Time's cultural salon ended at 10:30 p.m., and Kevin felt it was still early when he returned to Sikes from the red lantern pub. I'm going to write something in my mind.

Anyway, Kevin has promised wall to write a story for time. With the cultural salon tonight, Kevin decided to write a short story for time first. Or let those who look down on themselves see what is a good work.

Time has a special column for Kevin, which is also a credit to Kevin's writing. So, Kevin does what he says. Kevin immediately turns on the computer and thinks that he should copy down the short stories of a literary master on earth.

At this time, he thought of Yeats's work when you are old.

Yeats's full name is William Butler Yeats. William Butler Yeats is a leading poet in the 20th century's modernist poetry, who is different from T.S.Eliot. His creative theory and practice undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on modern times. He was called "the greatest poet of our time" by Eliot. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1923 for his outstanding contribution to the Renaissance at that time. His writing style has a great influence on Ezra Pound, James Joyce and even Eliot. Even in the contemporary era, his works are still popular among numerous foreign readers.

When you are old is one of Yeats' representative romantic works. "When you are old" is a passionate and sincere love poem written by Yeats to his girlfriend mauter gunny. The language of poetry is concise, but the emotion is rich and real. The poem is perfect in both artistic expression and words, so Kevin has reason to believe that readers will not resist.

So Kevin starts typing on the keyboard:

When you're old, sideburns, sleepy,

When I doze by the stove, I take down this book,

Slowly read, dream of your eyes,

He has a soft look and deep reflection in his eyes;

How many people love your charming time,

Love your beauty from false or true feelings,

But only one person loves the sincerity of your soul,

Love the bitter frost on your fading face;

Bend down, by the red fireplace,

How does love escape,

Walking on the top of the mountains overhead,

Hide his face among the stars.

It turns out that Kevin was right to choose poetry at this time, because it took only a few minutes to write such a poem.

After Kevin got it done, he checked to see if there were any wrong letters, and then sent it to wall by email.

In order to live up to the expectations of wall and Time magazine, Kevin tweeted after sending the manuscript to wall.

"The latest poetry will be published in time in the near future. I hope you can support it. There's my column

When Kevin finished, he watched the news on his computer, then turned off the computer and went to bed. At the same time, the fans who saw twitter started to move again.

"Well, Kevin is finally writing poetry again. It is said that he was able to enter the second round of London literature competition by a poem. "

"Yes, I really want to see what Kevin's poems look like. It's said that it's romantic. It's romantic. It wants people to die. "

"That kind of romantic poetry doesn't exist, does it? Oh, the legendary god of poetry Alice may have written it, but it's a myth. "

"Anyway, I'll buy a copy of time. I'm curious about the poems written by this gifted teenager."

"Yes, I want to buy it, too. Time doesn't need a lot of money anyway. "

At this time, Kevin's fans began to be curious about his poems. Yes, what would be the poetry of someone who could write such a wonderful story as Jane Eyre?

Eighteen year old Jennie Norfolk just came out from the shower. She was wearing a thin transparent Pajama, which was very sexy and charming. Because she has the habit of watching twitter before going to bed. So, when she logged on twitter, she saw that Kevin had published this text.

"Poetry? Yes, maybe you should write it romantically

At this time, Jane Norfolk is also curious about Kevin's poems. After Kevin came out of time, she can't help but sigh that the country that pays attention to literature gives writers a high fee. Perhaps, only in this way can more literary talents join the ranks of creation. Thank you for your support. Papaya is really happy. Although I have to work every day, I will try my best to save the manuscript. Now I use my cell phone to code when I go to the toilet. So, I hope to get your support. In that case, papaya will be more motivated. I wish you all the best and remember to take care of yourself. Only when you are well, will you have the energy to support and recommend my works.