Wall is happy to sign up for Kevin. He asks the waiter to bring the menu again and asks Kevin to order anything more.

"Oh, dear Mr. wall. I don't think I can eat anything anymore. Let's have some tea and have a talk. " Kevin said.

"OK, let's have tea. The tea in this teahouse is really delicious. " Wall was still smiling.

He took a sip of tea and moistened his tongue. And then he said, "Kevin, don't you know if you're free tonight?"

"Of course, I'm free to spend my time." Kevin said.

Kevin's visit to London is just for the opening party of Jane Eyre, which ended last night. His next time will naturally be at his disposal.

"Why don't you come to our time culture salon tonight? Anyway, you are one of the authors of time now." Wall sincerely invited me.

Cultural salons are very popular in the UK. Generally, some cultural people gather together to chat with each other, get to know each other, or participate in some cultural related activities. Such activities are generally organized by magazines or publishing houses. And they are responsible for all the expenses.

Time holds a similar cultural salon every year. And they all invited influential writers from time to participate.

"Cultural salon? It seems that it's not very suitable for me to join now, is it

"No, it's very suitable. After all, you have published articles in our time magazine, and you have certain influence. So, I sincerely invite you to attend. " Wall said.

"Well, it's better to be respectful than obedient. Thank you for Mr. wall's invitation. "

"Ha ha, then we can continue to chat in the evening. I like to chat with people who are very talented. Because it's going to make a lot of money for me. " Wall said.

Kevin heard about the cultural salon when he was on earth, but he never attended it. Now that he has the chance, he also wants to feel the atmosphere of the scene..

About an hour later, Kevin and wall said goodbye to each other at the dorcarica teahouse. After all, they will meet in the evening, and there will be many opportunities to chat and drink.

Kevin's original plan was to fly back to Edinburgh in the evening, and wall's sudden invitation delayed him.

Anyway, he has asked the school for a lot of holidays, so he is not in a hurry to go back. Besides, maybe stay here for a few more days to meet the beautiful Bella again.

Time's cultural salon is at 8 p.m., so Kevin has plenty of spare time. I went for a walk around London Square. By the way, I bought some presents for kovani. Kevin chose to go back to the Sikes hotel.

Wuthering Heights hasn't been written yet, so Kevin wants to spend his spare time writing more chapters.

It wasn't until after six o'clock in the evening that Kevin stopped coding. Then I took a shower and put on a beautiful suit. Since he got the money, Kevin has bought three suits at one go. The one last night has been cleaned, and the one tonight is the second one.

After changing into new clothes, Kevin felt much more energetic.

"It's a good night. I hope I can meet more young and sexy beauties in the cultural salon."

The cultural salon of time magazine was held in a pub nearest to time magazine. The name of the pub, translated into Chinese, has a Chinese flavor. It is called "red lantern pub".

When Kevin heard the name, he thought it would be a Chinese teahouse here. If that's the case, he might patronize a lot. After all, he was Chinese before he was born again.

After Kevin walked out of the Sikes Hotel, there was just a taxi at the door.

"Hello, can you take me to the red lantern pub?" Kevin asked the driver with a smile.

"No problem, of course, but I have another guest. If you don't mind sharing a car with him. Oh, you're all going to the same place. " The driver is a dark guy. He should be from African countries of that generation.

"Yes, I don't think I have a problem."

So Kevin got into the taxi. In less than a minute, a well-dressed man also came.

"Hi, dear guest, there is a man like you who is going to the red lantern hotel. I don't think you mind if he's in the same car with you? " The black driver revealed his white teeth and asked with a smile.

A man in his thirties has a higher nose than most people. If he had not been in London, he might have been misunderstood as a traditional Russian.

"Of course. It's your choice. "

The man also got into the taxi. He looked at Kevin and said politely, "Hi, friend, are you going to the red lantern Hotel, too?"

"Yes, life is so clever sometimes." Kevin's back.

"Oh, yes, sometimes life is so wonderful. Are you going to the red lantern hotel for a massage? It's said that the first-class massage technology of China has been introduced there. It's very popular recently. " The man continued.

"No. I have something else to do. "Friends"

While they were talking, the taxi driver had already started the gas pedal and headed for the red lantern hotel.

"Oh. i 'm sorry. I thought you'd go there for a massage. After all, its massage has been very hot recently. "

"Ha ha, I don't think I can adapt to that. Oh, and you? Are you heading for the massage technique there? " Kevin also asked enthusiastically.

"No, I'm a writer. I'm going there to attend a cultural salon. Oh, we are quite predestined. It's a pity that it's a noble activity that cultural people participate in. Otherwise, you can go there with me. But I think you are so young, maybe you will be ridiculed, so I'm sorry. Oh, here we are. Goodbye, my friend. "

"Driver, his fare is on me."

"Well, man, that's twenty pounds. Thank you

So, the man readily handed over 20 pounds, and then said goodbye to Kevin again, and left naturally and proudly.

Kevin is ready to explain something, but the man's speed is too fast, even the speed of paying is so fast.

"Well, we'll meet later anyway. I'll thank him face to face for paying my fare“ Kevin thought.

Yes, Kevin didn't expect that men would come to the time's cultural salon like himself. It seems that sometimes life is so clever.