Responding to the situation, a certain man came downstairs from above. He rushed to Zhao Shiqi's side, immediately suspecting Xu Jiaqi to be the culprit without knowing the full story. After all, why else would the woman be here and not the gloomy hospital?

"Xu Jiaqi! This ungrateful wench.. You actually dared to make Auntie Zhao cry?! Do you not recognize the amount of effort that she used to take care of you all these years, the amount of love she has for you to the point of making Xinran watch over you as well?! The Zhao family has been very good to you, who can't even do anything but leech off others!"

Song Ziyi's loud berating attracted everybody's attention and successfully covered the room in silence.

"Song Ziyi, right?" Xu Jiaqi's gaze was cold as she stared at him with scorn present in her eyes. "Do you even know how Zhao Xinran treated me all this time? Do you know that the one who took care of me was not the Zhao family? They are thieves that should be condemned. Calling me an ungrateful wench.. If not for my parents, would Zhao Xinran be able to enter the university she is in right now and pay the tuition money?" Xu Jiaqi refuted his claims.

Xu Jiaqi used her own condition to her advantage. Her emotional levels were indeed supposed to be like a rollercoaster ride, it would skyrocket all of a sudden and fall into silence out of nowhere. Not to mention, due to Zhao Shiqi's provocation, it could be said that her throwing a tantrum is not something that's weird.

"The Zhao family isn't even wealthy, my parents told me that they were embroiled in some serious debts. Now, you guys are living here in such a nice and big house after my parents died and I got sent to treatment. I wonder where you guys got the money from??!" Xu Jiaqi, with tears running down her face, shouted at the Zhao couple.

Zhao Xinran retracted backwards. It felt shameful. She had always known that there was something more to their wealth, and never wished to acknowledge it. However, now that she was confronted like this, all that she could feel was embarrassment because Song Ziyi was right beside her.

Song Ziyi's first encounter with her was in the campus. It was after she had transformed into the Zhao Xinran that everybody now knew, a literal campus Goddess that was hailed by many.

The university she entered, like what Xu Jiaqi said, was indeed one with quite the high tuition. People who went there were all at least middle class in wealth, with some exceptions being that of people who got in using scholarships. Zhao Xinran fully paid the tuition, so people who knew her naturally also thought that she was considerably wealthy.

Song Ziyi was one such person. In the university, who didn't know of the man named Song Ziyi? The campus hunk whose parents led a large company, and subsequently granted him a life filled by riches.

Zhao Xinran was happy that a man like Song Ziyi wanted to court her and stay by her side. However, at the same time, she was always plagued with the thought that she was inferior to him, and was always scared of what the man would think of her when he found out the real truth behind her 'wealth'.

Zhao Xinran bit her lips and knew that she couldn't stay here any longer.  She tugged on Song Ziyi's sleeves. Understandably, the man was still fully suspicious of the credibility behind Xu Jiaqi's words. However, if Xu Jiaqi continued to persuade him, who knew what would happen?

She definitely had to bring him out of here right this very instant!

"Sinners will always be caught. Remember that." Xu Jiaqi smiled, turning around and walking up to the stairs, going to the second floor without letting anybody know.

Zhao Shiqi hurled curses towards the fleeing woman, but Xu Jiaqi never turned back to look at them and just continued to make her way upstairs.

"T-that bitch! I must catch her, or else-" Auntie Zhao was furious. A vibrant red flush was present on her face as she stomped across the room and aimed to chase after Xu Jiaqi.

"Old lady! Stop right there!!" Zhao Dinghao raised his volume and shouted with all his might, making Zhao Shiqi stop in her tracks.

"Old man.. That rotten sow-"

"Don't talk anymore! Xinran, take your boyfriend away and clear this room!!" Zhao Dinghao was much more crafty than Auntie Zhao, and knew that the situation was not looking good for them.

He was hit by a migraine and waved his hand hastily, telling Zhao Xinran and Song Ziyi to scram out of the place.

"O-okay. Dad, don't be too harsh on Qiqi. It must be that she's affected by her condition and came back here without thinking far. Dad, you must bring her back to the hospital so she can be calmed.." Zhao Xinran didn't forget to act out her 'kind, generous act' to dispel any doubts that Song Ziyi might have had.

"Mom too, you shouldn't get that angry. It's bad for your health. Qiqi was wrong, you need not rage. I'm sure that she will understand too if you break the information to her slowly. We have to be patient with Qiqi."

Zhao Xinran completed her perfect caring words.

She nodded and bade her farewells, dragging Song Ziyi out of the house and saying that they should go out for a walk to distract him from the topic.

Inside her heart, she was cursing out her mother. How can her own birth mother sully her image like this?! Cursing so violently and displaying an uncouth attitude, what if her boyfriend grows to have a bad impression?

She clicked her tongue, but there was nothing she could do since it had already been done. Song Ziyi, who heard the blatant, ungraceful words Auntie Zhao spouted was a bit taken aback, but it wouldn't be enough to corrode his feelings towards Zhao Xinran.

In fact, he grew fonder of her. Even as she left, facing such a Xu Jiaqi, she still found time to care for her mother and even opted to fight for Xu Jiaqi being spared. How kind could this girl be?

It was just a shame that her mother was.. that way.

Zhao Dinghao banged his fist on his armrest after Zhao Xinran and Song Ziyi left. He glared at Zhao Shiqi, clearly pissed off by the current situation.

"How can you act like that?! Song Ziyi is different from us, he's a true wealthy second generation young master! Born with a golden spoon! It's a rare luck that our Xinran managed to catch his eye, but you actually dared to say all those.. unrefined words! What if he thinks badly of us, and decided that he doesn't want to take us as his in-laws?!"

Zhao Dinghao was also fuming, but he was better at controlling it.

"What?! Are you blaming me?! It's Xu Jiaqi! It's that bitch's fault! How dare she show her face around me like that? Do you think I haven't suffered, taking care of that wretched couple's kid and pretending I like her just to not rouse any suspicion with the hospital staff?!" Zhao Shiqi voiced out her own set of complaints.

"Shiqi! You know well that there's a reason we need to take good care of Xu Jiaqi! Do you think I haven't thought of throwing her out and letting her fend for herself out there?!" Zhao Dinghao fought back. "It's just that if we keep a close eye on her by tying herself to us, we would be much safer and in a better position! If not, why would I continue to pay for her expenses?!"

"Do.. do you believe that Xu Jiaqi is speaking the truth?!! She is nothing but a dumb and powerless child! How would she be able to harm us now that we're in this position?!"

"Shut up!! You don't know anything! You only know that you have gotten rich from all those incidents, and you've blinded yourself! Meanwhile, I have to deal with many operations to keep us afloat!" Zhao Dinghao pointed towards Zhao Shiqi and berated her in anger.

"Huh?! Why are you blaming me? I didn't do anything! Besides, aren't you also like that?!"

"Ha.. The main point is that Xu Jiaqi is currently in our house. We can't take any extreme actions since we don't know yet if she's just faking her intelligence or what. I doubt it since her condition has been long running for so long, but there's no harm in being more careful."

"What should we do? Give her money to shut her up?"

"If it could be resolved that easily, then it would be for the best. We would only be parting with some of our funds, but at least we won't get in any trouble. If anything, the one who will be painted as the villain would be Xu Jiaqi herself! Ha!"

Xu Jiaqi, who didn't enter a room and was instead listening to the conversation downstairs hummed as she decided to show herself back out.