“Wait wait wait wait wait! Shit! What do you want from me?” Being scared by Pei Siyan, Jiang Sheng’s face went pale immediately.

‘Ugh… Why did I reincarnate in this body? Why do I have to be treated like this?’

Jiang Sheng felt completely helpless. He tried to struggle but his body was entirely controlled by Pei Siyan.

“Well, why don’t you tell me?” Pei Siyan sneered. The anger spread from him, which created high pressure around him.

‘Oh god, this man is not joking. He is f**king serious about it! Okay, I think it’s time for me to finally show my ace in the hole.’

Jiang Sheng took a deep breath and shouted, “Okay let me be frank with you! I’ve got hemorrhoids around my ass, and they are freaking disgusting! So just be nice, do yourself a favor and let go of me, please, my president!” Jiang Sheng then faked a smile at Pei Siyan, with awkwardness and sycophancy on his face.

Pei Siyan was in a trance for a little while. He had never expected things to go this way. He thought by bluffing Jiang Sheng, Jiang Sheng would be frank about his identity and eventually confess who had sent him here.

“Hahaha, I’m literally laughing my ass off right now! Is this Jiang Xiao a comedian or something? Hemorrhoids? Hahaha, this is a good one, it’s killing me now. I just can’t stop.”

Outside their bedroom, Bao Hao burst into laughter. One could even hear his laughter along with the sound of him slapping his thighs ten miles away.

“What the hell was that?” Jiang Sheng’s lips twitched. He looked outside the door full of confusion and then looked back at Pei Siyan who was still choking him. Awkwardly, he smiled at Pei Siyan again, trying to ask him to let loose, but he wasn’t bold enough to do so.

“Since when did eavesdropping grow on you?” Pei Siyan let loose of Jiang Sheng, adjusted his night-robe coldly and then glanced at the door for a second.

“Nah, eavesdropping is not my thing. I just heard you had come to Jiang Xiao’s room and was wondering why you are here.”

Bai Hao kicked the door open with both of his hands in the pockets, and then leaned against the door with a sly smile on his face.

He first looked at Pei Siyan and then at Jiang Sheng who looked completely puzzled with his lips curving up..

‘Pei Siyan said he was not even gonna touch this vampire before. He even adopted artificial impregnation for his pregnancy. What the hell is wrong with him today? He just came to Jiang Xiao’s room without any sign? Well, it seems like it’s all because Jiang Xiao’s dramatic personality change after he came back to life from the suicide. Regardless of the suspicious identity of Jiang Xiao, the look of him is definitely Pei Siyan’s type. Who knows if he will have chemistry with Jiang Xiao as time passes?’

Bai Hao laid his eyes on Jiang Sheng again as he thought so, and his smile became even more mysterious.

But Jiang Sheng was crept out by his look, so he held himself together and wabbled backward.

“You are being defensive about the wrong guy!” Bai Hao laughed at Jiang Sheng again, but by the next second after saying so, he put on a serious look.

He said to Pei Siyan with a low voice, “We’ve got new progress on that.”

His chin pointed outside, implying Pei Siyan to talk outside.

Almost immediately, Pei Siyan also became serious on hearing this as he stepped outside.

The moment after Pei Siyan left his bed, Jiang Sheng sighed with relief. But abruptly, Pei Siyan’s voice came from the doorway, “Make the bed for me. I’ll be back later.”

He then left indifferently.

Bai Hao and Jiang Sheng were both stunned simultaneously. One thought it was unbelievable, while the other was furious.

Without doubt, the former was none other than Bai Hao because Pei Siyan would never sleep with the original owner of this body before, but what he said tonight was the complete opposite.

‘Well, well, well, this is getting interesting now. How on earth did this little vampire seduce Pei Siyan that he would like to sleep with him tonight?’

“What the hell? You want to come back to sleep with me? Definitely not gonna happen! I’ll just lock the door from inside, and let’s see what you can do with that!”

Jiang Sheng got out of bed and rushed to lock the door in anger.