He did know that they were talking about a serious matter by the sound of Xu Jiaqi's replies, but he would have never expected the topic to be this.

"What kind of nonsense-" Ezra wanted to form a rebuttal.

But before he could make anything change, a golden light started to illuminate Xu Jiaqi's body. The radiance was blinding, and Ezra was forced to shut his eyes as he couldn't bear it. He could hear faint whispers of what sounded like his Goddess' voice. Usually, he would never ever have the chance to hear her if he wasn't in front of the altar, but what was different this time?

Was it because the Goddess really wanted to grant the power to the woman before him?

Alas, the exchange was done. with a simple touch from the Goddess to Xu Jiaqi's forehead, there was a faint crimson rose symbol planted on the skin. It burned for a few seconds, causing major pains to enter Xu Jiaqi's body before finally assimilating with her own energy.

She felt her entire body be renewed, as if she was skinned and rebirthed. The Goddess' divinity was infused with her very being, and it caused her to feel dizzy and sick. Stinging pains everywhere. She stayed strong, and convinced herself that it would only be for a few moments.

Indeed, after a short while, the pain subsided and her condition returned to normal- just a lot more powerful. The difference was phenomenal. With this gift, she was sure that the two strongest people that were supposed to take control over the world previously, the two leads, would be defeated under her hands.

"..This kind of feeling would take some time to get used to. It's much more potent than I thought it would be, Goddess." Xu Jiaqi observed her own body in awe.

<Naturally. You didn't think that bearing divinity will only come with positive changes, right?> The Goddess laughed, astounded at Xu Jiaqi's calmness. She expected more of a reaction, but having no panic was also good.

"No, of course not. I will gratefully accept this gift and present you with the reformation of the world. Now, it is almost time for me to go. Goddess, do you always stay here?"

<Not exactly. I do return to my upper realms from time to time, but when I do go down to sightsee the mortal world, I will visit this place out of a habit.>

"Understood, Goddess. Then, I shall announce my leave for today. It was a pleasure meeting you two." Xu Jiaqi flashed them with a bright smile before leaving the place.

No one stopped her. Ezra was still in a trance, so he zoned out. The Goddess waved her a little goodbye. Xu Jiaqi had to leave through the same way she used to infiltrate the place and got out safely.

As she walked down the Tower, reaching the ground and quickly hiding in a place no one could see her in, she heaved a sigh. Today's mission could be considered as a success. Originally, she only planned to greet Ezra and initiate at least a conversation rally with him. The Goddess' existence was an unaccounted variable, but that wasn't a bad thing.

In the corner of her eyes, she then saw Zenith, who was running towards her full speed with an anxious face.

Feeling that something isn't right, Xu Jiaqi quickly braced herself.

"Zenith..? What's wrong with you.. Why are you running so fast like that?" She shirked away, questioning him.

Zenith has an indifferent face. His brows were furrowed, and he was obviously not too happy. "Why? Why, you say? My lady, I am perfectly aware that you are fearless, and I have witnessed this quality of yours with my own eyes, but could you restrain yourself in Palla? It will be extremely bad if you had gotten caught! Just imagine what-" Zenith raised his volume as his emotions were exploding.

He hurriedly regained his calm and looked at Xu Jiaqi sternly, as if she was a child who did something wrong and had to be lectured. He waited for her to respond to his claims, no longer saying anything.

"..No one will know if I don't get caught, right? What makes you think that someone will be able to spot me?"

Instead of repenting or realizing her mistake, she said this.

"The First Child himself? Are you saying that he is in your favor now after just one visit from you? I must applaud you, my lady. You are truly magnificent and spectacular." Zenith said in a sarcastic tone.

"I shall be taking that praise, in fact! I did befriend Ezra. And I am not just joking. You will see what happens in the first Saintess trial. When will it start? the candidates have all been housed inside the quarters, right?" Xu Jiaqi fought back, not willing to just let her conscience be stepped on like that.

She perfectly knew what she was doing when she entered that shut-in's lair!

System: Lies, lies, lies! You didn't plan anything, you just wanted to bullshit your way out of it!

Xu Jiaqi: And it worked! What's your point?

"You- ha.. Well, it's not like I can do anything to control you anyway. I don't have anything left to say. The trial will start in two days. I have also gathered information about the other candidates and compiled it in a file. Please have this and read it in your free time." Zenith pulled out a file, his mood still bad.

He couldn't believe that this person had actually broke into Ezra Lancaster, who was widely known to rival the Cardinal or even beat him.

"Zenith, lend me your hand." Xu Jiaqi huffed, stretching out her hand and gesturing for Zenith to take it.

"...My lady, why are you so adamant on touching me every time you see me?" By this round, Zenith had already figured out that the reason Xu Jiaqi kept grabbing him was not just because of a trivial desire, but something more.

The way Xu Jiaqi reacted when she touched skin with Zenith. Although Zenith did not feel anything, what was the clever lady feeling?

He didn't take her hand, waiting for an answer.