Xu Jiaqi widened her eyes slightly, realizing his intentions which made her heart warm up. Even as they were sucked into this whirlpool of desire, he still thought about her wellbeing.

"How kind of you." Xu Jiaqi giggled. The corners of her eyes were reddish, as streams of tears had accidentally escaped her eyes when she was going crazy out of the pleasure.

"It's only a given. It's what I should do." Tang Yizhou grabbed a stray pillow from the side and gave it to Xu Jiaqi to be used as a leverage point.

Xu Jiaqi took a deep breath. When they were fucking, she didn't have the chance to have a good breathing regulation. She was thrown around and mercilessly pierced, hitching her breath counts and sending her to a whole different plane of sensations at the lack of oxygen travelling to her brain.

If they had just continued doing it and didn't stop to take a rest, this frail body would've passed out long before they finished their second round.

Xu Jiaqi was slightly disappointed since they couldn't have a clear view of the night sky anymore, but the bed was much more comfortable, had a wider space from them to roll on, and had actual places for her to grip on instead of scarring Tang Yizhou's back.

Not that the man minded it.

They both took several sips of water to quench their thirst before beginning to entangle themselves once again, getting rough with each other much faster than before.

Tang Yizhou positioned himself in front of her entrance once more and pushed into her. She was still loosened up from their previous round, so the start this time was much smoother.

"Ah!" Xu Jiaqi winced, feeling the empty void lurking inside her be filled once again. Her hole was plugged up nice and thorough by Tang Yizhou's rod.

She was definitely sore, but she still craved more. More of his touches, his kisses, his warmth. And the man longed for the same thing.

Tang Yizhou began to thrust inside her, starting out with slow and steady pushes before escalating into a much harsher take. His balls slapped against her skin as his momentum caused Xu Jiaqi to hold on to dear life, trying to grasp at anything that fell upon her grip's control.

This time, they didn't just stick to one position, but instead could have more freedom in whichever stance they decided to do it in because of the comfier bed. The man's hard length reached even deeper when he fucked her from behind, sending strong impulses down Xu Jiaqi's brain and leaving her a moaning mess.

Finishing inside her for the second time, Tang Yizhou let Xu Jiaqi relax and regain her calm. He peppered kisses on her face, down to the neck, further on to her body, and lastly, placing his large palm on top of her stomach.

He was still inside of her, as he hadn't pulled out yet because of Xu Jiaqi's own request to stay there. As he touched her stomach area, he felt Xu Jiaqi tighten up harshly, so it was clear that the place he pressed on was very sensitive.

"Don't-" Xu Jiaqi let out a small whine, followed by a troubled moan.

Tang Yizhou found it rather interesting that this sort of thing was here, and made a little grin before he touched it a second time. He felt the walls of flesh surrounding his cock contract and tremble.

Letting out an awkward laugh because a new wave of pleasure was sent down his way, Tang Yizhou tried to pull out from the cave, but his movements were stopped by Xu Jiaqi, who lowered her head and grabbed his arm tightly.

"...Now you've done it." Xu Jiaqi looked at the other with glaring eyes, licking her lips before letting his length slip out of her and wrestling for control.

She pushed his shoulders down, wanting to be on top of him this time. As the man let her take control and do whatever she wanted, Xu Jiaqi pinned Tang Yizhou and bit his neck with a little more force than usual. Tang Yizhou pursed his lips, letting out a small sound as he received the playful bite.

"Are you a puppy? How can you be so cute?" Tang Yizhou teased, patting Xu Jiaqi's head and rubbing her face despite the expression she showed.

"Are you sure about that?" Xu Jiaqi grinned. Her sneaky hand fell onto Tang Yizhou's cock once more, stroking it gently, wanting to awaken the resting beast again. "I'll make you regret it."

"This time, it's not for you to enjoy. I'll have my own set of fun. It won't end as prettily for you." Xu Jiaqi smirked. "Are you up for it, or do you want to back out?"

Tang Yizhou gulped a mouthful of saliva, knowing that what Xu Jiaqi implied was that he would be subjected to probably a series of interesting torture methods lest he refused.

But how could he? It was not only the request of his beloved, but also a tempting offer in itself. He wanted to see what she had in store to offer, and where this could escalate to.

They were already two rounds deep, but they didn't feel exhausted yet because of the adrenaline that pumped them up.

"Like you said.. I'm your birthday present. I'm all yours, Qiqi." Tang Yizhou smiled, his eyes dazzling as he stared at the woman hovering over him with wonder.

Xu Jiaqi's eyes slightly narrowed, letting out a tiny chuckle as she giggled in delight, excited as to what she could do and what she was about to do.

Nonetheless, Xu Jiaqi ended up performing some unspeakable and questionable acts towards Tang Yizhou, to which the man wholeheartedly accepted all of her advancements. Xu Jiaqi did make sure to constantly ask his thoughts and how he felt, reminding him that a simple word of refusal would be the only thing it took for them to stop this dangerous play right away.

They fully stopped after going at it for five rounds, their stamina and adrenaline carrying them through the entire action before collapsing and falling deep asleep.


The next day- Well, actually, it was still the same day since they fucked into the following morning. Xu Jiaqi woke up in the afternoon, way later than her usual rise and shine schedule.

She woke up to see that her bed was empty and her partner was gone. Her first assumption was that he had left for work, but then she heard some sounds come from the door.

Still sleepy, tired, and sore all over, Xu Jiaqi wasn't sure if she was going to wake up at all today and contemplated skipping this day entirely, even though it was her birthday.

Sighing, she clumped up and tucked herself back into the blanket, deciding to try to catch some more sleep before seeing if she could even continue this day in the slightest.

She heard footsteps headed towards her room, and smelled a light waft of food. An alluring aroma that made her stomach- which had been laden with hunger after so many rounds of intense bed exercises and needed to be consoled.

"Qiqi, wake up for a bit, you need to eat or you could get sick." Tang Yizhou spoke with care, pulling down the blanket covering Xu Jiaqi.

Tang Yizhou brought a light, yet delicious meal.

Her hunger was satiated once she gobbled up all the dishes, and a wave of drowsiness hit her once more, making her loosen up her grip and fall back onto the bed.

"..I'm tired." Xu Jiaqi complained. "Like, really tired. My whole body is uncomfortable, even though it felt good while we were still doing it. I really shouldn't have pushed my limits.. How can I walk if this is the state I end up in?"

"I'll give you a thorough massage." Tang Yizhou giggled at the woman's words and opened up the blanket halfway, revealing her supple back, which he had seen time and time again yesterday.

He took a random bottle of relaxing oil that was part of the bathing treatments and poured it into his hands, before beginning to rub it over her body. He gently kneaded on her flesh, making sure to soothe the muscles and ease the pain she felt.

Xu Jiaqi, receiving the touches, felt grateful that Tang Yizhou was this caring and let out several sounds of relief. After her whole body was massaged, she felt appeased and had a peaceful mind.

So peaceful that it would take one second before she fell asleep once more.

"I'll go back to sleep..." Xu Jiaqi said. "I genuinely don't think that I can do anything else other than that for the rest of this day."

"Then it's fine. You can do whatever you want," Tang Yizhou smiled widely as he saw the woman retreating back into her blanket fort. Adding to her comfort, Tang Yizhou went to the cabinet and took out several other comfortable pillows, throwing it towards Xu Jiaqi who added it to her pillow fortress and strengthened it.

"Good night.. I mean, afternoon? Evening? I don't know, honestly.." Xu Jiaqi didn't even know what she was saying, her mind was a mess. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in an instant. 

"Sleep tight, mi amor.." Tang Yizhou whispered, patting Xu Jiaqi once more before leaving the room and going to do other stuffs.