"But, how are we going to do it?" With the same old innocent tone, she asked.

She was very excited about this plan. She looked forward to see her creations be populated by a bunch of interesting lifeforms. No matter what it came out to be, she wanted to accept it with an open heart.

Right. No matter what it came out to be.

"The World Tree.. Or should I say, the Tree of Origin," The man said.

The Tree of Origin was as the name suggested- a tree that held the power of Origin. Origin- meaning the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived.  Yggdrasil was its name. The Eternal Tree that contained the power that would be the source of everything. The Creator was someone who wielded the power, but the one that produces the energy itself was the tree.

It could be said that the true owner of the universe should be Yggdrasil. Everything was sourced from that tree. Whereas the Creator was the administrator of the universe. The one and only true Ruler.

"The Tree of Origin? I know what that is! What about it?" Previously, the Creator had told her about it. That time, the Creator stressed the importance of Yggdrasil, making her have a large impression of the tree.

"Its roots act as a stabilizer for the entire universe. Recently, I have discovered that so long as the roots branches properly, there is a chance that we can create another space or realm separate from this one. It will still be connected to the World Tree, but their stabilizer would be different. Basically, we can't really use our current place as the habitat, but we can create other spaces.. Other worlds for lives to thrive in."

"..Let me simplify this. The roots, they can grow into another stabilizer that serves another realm, and that realm will stay connected with us, but they will be under the... whatever stabilizer they have?" She thought. It still wasn't simple enough, to be honest. But it was understandable for her.

A separate realm that wasn't so separate. They would still govern over it, but they would have another administrator in charge of it. They just had the highest power over everything still.

"More or less, yes," The Creator nodded as he approved her words.

"Hmm... I get it. Let's do it, then! I like the idea, I think we're going to ace this. Say, I might not rest for a couple of months. I want to rea~~lly hammer in on this plan! I'm way too pumped up~" The woman cheered as she stood up and raised her arms up into the air.

"If you don't take rests in between the project, then when the world is fully launched, you'll collapse out of exhaustion and won't be able to witness the world's first few moments. Do you not realize that, hm?"

"Uhh.. Then I'll take some breaks in between and make sure I won't collapse right in the end. That should do the trick!"

The Creator sighed, finding himself giving in to her wishes. So be it. He was way too lenient on her from the beginning, but he didn't think it was bad.

They began their plans and worked hard. They poured every single bit of their mind and soul into thinking and putting their ideas into practice. Whatever terms they found suitable to implement, they immediately ran and tested it in their first 'prototype' world.

It took some time to figure out every single piece of the puzzle.

Time didn't matter to them since they were immortal and couldn't be destroyed, at least not under very specific conditions. They would have to relinquish the power bestowed in them. Their powers were their source of life, so after they were taken away, it would mean that the two beings wouldn't be able to continue forth.

Sure, they did it. With utter ease and perfection, at that. The prototype was ready to launch. They looked from their favorite lily garden. Setting up and cleaning the very last bits of their grand plan.

The two made sure everything would go well. It was supposed to go well.

They designed a blueprint for the world and filled in the lives that were supposed to come to light one by one. Starting from the locations, to the various inhabitants of the place.

They created generators that would be able to run itself in the future, and respective administrators in charge for running said generators in case something went awry. They wouldn't have to worry about every single entity. They could rely on the generator to give each corresponding creations their unique set of random characteristics. Not to mention, the administrators were there to take care of any possible danger signs should anything happen.

They divided their tasks to two large groups. She was put in charge of the world's foundational core, whereas the Creator worked on creating the world's landscapes- something he was extremely good at.

They still contributed to each other's fields, but naturally they were much more engaged with their own.

She loved beautiful things. With her imagination, she managed to create generators that would give life to various races. Spawn them into existence. First, she made one called 'Spirits'.

They had humanoid features, but they would differ in size in accordance to the power they held. They had wings attached to their backs and would have cosmetic customization from the many arrays of colors that existed.

Colorful things always caught her attention and love.

The spirits successfully became the first race to ever exist, apart from the two deities. From the on, other races were created and established.

As the Creator had said before, the holding power of this new realm was the 'child' of Yggdrasil, a mystical Tree that contained traces of Origin Magic as well. However, it was nowhere near the Origin Magic Yggdrasil possessed.

The Tree was called the Spirit Tree, named after the Spirit race that would be tasked with watching over the sacred tree.

She created a plotline, a history for the founding of the world.

The first race to emerge would be the Spirits, who live in a lush forest that is rich with energy and mana because of their situational benefits- that their enclosures were near the Spirit Tree. She designed every single attribute they would have, paying attention to the logic behind it as well.

She thought about ways to maintain a connection between the two worlds. One that the denizens would be able to use without coming in contact with the upper realms directly. She granted a status to the Spirits. From the weakest to the strongest, there would be a loose hierarchy.

One that stood above all those would then be called the King. She granted the 'Spirit' or 'Fae' King power to connect with the Spirit Tree.

It would be able to channel the Tree's messages and receive intel. To be precise, the Spirits were unofficial guardians of the world because of their specialties.

A thousand years passed. Building a world from scratch was naturally not easy. It wouldn't take a short while.

From building the world's exterior outlook to the interior section, to the future progression and features of the world, the two worked hand in hand to muster up their best creations.

She ended up creating a total of five races after long sessions of thinking. They were the Humans, Spirits, Dragons, Beastkin, and lastly, Elves.

She granted each of the races exclusive specialties and made their bodies all be based upon humanoid figures. She was most adept at creating humanoid shapes, but she loved each and every single race equally since they were born from her own thinking steps.

Balance was important. In a world, there had to be balance placed everywhere. If the balance was tipped over, then the situation would quickly turn sour, and they couldn't have that. Not after they had spent so much time working on this place.

Not only creating things, they spent a lot of time working for the technical parts of it. Correcting anything that seemed out of the place and could break the supposed balance of the world. They were very careful with their moves as to not hurt anything substantial.

After they were done, they had already lost count of the amount of time they spent. They only knew that their job ended. Their dream was fulfilled.

She was satisfied looking at the prototype. She imagined the bustling life that would soon grace the lands the Creator created once everything was fully set off. It brought her unthinkable excitement and make her show a wide grin full of glee to the Creator.

Even though the Creator originally began this plan to cater to her wishes, he had truly begun to enjoy it as well. Spending time with her and using their imaginations to create various things.

He felt like he was expressing true freedom. Creativity.

It was truly such happy moments that he stubbornly did not want to lose to anyone.