The two had a restful night, going back to sleep and not waking up until it turned to a completely new morning.

This time, Xu Jiaqi was the one who woke up first. She rolled to the right, feeling like a heavy substance was on top of her. Sure enough, when she opened her eyes, Xie Yongrui was there, embracing her tightly with his thick arms.

Right away, she had to face a massive headache, and her body hurt like hell. She cursed, wincing as she was rendered unable to move. She gave up on trying after some painful attempts, to which she finally decided to concede and wait for Xie Yongrui to open his eyes.

Xie Yongrui sensed the movements Xu Jiaqi was making and finally woke up from his slumber.

"Qiqi, how are you feeling..?" Just by looking at her expression, he was able to tell that the woman was obviously not in the best mood possible.

Xie Yongrui felt some changes in himself, but he wasn't sure exactly what was it. He knew that something happened last night. Not the passionate sex they had, but rather something that followed after that.

What was it?

He struggled to recall it. Every time he thought that he was close to recovering the memory, he would be struck with another migraine.

Xu Jiaqi's eyebrows twitched. Last night, she didn't feel a shred of pain while she was actively doing it. But now that the adrenaline ran out and she had a clear mind to boot, she was showered with extensive pain and cramps.

"Do I look like I'm okay?" Xu Jiaqi sighed. Even laying on her back against the soft bed caused a bit of pain to her. How was it this severe? She thought that with this adaptable body, she would not have that much pain.

"..What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, basically. It's fine. It wasn't your fault, I enjoyed every moment of it, but the aftermath is quite.. unsightly." Xu Jiaqi grimaced. Even if she just wanted to twist her body in the smallest angle ever, she would be hit with a dose of pain that she wanted to run away from.

"Qiqi, don't move.. I will take care of you until you get better. What do you want to do?"

"Haah... Can you bring some hot towels? I want to wipe my body down, it just doesn't feel right." Xu Jiaqi's entire body was sticky, and she didn't want to spend the rest of her day like this even if it meant having to bear some pain in order to get clean.

"Qiqi, how about I take you to the bath tub directly? You proposed the idea of a hot tub from Xi.. So we did make it using our own technology. This would be your first time trying it, right? How about we settle for that? There's also a platform for you to sit on as you enjoy."

Xie Yongrui was very proud of his own initiative. The reports and date Xu Jiaqi would supply as part of her work was very admirable and innovative. One of the ideas that he was able to tell she had an interest for was this hot tub, who she said was the greatest invention ever. He rushed to make it and got a place in her quarters to be transformed just to honor her.

"Hmm.. That might be a good idea. Be careful, though." Xu Jiaqi stuck her hand upwards, waiting for Xie Yongrui to lift her up.

The sight was unbearably cute for someone like Xie Yongrui, who was whipped towards Xu Jiaqi, the love of his life. Xu Jiaqi stayed in the unknown as she proceeded to tilt her head in confusion as to why the man was being unresponsive and even covered his face up to hide the red flush on his face.

"Excuse me, I need to cover your body up.." Xie Yongrui carefully took a quilt from the side and wrapped Xu Jiaqi around with the fabric.

"Huh? You've seen every inch of me, what more do you need? Why are you being so shy and all?"

He coughed to clear his throat, a bit abashed at the revelation.

"It's.. the bath tub is not in my quarters.. I placed it in yours. So in order to get there, we'll have to take some necessary walks.. So that you won't be hurt." Xie Yongrui confessed.

"..I see." Xu Jiaqi coughed as well, turning her head to the side and letting Xie Yongrui do his own thing in taking care of her.

He brought her to the bath tub after telling the people to clear off the area so that the two of them could have a great private interaction. Xie Yongrui helped Xu Jiaqi into the bath tub and all, caring for her extensively.

The bath helped a lot. The hot temperature of the water made her muscles relax and instantly speed up the recovery speed from her strenuous exercise.

Then, after the whole lot  of problem with getting her readied up for the day was done, Xie Yongrui carried her back to his room and sat her down on the bed, all clean and nice.

"So, we should start talking about our plans from now on. It's time to do work.. When I wasn't here, what do you think is the biggest problem you've encountered?" Xu Jiaqi questioned, sitting on top of the soft bed while Xie Yongrui began to compile the documents and files for her to read and catch up with the current operations.

Although she still knew a lot about Xian Ruo from the Xi's perspective, she still wished to touch upon the statistics.

"..I would say that it.. has to be the Empire's eyes. They certainly got wary about us.. Well, it's not an unwarranted feeling. They probably felt a huge pressure on how Xi and Xian Ruo was starting tohave deals with each other extensively... They might've thought that we are threatening them?"