Xu Jiaqi had an internal conflict as she thought about her next action. Facing this esteemed figure was like treading on a pit of fire when she didn't know that much about him. She did expect the rulers to take interest in her, but not this early. She was just starting out in carrying her plans after preparing her strength and ideas until it was ripe.

How was this King already here?

"I'm going to say this just in case you think of absurd things, but I am going to stick with my lord through and through. I have pledged my allegiance to him, and it is just the fate's will that we weren't able to encounter each other before I met him." Xu Jiaqi reminded.

"Is that so? Are you sure? I can give you what you are working so hard for right now in an instant. I value you and your ability, and I think that you can do very well in my side. After all, if my prized counselor, Zheng Jianyu himself approved of you, then I don't think I need to do anything much at all."

'So it was Zheng Jianyu?' Xu Jiaqi bit her lips.

She had worked for a cooperation with the Xi Kingdom because she saw it as the most plausible business connection considering their standings. Although the Xi Kingdom was a big powerhouse, they weren't ones that actively partook in the other powers' conditions. They were just there, doing their own thing and thriving because they had all the resources in the world. They were disgustingly rich, and knowing that advantage, they rose up even more day by day.

To think that Zheng Jianyu viewed her so high up that he went to tell He Yiyuan about her existence was a little bit surprising, considering the surplus of talented people he had in hand.

"I am not someone who doesn't know how to repay a favor. Because he gave a platform to me and trusted me enough that he would give me authority in his own land, I am able to rise to where I am right now. Without his approval, I wouldn't have been able to offer up a meeting with Zheng Jianyu in the first place. Given the situation, you wouldn't have met me in the place my lord discovered me in." Xu Jiaqi scorned the man. "Could you still confidently say that you want to buy me out of Xian Ruo?"

He Yiyuan stilled. For that split second, he ran out of words to counter her. Because what Xu Jiaqi said was true. Without Xie Yongrui and his eyes, that recognized Xu Jiaqi's worth without her even showing herself doing anything substantial at all, they would've never met today at all. He would still be in his palace, doing his daily routine.

Albeit Xie Yongrui's motive of bringing Xu Jiaqi into his estate being that of his feelings and emotions, sparked by a spiritual connection, it was still due to his decision that Xu Jiaqi had this outlet in her hands right now.

"Listen, maybe some people are just born different. People have different tastes and interests, and levels of satisfaction. I can say that being here in Xian Ruo satisfies me, and nothing will stop me from bringing this place to the farthest glory I can reach. That is my goal, that I formed out of my own volition." Knowing that He Yiyuan was silenced, she sighed and concluded.

"..Stubborn, eh? Well, if that's the case, then I can do nothing about it. There's nothing good that will come out of me hiring you forcibly, if you're not going to work for me sincerely. Just stick to that prince all you want. I don't know why you are so fixated on him, but I guess.. That's just his lucky stroke of fortune." He Yiyuan clicked his tongue, finally giving up on the matter. Xu Jiaqi was someone who would keep her word, and she seemed dead set on her decision.

In truth, what Xu Jiaqi had been saying were not all made out of her true feelings. The reason she wanted to stick to Xie Yongrui, instead of pursuing her missions using He Yiyuan's help, was because she resonated with Xie Yongrui and knew that he had traces of Zenith Ahgren lingering around him. She wanted to find out more about this matter, so she planned to keep herself beside him.

If not for that, screw Xie Yongrui. If she was in the side of He Yiyuan, she should be able to administer much larger plans. Elevating her status from that point on would be a rather easy deal.

"..This one thanks your Highness for being understanding." Xu Jiaqi made a salute and offered it up to him. Deep inside, she felt a bit bitter. He Yiyuan's proposal was great, so great that she considered the offer. However, finding out more about her true identity was much more important.

"Woah, woah, why the sudden formality?" He Yiyuan tilted his head and coughed, clearing up his throat.

"You have done something that earned my respect, so naturally I should relay that sentiment in actions. If you are kind and accommodating to me, I wouldn't wrong you." Xu Jiaqi gave a curious stare to the man.

Inside her heart, she felt relieved that he actually conceded this easily and was able to think with logic.

Her vast experience have led to her meeting people who stuck up their noses every single second after achieving some form of success that could only be considered mediocre by her. These people, albeit not being that amazing, were the most troublesome of all. She thought that this person would be the same, seeing as he was the ruler of Xi, who were known to be rather.. eccentric in the sense that they loved to scatter money and show their pride: boundless wealth.

Thankfully, this He Yiyuan was someone who used their brains. It wasn't wrong for people to have spoken up for his greatness.. If it was just propaganda, Xu Jiaqi would've been in some trouble.