Ezra continued to let out his pent up frustrations, especially after being informed by Xu Jiaqi that the Goddess was nowhere to be found in the vicinity.

After hearing everything, Xu Jiaqi was tempted to pick his ears because of how itchy it was getting from the amount of repetitive statements Ezra uttered.

'Yo, System, this plan is going to fall apart if these two's problems aren't solved first. They are like a newly married couple.. They know each other so well and are willing to spend the rest of their lives with each other, but is still shy and wastes time doing nothing because of that... Not to mention, how can someone be as indecisive as Ezra?! He can't even decide what he wants to think about!'

[Host, what kind of analogy is that?] The System wanted to raise a brow.

'A good analogy?'

[Ha! Good joke. All that aside, however... I don't know about this. A deity and a human.. It's a line that is hard to cross. It shouldn't be crossed for the sake of everyone. A deity has their own irreplaceable duties, and since Eula is the only one governing this world, if she wants to give her power away then another deity has to take charge. Lest the world falls apart because there is no balancing factor that ties everything up nicely. Eula is essential to this world.]

'I know that, so that is why I want to ask you how we can make this love story happen?!'

[What?? Host, are you crazy?! You should prevent this case instead of supporting it! Did you not hear what I said?! We can't find a replacement! If we could, it would've been a different story, but there's no one of Eula's equal that could take on this duty.]

'You know, System, I thought that you were smarter than this.'


'I peeked into your features, and it says that you can 'tweak' the data inside a world. Normally, since the fate runs automatically, we can't really 'tweak' anything major. But this time, we can directly meet the person in charge, the Goddess herself! If Goddess Eula wills for our deeds to happen.. Can't we just, you know, insert a... false God?'

[No. That is a terrible plan that will never work. We will have to leave this world in the future, and if we carelessly tweak things like this, it will lead to this world's downfall. We can't let that happen. Even if you scare the daylights out of me, I will never let this kind of thing pass!] The System stayed strong as he voiced his rejection.

'What if I said that.. It will work?'

[...Out of curiosity- I will hear you out.]

'You see, from what Goddess Eula says, the divinity can't be destroyed, but it can be passed around, right? Then, we should not create an intelligent being, but instead create a stationary system that could contain the divinity of Goddess Eula. This item would then be given to the mortal Eula and Ezra for safekeeping, from which they would be able to live on happily while controlling the divine power. As for when they die, this is where the fun theory comes to part.'

'Divinity can not be destroyed. This is the basis of all of this. Give Ezra a bit of divinity, give Eula a bit of it too. Their souls will always continue to contain this divine power. This little bit of power would make them eternal wielders of the world's 'controller', and they would always reincarnate inside the world with their memories if you tweak that thing too. Thus, they could be the holders of the item forever until they pass it onto somebody and decide to die.'

[You.. this is tweaking the entire world! You want me to program all of these?! This is nuts!]

'So you're not saying that it's impossible anymore. That's a thing to be mindful of. It is possible, right?'

[Well- if Goddess Eula permits it, I can start working on it. But there are so many thing that could go wrong with this...]

'We are going to give the choice to Eula and Ezra. They seem like they would make a lovely couple, no? If they truly become the eternal holders, then this would also correlate and come back full circle to the thing I wanted to pursue before. A long lasting prospering world. They would be a living controller of the world despite being mortals, building their status and power. The choice is theirs, so we will make them sign a pact that we are by no means entitled to this matter's responsibility. It's completely theirs. If they got bored, then the world will crumble and it would be their fault. We will be inside another world and have no part in this activity.'

Xu Jiaqi had thought of all the paths reasonably, and made sure that their dynamic duo wouldn't be affected the slightest bit by the outcome.

That was how perfect Xu Jiaqi's way of dealing things were. You wouldn't be able to find a single speck of mistake no matter how hard you look into it.

[...I give up. Stop trying to debate with me, I don't have the patience to deal with you... Let's just ask them the next time we see them together.. Haa, I still can't believe you. From where did I pick up a crooked Host like you?!]

'Mhm, I was thinking about the same thing. It should be at the peak of their emotions so they could fully consider the risks and benefits. As for now, it's time to play the hero again. We will build our supporters and make it unable for the others to retaliate against us.' Xu Jiaqi did not retaliate in a negative manner and instead joked as the System's frustration piled up.

Precisely because he was the one who had to work everything out! These tweaks, does his Host think that it was as easy as cutting a pie?!