"This.. Could be pretty useful, but can I use it in the modern world? This screams fantasy." Xu Jiaqi said as she flipped the fan open and closed it repeatedly.

[It depends on the world's settings. I will inform you if it is eligible to be used once we enter the world. As long as not much people see it, and the world doesn't clamor over it, it should generally be fine.] The System spoke.

Then, Xu Jiaqi began to wait for other notifications to greet her as she admired the details on the fan.

One second. Five. Thirty. A minute had passed.

The System still didn't say anything else.

Xu Jiaqi raised her brow.

"..The System sure is quite stingy. There are no other rewards?" The corner of her lips twitched. Although she believed that great rewards can only come from taking great risks and efforts, to which she did not necessarily have to put a great deal of care to the tutorial world, it was called a 'tutorial'.

Tutorials usually came with newbie packages and all those perks, right? Where were they?

[There is, but it's in relation with your wish. You didn't get a placement point because it's a Tutorial World. Instead, you unlocked the Wish Bar. After you pass a world, you will be given orbs that vary according to the grade you got. If you passed with flying colors, then you might be able to get a full orb or more. If you pass with bare minimum grades, then you might only be able to get one fragment or said orb. The amount of orbs also vary according to the world level, but tutorial worlds are classified as Null- meaning that you can't extract any orbs out of it.] The System diligently explained.

"That kind of thing is exactly what you should be saying to me!" Xu Jiaqi protested. "Where is this wish bar?"

[You can check it in your agent profile. There will be a bar positioned on top of your health statistics. This bar can be filled as you collect the orbs from different worlds. As you can see, it is resting at the perilous number of 0 right now.. Did I need to tell you about this saddening matter?]

"...Well, no."

It was indeed sort of depressing.

[Well then, Host can choose to have a vacation. The maximum time permitted by the Main System is a total of 7 days. In this period of time, you are allowed to roam the System space and do whatever you want. You are able to manipulate the system's interior to your liking by imagining your desired outcome inside your head. Other than the creation of living things, you are free to execute whatever you wish.]

"Hm? So, for a total of 7 days, you're telling me that I will be able to laze around and live a fulfilled life.. That doesn't sound to bad, but I don't think I need 7 days. Can I save the vacation time?"

[Yes, you can. You may specify how many days you want to take off.]

"Then give me one day of rest. I didn't do much in the last world, so I'm not tired." Xu Jiaqi answered listlessly as she began to visualize her space, making it into a comfortable location for her to spend a day before she had to jump into another world.

"While you're at it, is it possible to send me the next world's scenario ahead of time?"

[Unfortunately, no. However, I can tell you that it is going to be a C-ranked world. Your authority is not enough to unlock the story ahead of time. If you gain sufficient authority, you can even begin to select which plot you want to stay in.]

"Great, thanks! You can go back now, I'll just have a nap." Xu Jiaqi didn't expect for her perks to be that grand too since she was just starting out. She readily accepted the outcome and fell asleep on the king sized bed she created.

The System retreated, focusing on fixing what were the remnants of Xu Jiaqi's trip so that the previous world could sort itself out and not cause any problems later on.

In her sleep, Xu Jiaqi had a dream.

It did not display a clear picture. She heard voices, voices that sounded so familiar to her. It stirred her heart, and made her uncomfortable.

-Xu Jiaqi, you damned bitch! This kind of thing is not allowed. You are going to break the entire world apart! You don't know the weight of your actions!

-What are you saying? All those years of suffering that I experienced under you bastards, do you expect me to just stay still after I have gained power to retaliate? When you killed my man, can you say that you did it for a good reason? Did he ask you to spare their lives? Despite that.. Did you let him go? Obviously, not. If he was still alive, I wouldn't be here exterminating bugs like you. If you want to look for someone to blame, then blame yourselves for not knowing who you can and can't offend.

-Xu Jiaqi.. You shall be cursed. Blood will be repaid by blood. You have killed without bounds just to take revenge for one. Your karma will be sullied to the point of no return! In the future, don't expect to get a happy ending! No matter where you are.. no matter what you do, your sins will haunt you down, your deeds will chain you up!

-I appreciate the prayers. Now, could you shut up and die? Thank you.

The audio unfurled like that. She heard her own voice talking to a person screaming on top of their lungs in despair. After the short exchange was made, her dream was cut short.

She fell into a void, a bottomless void that seemed to suck her in. It made her scared. She was endlessly falling without an end to be seen.

Luckily, after a few minutes of falling, her sleep finally ended and she woke up in her System space, with no signs of anomalies.

Still, her heart was shaken.