[Welcome back, Host! Are you ready to go to the next world, or do you want to train a bit more?]

"Send me to the next world. I've cleared up my mind after grinding those skills all day long!" Xu Jiaqi grumbled. She was still able to partially feel the effects of her training. A lot of her body parts had phantom pain of being beaten down by the training robots.

[Understood, Host. Then, please allow me to transfer your soul...] The System spoke, entering an automatic process in which Xu Jiaqi was warped by the System's mechanism.

Within seconds, she passed through the dimensional rupture to another realm, and entered the body of her new character.

Xu Jiaqi massaged her head as always, feeling the stinging pain gradually fade away as she waited.

With just one glance of her surroundings, she was able to theorize that she was currently in a somewhat fantasy setting as well. There were not any modern technology to be seen. Instead, she saw a lot of unique signs that were written in traditional Chinese letters.

She was sitting down in a dark alley. A strong stench was present in every single inch of the location, making her uncomfortable. She stood up. Just like Ariel of the previous world, she was able to tell that her body was malnourished, and that she wasn't living the best life ever.

It was such a stark comparison to the tutorial world where she was a big lady with loving parents.

She sighed. Before, she was still inside a Duke's house, but now, she was reduced to nothing but a young girl who belongs to the dark alleys. Her starting condition worsened with every single world. What would happen in the next one? What could be worse?

The System was nowhere to be found for the time being because he went away to sort Xu Jiaqi's assimilation out. Xu Jiaqi didn't know just what to do yet, and chose to stay in her lane, waiting for the System to come back.

Although she already got the gist of her situation, she wanted a definite clarification.

In a few minutes, the System returned and was audibly shocked by Xu Jiaqi's condition. He had known that it would be somewhat bad when he worked on the data, but to think that his Host was this miserable... Wuwuwu!

"System... send the information to me." Xu Jiaqi rubbed her stomach. It was churning at least two times in a minute. She was extremely famished and thirsty. There was something that needed to be done to fix this.

The System then sent the obtained information about the world directly into Xu Jiaqi's mind in an instant.

Wincing at the intrusive entrance, Xu Jiaqi's forehead creased as she instinctively rubbed her temples, even though the pain was for the soul and not a morphological one.

Xu Jiaqi had memories of the previous soul flashing before her mind in a second and gritted her teeth as some unpleasant memories triggered an adverse reaction on her. 

The original 'Xu Jiaqi' was a miserable human being. That's right, her name in this world was the same as her true name. With the assistance of a small mirror that the System conveniently pulled out, Xu Jiaqi also knew that she shared a bit of similarity with her own appearance, only in a bad state because of her living conditions.

The world seemed to hate 'Xu Jiaqi' to no ends.

She was born to a prostitute mother. Her father was a customer to the brothel her mother was contracted to. Her mother was named Xu Yan, and bore the name 'Blossom' when she worked in the night district. Blossom was renowned in her profession, having a rare beauty that one would drool over. Her father, who ran away after fooling the beauty into thinking that he had all the riches in the world, was only able to convince Blossom to not abort the child because he continuously duped her with words.

Day and night, Blossom was treated by the kind approach of this kind customer and slowly fell in love. She was naive and gullible back then. She  had just entered the industry and wasn't aware of how cruel the world could actually be. She actually believed that this man, who frequently visited her to have bodily interactions and impregnated her was sincere.

If only she was more mature, perhaps the Xu Jiaqi of this world wouldn't have been born in the first place. Perhaps the innocent, childish side of Xu Yan wouldn't have evaporated to never return.

Xu Yan believed in the love that she thought the man had towards her. The man seemed so devoted. Like he was truly bewitched by Xu Yan. But now, after the revelation and betrayal was exposed, she didn't even know if the name he gave to her, Liu Han, was true or not.

The man threw her away very coldly. He disappeared after leaving a note with degrading words. The heartbreaking reveal struck her mentality hard, and plunged her straight into depression as she was heavily pregnant, near to her estimated labor date.

The night district was twisted. Liu Han promised that he would take her out of the district as soon as he could, but it was all empty promises. All Xu Yan got was hell. There were customers who had a fetish towards pregnant women. These customers would book Xu Yan up and enjoy her services, disgustingly.

Whenever she wasn't forced into serving these men, she would cry her heart out. But her naive heart, what exactly did it do? It waited upon Liu Han's return. Believing that he was just joking and that he would come back as soon as her child was born. That everything would go back to when they lovingly spent their time side by side.  Their child would even be included in this scheme, making it a happy family.

Escaping from the district and having a loving family, that was Xu Yan's dream all along.

All of it was crushed down by the hard reality that Xu Yan refused to believe in.

Within all this, the child that Xu Yan bore from Liu Han's seed was precisely who Xu Jiaqi was.

Xu Jiaqi: Can't believe it, I am an unwanted child again. Who dares to not want me? How preposterous!