Today, she went out to seek a real estate agent.

But first, she went to the mall, dressed like an elite, sophisticated young lady that had a cold aura. To add on to the play, she also hired ripped bodyguards who followed her around.  Wherever she went, she drew stares towards her. Of course, she ignored every single one of them and continued on with her shopping.

She bought clothes, appliances, devices, and everything that caught her eye, fully knowing that her budget could accommodate for all the items that she bought.

As she enjoyed her day, her eyes darted over to a particular place, where she finally spotted a familiar figure.

"Oh?" Xu Jiaqi made a surprised sound, taking off her sunglasses to see clearly. It really was her.

Fate must've wanted them to cross paths once again... to draw out a confrontation? Was that the destiny?

Of course, she wouldn't let anybody else except for her win the fight, so there was already no hope for the other person.

Zhao Xinran.

"Is something the matter, young miss?" One of the two bodyguards asked.

"...An interesting enemy popped up. You two should fall back and hide while I take care of this little chick~" Xu Jiaqi's playful nature came out, as she pushed the bodyguards holding stacks of items away.

The two bodyguards were reluctant, but they still let her go because she was their employer, the one who paid their fees upfront. They wouldn't disobey her wishes.


Xu Jiaqi approached Zhao Xinran with light steps. The woman was standing in front of a shop, shopping bags surrounding her. It seemed like she had also spent her time roaming this facility for long like her, but she didn't come across her before. Or perhaps, she was too fixated in her own matters to care about a person like her.

Very plausible.

In any case, Xu Jiaqi. Wanted. To. Cause. Some. Trouble!

"Hello there." Xu Jiaqi stood in front of Zhao Xinran with a condescending gaze, her stance proud and unbending. "It's nice to see you again. It must be fate, actually."

"Y-you.. Qiqi! Why are you here.. You're dressed like that as well.." Zhao Xinran couldn't recognize the girl at first. It was because the figure she knew was the sickly, mindless girl that couldn't think for herself. The girl who was stuck to the hospital, completely under their thumbs and helpless over whatever happened to her.

Compared to that, the person before her just radiated confidence. She was dressed like a prim and proper lady, had a gaze akin to none, and her aura was just suffocating to face head to head. Unlike before, her complexion was great, and her beauty shone like never before.

Was this truly Xu Jiaqi? How come? Why?

Of course, Zhao Xinran would never know that the person before her right now was a completely reformed version of Xu Jiaqi. 

The Xu Jiaqi who had a thousand faces under her belt.

"Hmm? Why are you so shocked? Is it wrong that I'm dressed like this? Ohh~ I know, you must be jealous of me because I'm prettier than you. Too bad. Your parents are nowhere near mine, so just by counting the genetics factor.. I'm clearly the better seed." Xu Jiaqi brushed off her hair like she didn't talk about a strange topic in the slightest.

"Y-you! How could you insult my parents like that?" Zhao Xinran teared up.

This was her forte. Acting pitiful, and being a damsel in distress that attracted everyone's sympathy and caused her to maintain her image and adjust to her rich life.

This was also one of the main weapons she used to lure Song Ziyi in, so she would know how to use this technique the best.

Of course, in front of Xu Jiaqi, who could act out a white lotus better than anyone, Zhao Xinran's performance was not all that great to her. It was acceptable, but she lacked the correct gestures and timing.

'5/10. Just so so. Tch.' Xu Jiaqi commented internally, grading the other party.

How come her enemy was like this? Was she even worthwhile to face her? Wouldn't it be like bullying a kindergarten child?

She ought to spice it up a little bit to make it more interesting.

Licking her lips, Xu Jiaqi raised her hand and landed a crisp slap on Zhao Xinran's face. The sound reverberated so clearly, and Zhao Xinran's head was turned to the side. The look of shock and disbelief present on her was quite satisfying.

"This is for messing with me in the past. Ahh, it really does feel satisfying. I should've just gone down this path from the start. This is my calling. What was I being a meek bitch for? Letting myself be your doormat for all these years? Fuck." Xu Jiaqi cursed, shaking her head as she stepped down on Zhao Xinran's foot mercilessly.

She was wearing heels, so the pain was amplified even more. Zhao Xinran backed away in an instant, looking at Xu Jiaqi as if she was some type of monster.

"You... Who are you?! You're not Xu Jiaqi, are you? Are you her ghost?!" Zhao Xinran was scared out of her mind. She felt pain, but above all of that.. Humans were creatures that would get easily shaken when things that they were used to for so long changed out of a sudden without any explanation.

Especially when the change was so drastic like this.

"Did you just ask me why I slapped you? Or because I stepped on your foot?" Xu Jiaqi pinned Zhao Xinran to the wall of the store they stood in front of, getting closer and closer to her. "Either way, it doesn't matter." She whispered beside her ear softly.

"I slapped you because it's free. The same way goes for your foot, okay~ Also, I don't like you. I loathe you. I'm tired of all your crap, I'm tired of you stealing what should've been mine in the first place. I'm tired of everything, and from now on.. I won't deal with you rotten fellows any longer."