"So everything is in line now. I need to make Ezra the Cardinal, Zenith the Emperor, and finally finish my quests at last. It will be a perfect ending!" Xu Jiaqi was satisfied with herself as she began to celebrate, clasping her hands together as she grinned.

[But how are you going to make Ezra the Cardinal, Host? You haven't told me about it.] The System brought up the question with worry.

"Using force? Everything will be done with force, we just won't say that to the public. Let's go, System. I will bring these two guys to create miracles all around the world. This way... who in their right minds would doubt us?" Xu Jiaqi giggled, donning on her Saintess attire and wielding her Sceptre.

Humming a playful tone, Xu Jiaqi used her cheat skill, a teleportation spell to instantly meet the two men in her plans. She had notified them of this gathering a head of time, so she was sure that they would already be there right now.

And indeed, as she snapped her fingers and instantly appeared in the designated location, the figures of two handsome men entered her eyes.

"Zenith, Ezra, it's time to go. Let us spread the name of the Goddess." Xu Jiaqi narrowed her eyes and smiled cheekily as she fell down to the ground safely. The two men hadn't even recovered from their shock yet before Xu Jiaqi walked past them and gestured for them to follow her.

This was their first time seeing someone use such a complex skill like a teleportation spell without a conspicuous magic circle or having to go through the unmentionables. Teleportation was a high tier spell that could only be done by someone who had an insanely high understanding of magic and had a huge amount of mana to support it.

Even for someone of Xu Jiaqi's caliber, they didn't think that she would use this kind of spell just to travel.

"Surprised? I made a few tweaks to the spell that we currently have. I can teleport the three of us without having to spare as much effort now. Our travels will be made so much easier!" Xu Jiaqi cheered.

The two men tilted their head in confusion, wondering what Xu Jiaqi was talking about. Xu Jiaqi then began to spill her plans, and it made the other two simultaneously look at each other and sigh deeply. This woman was too brazen for her own good.

Her plans sounded unreasonable, but deep inside,t hey know that if it was her, then it would be possible.

The Goddess also wanted to join in, curious as to what the human she entrusted her power with would do.

Thus, their travels started. Of course, they did not simply disappear just like that. They couldn't, knowing their high status. They all left notes vaguely describing their departure, which would be set to appear on the Cardinal's table when they were already in the cities.

Xu Jiaqi travelled the whole world with Zenith and Ezra, making sure that their existence were fully known to everybody. To the point where it reached the Cardinal himself, and of course, the corrupted officials that supported the Cardinal.

To be fair, the Cardinal wasn't entirely a bad person, but he was someone that was easy to influence. He was not truthful in the sense that he was willing to allow the atrocities happen under his rule as long as it meant that he would be safe in his success. The fault wasn't on him, but he indirectly caused it by letting these people loose without much consideration.

He had to be replaced now that there was Ezra, who Xu Jiaqi could manipulate better.

Soon, it was not a surprise that the common people all had a great opinion on these three people. Their names were etched into a lot of places, being guests of honor in literally every single settlement they had visited.

From healing incurable diseases, purging evil, slaying monsters, solving conflicts and cases of corruption, the trio was then held up by the people as saviors.

They all made sure to spread the name of Goddess Eula, proclaiming that their deeds were only made possible because the Goddess allowed it. It made the people's faith, which had been diminishing ever since there were no clear evidence that the Church of Eula had impacted them in any sort of way.

In fact, the Church only put them at a disadvantage as it was the customary thing to offer tributes to the Holy Land for their service. In return, they got nothing. Hence, when the trio came around to fix their problems directly instead of dodging the matter or telling them to pray to the Goddess for a miracle, their faith started to grow back up. Their fondness increased.

Through this, the Goddess also reported her powers getting stronger. One's divinity and authority could be influenced with the amount of people that are willing to attest to your existence and worship you outside of your true power. The Goddess was ecstatic at this development and told Xu Jiaqi to continue her path.

It was as if the continent was being reformed bit by bit. One place at a time, the people's minds were led by Xu Jiaqi to instill the thought that both Ezra and Zenith would be a great ruler. She made sure to show them their great qualities, whereas she would show her true Holy power. Dazzling and flashy, it surely made the people's gazes twinkle with respect and wonder.

The people's lives were made better, and they all were extremely grateful to the three's figures.

When they returned to the Holy Land later on, things were not as pretty as when they first left. They hadn't sent any sort of notice or letter after the first note announcing their departure. It went for over three years, nearing four whole years, so it was understandable that they angered a lot of people. Including the Cardinal, who was feeling cornered and threatened.

The Cardinal was waiting for them, and so was a certain Crown Prince that fortified his desire to obtain Xu Jiaqi after seeing how much reputation she had in the people's eyes.