The next day, when he opened his eyes to check the stream once more, yesterday's stream wasn't even saved. There was a strange aura of anonymity around the channel.

It was as if the streamer was a mystical being whose sole purpose was to drop some money for mortals like him.

Damn! Who would do such a thing?! Even if she was looking for fame and clout, shouldn't she let the stream be saved as a video? What good would there be if she just erased the record?? He didn't even save last night's stream!

Biting his thumbnail, he thought about his situation and how weird it actually was. He had repeatedly checked his game records, and there was clearly a gift notification present in his mailbox.

When he checked the account that sent him the skin, going by the name [Queen], he was surprised to see that it had actually just been created. Looking at the time carefully.. This?!!

The creation time was one minute after he had voiced out his wish to obtain Aphtalia's skin! How can this make sense?! <Archaen's Light> was a game that took up at least fifteen gigabytes of memory.

Unless she knew what he wanted to wish for before he even voiced it out.. How could she have downloaded this game and created an account in just one minute?!!


There can only be one answer to this problem.

The streamer. Was. A. Goddess!!

He shouted with all his might, regretting how he acted towards the lady last night. It was Saturday, and his neighbors were all asleep. He was just a college student who worked in an internship position, waiting to graduate and go out to the real world at once.

His living quarters did not provide him with good soundproofing qualities. In particular, the ones right beside his room heard his deafening shout and was furious after being woken up from their sleep.

"Feng Qin, do you want to die??! What time do you think this is?!" A very, very enraged neighbor ended up making a trip over to his room. The neighbor in question was the viewer's friend.

The viewer, whose name was Feng Qin, stood up from his desk and opened the door to apologize profusely to his neighbor. After some appeasement, the neighbor also grew tired of scolding him and went back to his room to sleep.

Feng Qin shut the door behind him as he heaved a long sigh.

"Fuck, he didn't need to yell into my ears like that! Isn't he just doing the same thing as me?! His voice was loud as hell!!" Feng Qin did not have the sweetest mouth ever.

He felt like one or two profanities inserted into everything he had to say would be excellent. As a result of this habit, he got in a lot of trouble since he couldn't control his cursing mechanism at certain times.

However, his frustration was soon erased as he recalled the Goddess once again. He went on the internet to search on who the Goddess might be. Like a confused little chick, he entered strange keywords like 'Queen', 'Streamer', 'Her Majesty', 'Rich', 'Beauty', and all that.

If they were searched one by one, then it would've have been a problem, but when he mixed and matched the words together.. the content that came out was completely the opposite of what Feng Qin wanted to look up.

The Goddess' background. Who could she be?

Was he a chosen one for coming to that stream? The Goddess was so magical and great!

He took a shower early in the morning to try and post his documentation about this incident. Considering that it was the weekend, it was quite the anomaly that he decided to bath this early. He was very spirited due to the gift.

After freshening up, he went back to his computer and began typing his experience with the channel [Her Majesty's Abode]. He started up a thread in <Archaen's Light>'s community website and copied the information he wrote about the Goddess into the thread question.

Feeling like it was not enough, he typed in more into a comment post.

#001 Big Brother is Angry!:

Brothers, I am no longer angry. I have been blessed.

Under the thread's first post, he attached a picture of his game screen. Aphtalia was shining brightly in it, with her characteristic smug smile and angelic beauty.

#002 Butters Don't Fly:

Woah! Brother, you bought the skin? Congratulations, I hate you! Aphtalia's simps are scary! Seven hundred dollars for some pixels in game.... I want to say 'kids these days', but I'm way younger than you lol

#003 Daddy Doesn't Know Karate:

Hmmmmm? Brother, did you purchase it while you were drunk? You sure you can pay next month's rent? Do you want me to ship some instant noodles to your home so you don't starve? Will you turn off your AC even though it's summer time?

#004 Big Brother is Angry!:

The thing is, I didn't buy this skin! A streamer bought it for me! At first, I was skeptical, but she's the real deallll! I'm so happy lmao ^^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The second and third poster, who read Feng Qin's answer was silent for a minute before they audibly cursed at him.

#005 Daddy Doesn't Know Karate:

You think we are dumb? Seven hundred dollars is enough for two months' worth of food! Even more if you decide to be thrifty! That's the bill for a five star meal! Which streamer would give that kind of thing to you?! Do you want me to slap you with some karate?!

#006 Wuxia Lord:

Eyyy,,,, wait, upstairs, your name says you don't know karate!

#007 Daddy Doesn't Know Karate:

Haaa?? Come again, what did you say? Daddy doesn't fucking know karate lololol

Watch your back, Wuxia!

#008 Butters Don't Fly:

The image wasn't forged lolol. I checked his account, it's real. It also says that the skin was gifted. This kind of feature, it's clear that Archaen's developers didn't want fake oil tycoons to show off :D

You can't even lie and say you bought the skin lol

Feng Qin bit his lips.