too much.

"Mr. Kevin, I'm very glad to meet you today. You're such a funny writer." Jennie Norfolk spoke from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you for the invitation! I think I'll be happy to see you again. Bye

With that, Kevin smiles and goes back in a taxi.

After the matter had been settled, the London Literature Press and a bookstore also had their own signs.

After a bookstore went back, it ordered a customized banner to tell readers that next Wednesday, Kevin would be a guest of a bookstore to sign Wuthering Heights.

London Literature Press, however, chose to officially tweet that Terry sent out a message: congratulations to Kevin's readers, Wuthering Heights will be on sale next Wednesday. Meanwhile, Kevin will sign for a bookstore in Edinburgh. I hope you can join us.

As soon as the two pieces of news went out, those readers who had not met Kevin were very happy.

"At last I had a chance to get his autograph. The most important thing is to meet him face to face. You know, after watching his when you're old, I think this man is so romantic. "

"Edinburgh? A bookstore? It's too bad. I've just left Edinburgh. I'm going to take a leave to go back. Kevin, you wait for me

"I think I'll be there. I hope a bookstore will prepare a large signing hall. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have my place."

"I'm so happy to finally wait for the news of Kevin's signing. There is no doubt that this is long overdue. "

So they went to a bookstore in Edinburgh and asked about the signing. The person in charge of a bookstore saw so many people coming to inquire and saw the market. I'm going to empty the activity hall on the second floor and put more places for those crazy readers to come in.

Although the writer's signing event can't attract the attention of the entertainment section head, the goal of this time is Wuthering Heights, and Wuthering Heights is covered by the big star Bella. Therefore, some entertainment sections also forward this information.

The first is the official twitter of British fashion entertainment. They are tweeting Terry: "Wuthering Heights"? Is that the novel with Bella on the cover? I don't know what the content will be like?

Yes, I asked Bella to do the cover of the novel. I don't know what the content will be like? Because of this curious heart. Many Bella fans are also planning to buy one. After all, it's a novel with their idol on the cover.

Whether in the UK or in other countries, a star's fan base is strong. So, Bella's fans immediately burst the evaluation below!

"The novel with Bella as the cover? God, I think you will support me to buy one. Yes, you have to be supportive. "

"The book is finally coming on the market. From the moment Bella made the cover, I was full of curiosity about the four words of Wuthering Heights."

"I think Bella likes novels, and I will like them. Buy, buy, buy. "

Augustine was just tweeting. When he saw that Kevin was going to hold a book signing meeting next Wednesday, he was envious. He began to publish articles in newspapers and magazines when he was very young, but he never tried the feeling of signing. Not long ago, I finally published my first novel and won the preface of more than a dozen senior writers. However, due to the poor sales, the publishing house did not hold a signing meeting.

Naturally, so far, he has not experienced what the signing meeting is like! And now Kevin, who has been beaten by him, will be able to feel the taste personally. When he thought about it, he felt uncomfortable.

As Kevin's teacher, collison always pays attention to everything about Kevin. He couldn't believe his eyes when he turned on Twitter and saw that Kevin was going to sign for a sale next Wednesday.

"My God, Kevin is such a history maker. I didn't expect to hold my own signing meeting so soon. But it's good for him. Best wishes to him. "

After teacher collison finished talking to himself, he also vaguely saw Kevin's infinite future in his heart. It's also gratifying for him. Because his educational philosophy is that there are no bad schools in the world, only bad teachers. Therefore, when the teachers and headmasters in Edinburgh were disappointed with Kevin, he gave him some encouragement and trust.

The editor in chief of Enni and others had been under a lot of pressure when they decided to invite Bella to do the cover promotion for Wuthering Heights. Now they are relieved to see that many fans say they will buy books recommended by idols. After all, with the support of both fans, the book's overall sales will not be very bad.

As a result, the publishing house temporarily decided to publish Wuthering Heights

We got 200000 copies of our first print. What is the concept of the first print of 200000 volumes? Although in this parallel world, Britain is not the highest record yet. But as a newcomer, it's absolutely historic.

The first print of a novel published by a new writer is usually 8000, 10000, 30000, etc. But no one has ever taken such a risk.

However, the London literature press is also out of the question this time. Anyway, they have spent a lot of money to invite Bella to do the cover promotion. If they don't get 200000 copies for the first printing, they won't make any profit. It's better to have a historic first print.

Of course, editor in chief Annie is full of confidence in Wuthering Heights this time, because she believes that many people will be attracted by the story like her and feel uncomfortable if they don't continue to read.

Santos just plans to visit Edinburgh in two days. Seeing that Kevin is going to hold a book signing meeting, he also plans to go to the scene to ask for a Book signed by Kevin himself. It's a support for Kevin.

Of course, Santos probably won't think about the scene that day. What he is thinking about is that as Kevin's elder, he should give a support to the newcomer in the past.

Bella is still working on Jane Eyre, and after hearing that Kevin's Wuthering Heights is on sale in Edinburgh, she tweets her best wishes to Terry.

"Congratulations, Mr. Kevin. Your Wuthering Heights is going to be a hit. Because no one can resist a good novel, just as a hungry wolf can't resist good food. "