Sitting down on the comfortable chair she had prepared, she cleared her throat before pressing the button that allowed the viewers to look at her.

"Good day, everyone. How are you doing?" Xu Jiaqi opened her fan up, striking a confident pose as she was greeted with one familiar name who came to see her right after the stream opened. 

A chat message instantly popped out.

Big Brother is Angry!: Sister Goddess! You're back! You're back!

Big Brother is Angry!: Goddess, am I not the best fan ever? I'm already here before anybody else!

An excited fellow who came to see the big sister, no longer only because of the money the woman had, but also because he enjoyed interacting with her like he did yesterday.

"Ao.. You're so early. Don't tell me, you watch this site and monitor it 24/7? Brother Angry, you are quite silly." Xu Jiaqi coughed. She was rather shocked.

It had only been two seconds since she started the stream, albeit there being a five minute announcement before she officially began showing up. This Feng Qin was apparently very punctual when it came to certain things. Unfortunately, for other sectors, he wasn't as diligent as he needed to be.

Big Brother is Angry!: Hehe.. It's the weekends, right? Tomorrow, I have to go out to work around this time, but for today.. I can be as free as I want! No one can restrain me! This king will prevail over the worldly matters mortals suffer from!

Xu Jiaqi grinned, her eyes scanning over the multiple monitors she had. One of them caught her eye. Her viewer list had an additional variable. A user going by the name [The King Wants to Rest].

Humming a happy tune, she wondered if the man would come to talk on his own, or if he just happened to pass by and would leave soon.

She wasn't all that interested, so she didn't mention anything about him and struck a conversation with Feng Qin, asking him what he wanted to do today.

After a few minutes of exchange, Xu Jiaqi glanced at the monitor again, and saw that the new user was still there, watching her. And yet, there were no comments made.

'Was it just a coincidence?' Xu Jiaqi thought.

She thought about it a couple more times before deciding to take some measures.

"...The King Wants to Rest?" Xu Jiaqi decided to say the name. "Welcome to the stream. I saw you on the viewer list, do you not want to come and interact with us?"

Behind his screen, Tang Yizhou was actually surprised that Xu Jiaqi called him out. He knew that there was a viewer list feature, but he didn't think he would be addressed like this.

"Haa.." In truth, he had been trying to figure out what to say in order to make a good impression and enter the community stealthily and smoothly. Especially because his own younger brother, Tang Yixiu, was present in this very community, it was hard for him to make a move because there were so many mines he had to avoid.

In the end, since Xu Jiaqi already called him, he didn't want to not reply to her. He hurriedly typed out a few replies, popping messages into the chat box.

The King Wants to Rest: Just like my name.

The King Wants to Rest: I want to rest, I'm very tired.

The King Wants to Rest: I came across this stream and it radiated a good energy, so I joined here.

The King Wants to Rest: i didn't think that you would call me out loud though.

"..Ah, sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Perhaps you are one of those lurkers who don't engage in chat activity." Xu Jiaqi pursed her lips. This new addition to her stream seemed quite rigid.

Tang Yizhou saw how she turned a bit hesitant and wanted to correct any misconceptions before it was too late.

The King Wants to Rest: It's fine. I don't mind.

The King Wants to Rest: I'm not a lurker, I was just busy doing something else.

Of course, it was just an excuse. This whole time, from start to finish, he hadn't accomplished anything else except for staring at Xu Jiaqi and listening to her talk to the other viewer.

"...It's good if that's the case. Your name is quite strange. You're a king, why don't you rest if you want to do it so much?"

The King Wants to Rest: I am resting right now by watching you. I like you.

Xu Jiaqi: ...Back off, sir. This is private property, you are trespassing into my.. heart? Mind?

It was a rather frank expression. Xu Jiaqi's immediate thought was that the man had voiced his opinion in the wrong way, and used the wrong words to convey his meaning.

Big Brother is Angry!: Woah! Woah, woah, woah there, brother!

Big Brother is Angry!: Who are you, to try and court our Goddess? You have to get past me first! I will gatekeep the Goddess with all my might, try me if you dare!

Xu Jiaqi burst into small giggles, which made Tang Yizhou's hear skip a few beats with him wondering what the meaning behind those jolly expression indicated. Did she laugh because of him?

Then, it was good. It was a good start!

He never considered himself as someone bad at socializing, but why did everything seem so slow when it was about this peculiar streamer that he had randomly came across with the help of his brother?

She had him second guessing himself all the time, to the point that he was confused with himself.

He took a deep breath before coming back and replying to the commenter above him.

The King Wants to Rest: I'm just speaking the truth.

His heart started to beat abnormally fast. After thinking about his previous words.. Did it seem like a confession? Well, there was no way that Xu Jiaqi could ever think that he was genuine, right?