The best-selling of Jane Eyre makes Kevin a celebrity of Edinburgh University. When it comes to Literature in the past, this university often thinks of Augustine, but now no one can say it's Kevin.

Many girls often go to Kevin's class to peep at him, and then write to him like a fool.

As Kevin's best friend, kovani has benefited a lot. Because many people write to Kevin through him. This also let kovani know a lot of beautiful women at one time.

"Hey, man, you're great. Do you know? Today, Bai Fumei from the film and Television Department wrote to you again. Would you like to have a look? "

"No, kovani, you'd better keep it. I don't think I have much time to reply to their letters. "

"All right, man."

Kovani now basically asks Kevin every day, which shows how popular Kevin is at Edinburgh University.

Two days after the sale of Jane Eyre, the first 100000 copies have all been sold out. With the sale of the first volume, many people see Jane Eyre almost as well. At this time, they know the meaning of life.

Yes, isn't the meaning of life to bravely pursue the love and everything you like? The meaning of life is not experienced how many setbacks have to be strong smile?

So, they are deeply moved by the protagonist in the story, and they begin to fall into the plot of Jane Eyre. They begin to try to sympathize with Jane Eyre and support her silently in their hearts. All this seems to be true. The heroine Jane Eyre is like their friend. They want her to be happy.

Do you think that if I am poor, humble, unattractive and small, I have no soul and no heart? You're wrong. I have as many souls and as much heart as you. If God gives me a little beauty and a lot of money, I will make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you now. " Deeply shocked their hearts.

Many people began to tweet the wonderful quotations from Jane Eyre to show that they had really seen Jane Eyre.

The first person to finish watching it was 18-year-old Jennie Norfolk, who tweeted a sentence she liked - life is too short to remember. In life, everyone will make mistakes, but we will die soon. Our sins will disappear with our bodies, leaving only the spark of our spirit. That's why I never want to get even, and I never think life is unfair. I live in peace, waiting for the end.

With the release of Jeanne Norfolk's Twitter, the release of the wonderful quotations in Jane Eyre has become even more crazy

"I was angry and jealous. But when I saw the elegant villain (I knew him and despised him), and heard their callous, frivolous and shallow conversation, my anger was extinguished. Jealousy was gone. Because such a woman is not worth my love, and such a rival is not worth my hatred

"I should hate those who always hate me no matter what I do to please them; To those who punish me unfairly, I should resist. She will soon be out of the storm of the world. The spirit has struggled to get rid of its material residence. When it is finally free, where will it fly《 Jane Eyre. "

"To be loved by your companions, and to feel that your arrival can add a pleasure to them, there is no joy like that - Jane Eyre."

"You are cold because you are lonely; There is no human contact that can strike a fire in your heart. You are sick because the best, noblest and sweetest feelings people are given are far away from you. You are stupid because no matter how painful you are, you don't summon that emotion to approach you, and you don't step forward to meet it where it is waiting for you《 Jane Eyre. "

For a while, "Jane Eyre" began to dominate the twitter headlines. After reading these quotations, some people who usually don't have much time to read them also plan to find time to buy a book to read.

Kevin also took the opportunity to build momentum, and he posted a message on Twitter: friends, do you like Jane Eyre? What do you understand from Jane Eyre's story?

As soon as twitter was launched, many people began to forward it. Jennie Norfolk, 18, hasn't turned off twitter yet, so she forwarded it for the first time.

18-year-old Jennie Norfolk forwarded and said: Thank you, thank you for writing such a wonderful story. I adore Jane Eyre too much. She told me that people should be brave to pursue everything they like, smile and be strong in difficulties.

"It's one of the best love stories I've seen in the last 20 years, none of them."

"It's a great work. As God's witness, I'm watching it for the second time."

"I never thought that there would be a novel that described life and love so well. It fascinated me so much. If someone asked me now, how did I choose a film of Maria Ozawa and a Book of Jane Eyre? I will tell him without hesitation that I want Jane Eyre. "

Annie has been working as a text editor for so many years. She has never seen anyone's work so hotly discussed. Seeing everything on twitter, she can't help but sigh: maybe this is a new generation of Shakespeare.

Santos has finished watching Kevin's Jane Eyre, and he has to feel guilty. Even if he writes this, he probably can't write it.

"Alas! It seems that there are talented people coming out of every generation, and each generation is stronger than the next

Seeing that those who have seen Jane Eyre are talking about the wonderful quotations in Jane Eyre, those who have not bought Jane Eyre are very curious.

"Tell me when I can buy Jane Eyre. I can't wait to see if the story is so wonderful."

"Yes, I'd like to know. I missed Jane Eyre in the traffic jam that day

"Can any of you express it to me after watching Jane Eyre? I'll double the price. "

"Jane Eyre, my God, tonight is about Jane Eyre again. Is it magical? Well, I'm dying to know. "

After reading these messages, people from London literature press immediately sent another tweet on the official Twitter: please don't worry, Jane Eyre will be available in the library soon. Please pay close attention to our information.

In fact, not only readers want to buy Jane Eyre urgently, but also major bookstores. They almost broke the bookseller's phone number in one day. But it's always said that it's not available for the time being.

In particular, 18-year-old Jennie Norfolk, as a child of noble families, seldom manages these small assets. But this time, because she likes Jane Eyre, she specially asked a bookstore to buy more books. It's better to take as many as she can get( I hope you can give me more recommendation tickets to make papaya's new book on the list. Although, I know that this is a luxury, but if there is no ideal and salted fish what is the difference. Thank you. I wish you all the best.)