When Kevin returned to the classroom, all the students were present except Augustine and Linda, and they gave Kevin a big hand.

Mr. collison also walked into the classroom with a smile on his face.

"Oh, dear Kevin, you're finally in class today. Congratulations, you have become the youngest and most promising writer in Edinburgh. " Collison encouraged.

"Thank you, my dear Mr. collison. I think without your encouragement, maybe I'm decadent to death. "

"Ha ha, I just did what I should do, but you won your life with your talent. In Aristotle's words - that's what your talent gives you. " Said collison humorously.

This is the most common class of psychology professor in collison, but with the existence of Kevin, it seems to be different from the past. Many female students began to look at Kevin from time to time. They were full of curiosity about the writer who wrote hundreds of thousands of sales. They want to know if the writer can still listen to the class seriously.

Kevin is no different. He still listens to the psychology taught by Mr. collison. In the past, Kevin's diploma was not high. Now he has the opportunity to learn more, which is not bad for him. Why didn't he?

Seeing that Kevin is already a writer and can listen to the class so seriously, those flower crazy girls begin to sigh about the excellence of this man in their hearts.

In this way, Kevin and his classmates happily spent an afternoon in class. Those who once looked down on Kevin were also ashamed of their eyes. Maybe this is the so-called "don't cheat the poor youth"! Besides, we are all teenagers. Apart from the nobility, who is better and how much worse?

In the evening, Bella went back to the hotel as soon as she finished filming. Over the years, it seems that it has become a common practice for this girl to stay in a hotel, especially when she goes out to film, she is basically arranged to stay in a high-end hotel.

Bella after the shower, wearing a thin pajamas, the mermaid's figure appears particularly proud. Maybe no man will be excited if he sees it, unless he just came back from the hospital.

All of a sudden, she thought of something. Yeah, didn't Kevin mean to send me his new novel? I almost forgot about it.

So, Bella opens the computer, logs in the mailbox, and sees a document email from Kevin. In addition to the attachment, Kevin also wrote some text. As follows:

Dear Bella, the most wonderful novel with your most beautiful eyes, I hope you can like this new work.

"Wuthering Heights"? It's a strange name. Read a few chapters before you go to bed. It's still early anyway. "

So Bella began to look at it seriously. But when she read a few chapters, she was no longer sleepy, because she was also attracted by the plot.

When Lockwood walked into Heathcliff's Wuthering Heights, she wondered what would happen? What will Heathcliff, Hindley and Catherine find when they live together? When Heathcliff and Catherine sprout new buds of love, can they be happy together?

Many questions attracted her to keep looking down. Although she was 19 years old, Bella had seen a lot of literary works. Up to now, except for Jane Eyre in the recent film, Wuthering Heights can move her eyes and her heart so much.

"This novel is wonderful. I like it! But words just seem a little sad. But it's a sad story in itself. Maybe only with sad words can it set off the best effect. "

Bella continues to look down. She moves the sofa closer and makes her body lie on her back, which makes her look more comfortable. But just because of this, her thin pajamas have slipped a little. She doesn't care about the details. She's already addicted to the plot of Wuthering Heights.

In this way, after filming every day, if there is no activity, Bella will go back to the hotel early to watch Wuthering Heights, which makes her friends confused.

"Hi, dear Bella, what have you been doing recently? You always go back to the hotel early. Are you too tired?"

"Thank you for your concern. I'm in good health. Just recently I was reading a novel, which attracted me deeply. So, I want to go back to see it earlier. " Bella, to be honest.

"Oh, what kind of novel is it? Introduce it to me."

"No, honey, this is my friend's new work. I can't do that until it's officially published. You know, it's immoral. " Bella said.

"Well, I wish I had a chance to see the wonderful novel you said. Oh, take care of yourself. Goodbye. "

When Bella returns to the hotel, she starts to watch Wuthering Heights again. Wuthering Heights is like a drug that makes her addicted. She can't stop without a glance.

"What a talented writer." Bella always sighs like this when she sees wonderful paragraphs.

Spent a few days, when she finished watching Wuthering Heights, tears have been flowing more than ten times.

"I'm such a nuisance. I always write so many touching pictures to make people cry. It's a real tear beauty. " Bella said to herself.

Yes, when Heathcliff falls in love with Katherine, but Katherine marries the gentle Edgar Linton, Bella is as sad as Heathcliff, and then shed tears of disappointment.

Bella shed tears of sympathy for this woman when she saw that Celine was not happy after she married Edgar Linton and died early.

When Edgar Linton's sister, Issa, falls in love with Heathcliff and marries him, but is finally abused and humiliated by Heathcliff, she shed tears for the poor woman.

The whole story is so sad, love and be loved, hurt and be hurt, the description is so incisive.

Bella thought in her heart: maybe no writer can describe the life of love and hate in the world as delicately as Kevin, which is like a woman's work.

"It's so damned that a big man can describe subtle things in such detail." Bella had to sigh.

So Bella called Kevin late at night.

Kevin is preparing for the next issue of time magazine. When he sees Bella calling, he answers immediately.

"Hi! Dear Bella, what's the matter? " Kevin asked.

"I'm sorry, great writer. I hope I didn't disturb you. I just finished your Wuthering Heights. It's amazing. I'm a tear beauty again. "

"Yes? I'm sorry. Shall I pay you back the tears? "

"No, no, no, I just want to say that your Wuthering Heights is wonderful. It will be as popular as Jane Eyre." Bella said excitedly.

"Yes? Do you really think it will sell as well as Jane Eyre

"Of course! Because its story is very wonderful, your writing is still so spicy and delicate. I think these two points are enough for people to put it down. "

"If you were asked to shoot a cover for such a wonderful work, would you refuse?" Kevin starts to get into the topic he wants.

"Of course! Such a wonderful novel, I can do the cover propaganda is a glorious thing. Wait... Kevin, what do you mean Bella suddenly had a premonition and asked immediately.

"Yes, I'd like to invite you to do the cover promotion for Wuthering Heights. You just said that. You'll be happy to do it." Kevin said cleverly.

"All right! You are such a cunning guy. Let Wuthering Heights capture my heart first, and then ask for it. You know, I get a lot of invitation ads every day. " Bella understood Kevin's "good intentions" at this time.

"What does Miss Bella mean?" Kevin asked knowingly.

"Of course, as I said, it's no harm to publicize the cover of such a wonderful novel!" Bella said briskly.

"That's great. I'll ask the publishing house to contact you, and they will try their best to discuss with you. Dear Bella, thank you for your cover promotion for Wuthering Heights. " Kevin said gratefully.

"You're welcome. If you want to thank Wuthering Heights, it's the story that makes me make this decision. Well, it's late at night. Good night

"Good night!"

After getting Bella's consent, Kevin is very happy. This means that an unprecedented novel promotion is about to begin. Witness! Great God( I hope I can get your support. I'm looking for a reward, a recommendation ticket and a collection. Papaya thanks here. I wish you all the best.)