I am now inclass sleeping while the teacher is teaching.The teacher did not bother with me since I am smart.Tomorrow is the day I will go to the toy factory.My school days are pretty normal.Flirting with Anna and Wanda.I also talk to Pietro sometime.The X Men just look at me but the girls stare at me while blushing earing a jealous stare from Scott and Evan.

Come on.I want to go home now.I now sit at the cafeteria while Anna and Wanda just chat about cloth in front of me.Pietro and his gang is on another table.The X Men just look at my table.I then see make me groan.Wanda and Anna also groan.

Missy:Hello Axel!Wanna hang out with me after school.

Axel:No.I am busy.

Missy:Come on,it's gonna be fun.

I ignore her.Wanda and Anna glare at her.And here come mr Douche bag.

Duncan:Hey pretty boy!I never pay you back for punching me yesterday.

He and his goons get beaten by me when he grab Wanda hand by force,so I beat them up pretty bad.

Axel:Here come my punching bag.Wanna get uppercut by me again.

The students laugh hearing that.The 3 Senior also come to me.Oh boy.

S1:Because of you I get detention.


He grab me by his my collar.

S1:You son of bitch. I'm gonna beat you up you orphan boy.

Duncan:Yeah.Me too!

I head butt the senior and glare at Duncan.He freeze seeingmy murderous eyes.No one said to me like that.No one mock my parent. I headbutt the senior and smash his head to the floor many time.His nose is bledding.Duncan try to run but I grab him and smash him to the floor.

Axel:No one mock my parent.Anyone who mock them,they will receive a cruel punishment.You will be their example.

I punch him many time and kick his stomach. I then throw him to the ceiling.My anger is boiling.I am about to grab him but PE teacher stop me.

PE:Calm down Axel.They are injured.

Axel:They mock my parent so I will beat them until I satisfy.

Anna then grab me by his glove hand and comfort me.My anger decrease.I then glare at bith of them and spit them.

Axel:I see your face again,I am gonna beat you,trash.

The teacher bring me to the principal and I get detention.I snort hearing that.1 month detention for beating them both.I am satisfied with that.PE teacher just comfort me.I thank him.

I get out from Principal Office and want to go home straight.Fucking bastards.I did not want to go the class since I am lazy to do it.I can do more training during 1 month detention.

I arrive at my home and Robin greet me.

Robin:Sir are you alright?

Axel:No I just want to blow my anger a bit.

Robin:They deserve to be beaten like that sir.

Axel nod and he goes.to his basement and punch his punching bag in gravity room.He let out his anger.His old habit die hard.Whenever someone mock his parent or said that he is an orphan,he will bes them up very bad.The beating that he gave at the school is normal.They are lucky he did not use his power.He concentrate in his training.

School POV

Anna:Do you think he will be okay?

Wanda:He will be okay.He is a tough guy.Beside they deserve beaten like that.I also will do the same thing like he did uf anyone mock my parent.

Anna:I agree with that.

Pietro:Hah.That guy get his nose broken.He deserve that.


Revolt is nkw scouting the factory.He is on his bike.He pretty much enjoy riding his motorcycle.He scan the factory and scan 70 people in there.Finally,he can use his power.He also see children in cage when he scan it using his high tech lanse.He grip fist tighter.

Robin:Sir,I scan the area and did not see anyone in here.The factory is the only olace the people have.

Axel:Robin.Alert me when both mutant group arrives.Notify me if anyone or anything come here.

Robin:Roger that sir.

Axel quietly sneak in the toy factory.First he take out 5 of them wjth his baton.He must save those kidnapped children first.He beat many people along the way he come to the cage.He sees 4 people guardung the cage.He throw his 2 Voltrang to 2 people knocking them out.He quickly punch the other. He approach the cage and saw.those children look at him.

Axel:Hey,you are gonna be fine.I am Revolt,a hero.I am gonna set you free.

They nod.

Axel:Robin,call the police and ask them to come here.

Robin:Roger that Sir.

I broke the lock and guide them to the exit.

Axel:Bike.Activate Battle mode.Guard thkse children.

The bike beep and guns and rocket laucher coemout from the bike.

Axel:You guys just stay here.I already call the police.The bike will guard you.You can count on it.

Boy1:Thanks Mr Hero.You got really a cool bike.Why it did not become robot like in the transformer?

Axel:I am on building it kid.I will show it to you later.

The kid nod and other kids thank me.I goes back to the factory and see they putting the drugs into boxes.I jump and land near them making them surprise.They imeditely start shooting at me.This goes fkr several minutes before it stop.

Axel:My turn.Gomu Gomu no Pistol.I send my attack hit many bad guys."Gomu Gomu no Rifle."I hit the bad guys and the boxes.They just shoot at me and rush to me.I then spin my body while letting my stretch arms hit the bad guys rush at me.All the bad guys are knock out.I then pick a guy and ask him a question.

Axel:Who is your boss?Tell me!

I ask woth releasing CH making him shiver and the ground crack and the glass broke.

Man:It's the mutants.


Man:Yeah.They are our boss.They are the the who ask us to do this.We call them mutant because they heal really fast even though getting shot.They both use katana to kill their enemies.His friends also the same as him.They are like ninjas.

Axel then jump avoiding shuriken and see 6 people.Two of them had katana,one has bo,one has rifle,one is just a big guy with his fist is metal and one guy who carry a bazooka.Heal really fast?Mutant?Shit.They are Weapon X clone or someone who injected with the X gene making them heal really fast.

Katana guy1:So you are the hero Revolt.You are good.Let me introduce myslef.My name is Xin.Beside me is my twin Xen.The next to him is Nax and beside him is Rax.The big guys is Bax and the last one is Cox.

Axel:You guys have the word "x" in your name.Why?

Xen:We are weapon X clone or somone injected with it.You could that we are like the famous Logan except no claws.

Axel:Heard you guys heal pretty fast but not like Logan.

Nax:Ahh.You must heard it from that man.We already kill them.So?We more number than you.We can kill you.

Axel:Numbers does'nt matter because I will defeat you six.

Rax:Try us Revolt.

Axel then throw an explosive Voltrang to them making them jump."Gomu Gomu no Pistol" he punch the one who carry bazzoka but when he hit the ground he exploded.Damn,did that guy wear bomb on his body The big guy rush to me but I already had a plan."Gomu Gomu No Bazooka" I sent him flying to Rax making him get flat by the big guy.Nax attack me owth his pope but I doge it with the twin slash at me with their katana.

My OH is improving while I dodge their attacks.Then they attack me at the samw time.I jump and grin."Gomu Gomu No gattling" I punch them many time until their body stay on the ground.I then stop my attack and I was tackle by the big guy.He throw me to the wall.I grunt.He try to tackle me but this time I prepare"Gomu Gomu no Rifle" I punch straight to his head making him fall to he ground.

Then,the bazooka guy stare at me.Creepy.He then throw many grenade at me.Crap.I dodge them.I then use my string to open the pin of grenade at his hand and ut explode amking him fly hit the wall.That's a.crazy guy there.

Then someone shoot at me and I see Rax.I just let hom do it .He then rush at me while firing. Gomu Gomu no Pistol".He dodge that and keep frijg at me.I jump and I retrack back my arm and lauch it back to him.He keep dodging."Gomu Gomu No Pistol Shot" I punch at him.The attack him and he stay on the gorund degending himself but he give up and my attack hit his face.He just stay on the gkrund while groaning.

Axel:Hey.Is this the best that you really can offer?

They groan even louder.Bax rush at me with him thwking a punch at me.I also throw a lunch and our fist collided.A shockwave made by our fist.He surprise seeing my fist hit his metal fist.He put his energy but it proves useless .

I shout and my fist hit his face and his nose is broken.He thne fell to the ground.One down.Shuriken come at me and I dodge.Tch.A pole hit my stomach but I did not feel hurt I grab the poll and break it into two.Nax throw his poll and receive a katana from Xin.I grab my two electronic baton stick.We engage a fight.I deflect the slash from three of them.Xen has 2 katana making him has advantage attacking me.This guy is good.They have good teamwork.I kept defending until my baton is charge up.

I hit the baton to each other makong electric wave hit them.They manage to land and I doge to Xen.I hit his right katana making it fall from his hand.He keel defending and thrust his katana to me but I dodge and hit his tomach with my baton very hard he grunt.I kick his face making his face plant to the ground.2 down,4 to go.4 of them circle me.

I then hit put my baton to my belt and crack my knuckles."Gomu Gomu no Gattling Shot" I attack them They dodge but my fist will hit them.I grab Xin nad Rax together and made them hit their head.They faint after hitting each other head very hard.

Only Nax and Cox.They attack but this time I just keep dodging.This goes for 5 minutes and each time they attack me they become tire.Their fist hit me but did nkt have ppwer on them.They fell to the ground.

Cox:Why did we feel tired?

Nax:Is this your doing?


I already use my "Snatch" from the beginning making their physical body weaker each time pass.All kf them defeated.Sound of clapping sounded and I see Magneto and his gang is there.

Magneto:Impressive,Revolt.You did a good job fighting a copy of Logan.

Axel:So you heard them saying they are.Weapon X clone huh?And yet you just observe me.

Magneto:Yes,I've heard them and you did not look like you did not want any help defeating them.

Axel:So when will your friend will come out?They just kbserve us you know from their jet and been trying to get into my head.

Magneto:They are cowards.So you can block Charles power huh?

Axel:It's called privacy.I did not like people to get into my head.As much I want to talk mkre with you,the police is.coming and I had to go.You also should go because they will suspect you is the one who cause this.

Magneto:Very well then.Tell me Revolt which side are you?Human or mutant?

Axel:Both.They are the same things except mutant has gift that can be use for good thing.

Magneto stare at him before he fly away from his group.I then go to my bile and see the children is playing with my bike.

Axel:Kids.The police are coming.Go with them and you guys can go back home.

They nod happily.I then ride back to my home but I was followed by the X Men.

Axel:Bike.Activate stealth mode.

The bike beep and I along the bike become stealth.

Axel:Robin,did the jet manage to follow us?

Robin:No sir.It seems they did not expect you to become stealthI hack into their jet and sees Prof X,Logan,Storm,Beast and Alex Summers.It seems they just want to see your capabilities.Logan also seems angry when he sees the Weapon X.It seems he knows about it.

Axel:Of course he do.He is the Weapon X and is the first one.He also receive admantium metal that become his claws.

Robin:That's interesting.Sir,may I sugfest that we finish your Voltjet and your Voltcar since you may need it sooner.

Axel:I agree with that.Robin,make sure my bike become a robot like that kid suggested.

Robin:Roger that sir.

Axel:How about SHIELD?

Robin:It seems they already collect the six Weapon X.They als try to follow you but fail since you got he stealth made.I hack their computer and discover many files about Weapon X.It seems there are manh of them but they remain hidden.

Axel:Just search for Weapon X that is currently on this country?

Robin:Copy that sir.

Axel revved up his motorcycle and go back home.He arrives at his home and made the drones that he build to make his motrcycle become a robot.His.Voltcar and Voltjet basically the same as the Batman from" Batman vs Superman:Dawn of Heroes ".He wear his training cloth and plan to train more during the 1 month.He must become strong because many enemies will come to this city.

A year has passed since Axel become Revolt and encounter Weapon X.His school life is basically the same and he become even popular after the incident.They did not scorn him becayse he have a reason to beat them up.Wanda and Anna become closer to him.The X Men try to talk him but get block by Wanda and Anna.He already get strong because he encounter many people who injected by mutant serum.

Right now,he is fighting 3 big guy who has metal fists."Lighting knuckle" he attack the man.Yup,now he cna yse Goro No Mi because his opponents are strong.He create his own moves.The lightining hit the left one instnaly knocking the out.He then made a light lance and thow at them many time resulting them ly on the ground.A wkman with bladed claws attack him but he dodge and use lightiningkick to kick her onher chest.She get up but was greetted by his lightning knuckle many time.She faint after hitting by Axel lighting attack.

Armed guys shoot at him but he use his string to throw them to the wall.

Guy1:Kill him!!

Many guys brung a bat to hit him but he respond back with "Gomu Gomu No Gattling Gun". The guy try to run but he was hit by light beam.He ly on the ground while groaning.


He tasered him making him faint.That was very good.He then goes back home avoiding SHIELD agents who follows him.He made atrap using his string making them fall.He laugh seeing that and ride his mototrcycle to go back to the Westchester.He promise to Wanda and Anna to hang out tomorrow.

He arrives at his home and Robin greet him.

Robin:Welcome home Axel.Good job today as usual.

Axel:Thanks for the praise Robin.So how was your day?

Robin:I hack SHIELD computer and discover they had a file about you though it seems little information about you.They recently send a drone to follow.you but I disable it.Your Voltjet and Voltcar is 60% complete.Our Nike production sales also is increasing day by day.

Axel:Nice.Robin,wake me up early tomorrow okay?I got to hang out with Anna and Wanda.

Robin:Copy that sir.

Axel then take a bath and eat his food.He then watch Tranformer movies.His bike can now transform intoa robot and Robin now can assist since she connect she is connected to the bike now.

X Men now want to talk to him but he ignore them since he is busy fighting crimes.The Brotherhood also do the same but he ignore them too.He is busy fighting many wannabe mutant while they just laze around searching for mutants.

He also open a boxing gymnasium at the town which aytract a lot of people to the place.He made sure his Nike products is used at the gym.He already go his company and the worlwrs there greet him.They know him as their owner and pledge to keep secret about it.He also produce phones and gadgets making his company rivalling those famous company.

He now is lying on his bed while texting Anna and Wanda.They made a group chat consisting the three of them.

Axel:So,where will we hang out tomorrow?

Anna:How about the shopping mall?We can watch movie and biy clothes.

Wanda:I agree with that.

Axel:You guys just want to buy clothes.


Anna:Of.course and you will be our carrier.

Wanda:Do not worry.We will treat you with delicious.foods.

Axel:Okay.See you guys tomorrow.Goodnight.

He then close his phone and fell asleep.


Nick:We cannot track him yet.

AM:Yes sir,he manage to evade us.

Nick:Keep trying.

AM:Roger that sir.