"...What does he mean by that?  I wasn't in my right mind? It annoys me.. I'm so annoyed today. I'm.. There is something inside me that is starting to change." Xu Jiaqi gripped her fists tight.

For the first time in a while, she actually felt pure terror. She was frightened. Unable to think straight.

Perhaps Zenith's judgement was not at all wrong.

There was a fire inside her that she was unable to control. A fire that is starting to take over her mind and push her into unbelievable depths.

She fell back asleep, and opened her eyes to a different day. Without wasting time, she got out of the bed, cleaned herself thoroughly using magic, and got out fully ready to set off. She had to distract herself using

the matters over at Palla.

The townspeople were very amazed at her ability to take care of so many bandits by herself, to the point that they doubted Xu Jiaqi's identity. However, without saying much, Xu Jiaqi left, coldly saying that they were indebted to her in the future, and that they should remember her well. She left them with her name, but didn't go into detail on what her status was.

Zenith still kept his duties intact, even if there was something clearly wrong with Xu Jiaqi. Since they were well rested now, they went to Palla immediately using the same method- riding a horse together.

It was extremely awkward after the conflict that happened between them, but Xu Jiaqi did not bother to change the dynamic between them, and Zenith was also thinking that it would be up to the lady to reverse the situation.

A cold war ensued between Zenith and her. To be precise, it was Zenith that avoided Xu Jiaqi like the plague.

They rode the same horse and travelled to Palla just like the original pathway that they designated, and soon reached there in two days. Along the way, Xu Jiaqi kept trying to calm herself down, and conversed with the System about her ailment.

The System assured her that it was nothing much, but Xu Jiaqi could tell that there was something with herself. After all, a mere mechanical System wouldn't be able to tell her condition better than her.

As Xu Jiaqi recuperated, finding a peaceful balance inside herself, she was finally able to continue forth without tumbling down ever so often because of her condition. She took a huge sigh, and knew that this shortcoming of hers must have caused a lot of misunderstandings and caused all of her previous effort to gain Zenith's favor to naught.

It was right when they finally reached Palla did Xu Jiaqi decide that she should reconcile with Zenith in order for their future plans to work.

"Lady Ariel, we have arrived." Zenith spoke emotionlessly, just like the previous two days that the cold war occurred in. He stopped the horse in front of the gate of Palla, where they would have to undergo strict checkup before being let in.

Xu Jiaqi dismounted the horse with some help from Zenith, but it was obvious that he was just doing it for obligatory's sake and did not contain any sort of emotions, unlike before.

Xu Jiaqi knew that she had to make a move before everything was too late.

Zenith was leaving right after Xu Jiaqi was safely standing on the ground

"Wait. Where are you going?" Xu Jiaqi grabbed onto Zenith's wrist, squeezing it as hard as she could.

"I am going to call the representatives over so that we could get verified. The representatives that came to Maine were supposed to vouch for us, but because they are now not present, we have to look for other means of proof."

"Zen.. No, Zenith Ahgren, did I tell you to do that? Or have you became so improper that you would not only ignore my existence, but leave me alone in this cold and uncaring land?" Xu Jiaqi narrowed her eyes as she said.

The words were meant to strike at Zenith's conscience, and it would certainly invoke guilt within his heart. However, Xu Jiaqi did not mind using an underhanded method like this if it meant that everything would come iinto balance one more time. 

"I thought that you were mad at me.. Are you not?" Zenith trembled as he shook Xu Jiaqi's hand off. "You are the one who started to ignore me. Am I supposed to chase after you like a pitiful dog, when you treat me like a toy that you can freely get mad at and eventually throw any time you want?"

Zenith's expression was particularly painful to look at. It was clear that the man had been hurt by their conflict. Perhaps the expectation that Zenith had on Xu Jiaqi was so high that he ended up being ruthlessly disappointed when Xu Jiaqi berated and mocked him that day.

Xu Jiaqi was still stimulated by the pleasure that holding Zenith's hand gave her and couldn't help but grab it again. It had been two days since she had a long, complete contact like this with Zenith. The energy was refreshing, like her body was being renewed with every touch.

"Mad? Is that who you think I am? Someone who gets mad at you for nothing?" Xu Jiaqi continued her act.

"But.. Lady Ariel stormed away that day.. So I thought that you would want some space. You also didn't clarify anything, how was I supposed to know?!" Zenith raised his volume. He looked frustrated, understandably. He must feel that it is very unfair.

"Stop thinking about useless stuff. We are in Palla, do you think that we still have room to fool around? Obviously not. Prepare my stay here with care. Our long lasting battle to grab the authority.. Would soon begin." Xu Jiaqi commanded with a calm voice. "The matter from that day.. I was thinking about some disturbing stuff. It affected my train of logic, and I ended up doing whatever I did during these past two days. I apologize, it was my fault."

The last part was said in a lower volume, almost like a careful whisper.

Zenith heard it loud and clear, however.