"Take her away. She has gone crazy after hearing some.. fortunate news. An ungrateful person who can't even receive their golden chance calmly.. this type of person can never be a true Maine. Carry her out right this very instant.." Reginald looked away from the horrendous sight, and the knight began to mobilize themselves.

"Not a Maine.. Not a Maine, huh? You are right! This lady will never be able to spout bullshit like you folks! Thank the heavens that this lady is not a Maine! Thank the heavens, thank the fucking God!" Xu Jiaqi continued to scream until she thought that her throat was going to bleed. She ended up choking, leading to a series of uncontrollable coughs.

Tears instinctively jumped out of her eyes, further solidifying her act as a lunatic born from unjust actions.

She was dragged away by the knights that were stationed in the dining room, but she continued to hurl abuses, with a volume that threatened to burst their eardrums.

Her maniacal laughter could be heard even from a distance, and the Maine family members were reasonably quite affected with this change since it was completely unpredictable.

However, even though they always justified themselves, they knew that what they have been doing towards Ariel Maine all this time was wrong and naturally didn't pursue this matter further. They treated it as a case of a woman who finally went mad after

As if they weren't disgusting enough, the only thing that flew across their mind was actually that with how Ariel was acting, their image could be sullied when the representative from Palla comes. Reginald Maine had originally pressed this task towards Ariel because he knew how docile and meek the woman was, and how she couldn't stand up for herself at all.

However, now that she was beginning to grow mad, won't all of the arrangements fall apart? The Maine's name couldn't be tarnished.

There was a clear dissonance within the room. A thin ice that seemed to be forming around their heart, making it hard to breathe.

"...I will look for another way to solve this. Ariel will still go. Don't worry, Ariana. You will be safe from that shitty duty." Reginald comforted his blonde daughter as he called for a vassal to arrange his future plans. He stood up from his chair and left the room quickly.

In truth, if he was asked to speak about love, than what he had towards his daughter was not that of a paternal love, but rather appreciation because Ariana brought good fame and profit to them. She was a useful contributor to the family's honor, so Reginald naturally wouldn't discard her yet.

Reginald had never spoken about his other son Tristan. He always brought Keith to meeting other executives, but never Tristan. Because he knew how much damage the man could cause and wanted to avoid bringing him up.

Even as a bystander, Ariel was hurt a lot by Tristan who wanted to vent his anger. The young man was neglected because his older brother was way superior than him, and rather than trying to change himself, Tristan opted to committing huge crimes so that his father would pay attention to him. Any sort of attention. Good or bad.

The knights that Reginald deployed escorted Xu Jiaqi to the underground dungeon cell and imprisoned her. No matter how 'worthless' Xu Jiaqi was declared to be, due to the law that did not permit them to be rude towards nobles, they refrained from excessively acting towards Xu Jiaqi. However, they were still cold and did not look at the young girl's eyes in the slightest.

After her cell was locked tight, Xu Jiaqi sat down in the corner of the room and stopped her lunatic act. Perhaps because the guards did not think that Xu Jiaqi will be able to escape in the first place no matter how she tried, there was no one to keep watch on her. Reginald also did not specify that she had to be under supervision, so the surroundings were devoid of people.

Xu Jiaqi took a massive sigh, lamenting her bad start in this world. To think that after she experienced a grand life in the first round, she would be thrown down to the ground like this. What a contrast.

Her interest was piqued by some aspects of this world that was unfamiliar to her.

Magic. Before, she had only heard the term inside of fantasy contents, but she was actually inserted inside a fantasy world right now.

Xu Jiaqi was unfamiliar with the concept of using magic, but she tried to explore herself.

The Maine family were indeed quite talented in the magical power aspect. Most of the nobles were able to manipulate mana to a certain degree, which was one of the daunting factors that made them be separated from the civilians and peasants in the kingdom caste.

However, even withing this spectrum, the Maine family was rather exceptional. They had a high affinity to magic, and their sensitivity to mystical energies were better than others. Each generation of their family always had a pioneer in magic or an achievement in relation to that matter. However, this generation did not have such a person yet. This once caused Reginald to be enraged at all of his children and even physically harmed his wife a couple times out of frustration.

Because the Duchess Theresa was also someone who loved face, there was no way she would make a ruckus about this matter. She kept silence and healed her wounds secretly, but she did demand some compensation from the Duke.

This family was way more twisted than Ariel thought. But one thing, one painful thing was there- that Ariel was the punching back of this God forsaken family. She was treated like trash and slung from one corner to another.

However, since she technically had noble blood, then she should still be able to wield magic. This was the important part. She just didn't know how to start doing it since she was never taught so.

"...Should I start chanting those.. cringe worthy spell names.. and poses...?" Xu Jiaqi looked at her hands in disgust, not wanting to do it in the slightest.