4 The true power

Name:Raging love Author:Christianatal880
"You Klover are my son the king your 'Father' is a liar you are my son I'am a dragon of the nights and you are my son" dragon of the night said with confidence" That isn't true you aren't-no you can't be my dad I won't believe you just go away please just leave please" Klover said "why are your frightened my boy if you want me to go away then wake up and go back and ask your mother the queen" dragon of the night said evilly "ok I will" Klover said while closing his eyes several times and waking up "M'lord are you ok you've been talking to yourself a couple of minutes ago" maid said before Klover could even notice her " Ya just a bad dream sorry about worrying you I probably should stop doing stuff and staying past my bed time sorry again"Klover said with compassion "It's okay m'lord just make sure you do get plenty of rest" maid said before she left leaving some clothes "That couldn't have been a dream it was so weird it was to realistic maybe I should ask the hair librarian about it" Klover said moment after eating then going to the library " hellow well it's been long since royalty came in it's been about over 100 years since the last visit what is the occasion" HDL said "I'm looking for books about a midnight dragon" Klover said " m-m'lord you need to ask your mother about t-this bye" HDL said before she pushed Klover out and shut the door leaving Klover alone and walking to his mother then meeting her "mother what is the midnight dragon" Klover said with sincere Questioning " the dark dragon is true power and he is your real father" Liv said