
Ha ha

No one paid attention to the stone man at the scene. It was just a daydream. It had to be collected when the flowers were in full bloom.

Otherwise, the fragrance and sweetness will attract more races. At that time, there will be no way to divide them. The scene will be more chaotic.

If we can solve it peacefully, we don't want to fight.

Stone Man:

Ning Shu comforted him. "It's OK. Wait a minute. When the time comes, it's a bull crash."

These people discuss distribution on their own, throw the huge stone people over and isolate them from the communication circle.

The stone man looks like a pitiful lump.

Originally, stone people are not competitive.

The flowers are in full bloom. It's better to watch the flowers. The saliva is flowing down three thousand feet, because the center of the flowers is full of sticky nectar.

The smell can make people dizzy. Anyway, we must have a taste.

The scene looked peaceful because it had been assigned in advance.

Ning Shu coughed, and stone man immediately stamped his foot and rushed into the crowd with the force of thunder, "you just don't give me mountain face."

Use their huge body to make trouble, so that these people can't pick flowers at the first time.

It's just that kind of nonsense.

Ning Shu rolled in the mud, covered with mud and water, and ran quickly to the living soul, taking advantage of the chance that the stone man had won for himself.

Stone man is very resistant to beating, and his defense is very speechless. If you don't hit him, he will go to your face very much, causing you to be tied up.

But it's not worth fighting him. Wasting your strength will not hurt him.

Ning Shu is close to the living soul. Look at it from a close distance. Stand at the bottom of the plant and lift your head up.

The flower is so big that the nectar of a flower can eat well for a long time.

Ning Shu climbs onto the living soul, wants to break the flower path, picks one and runs.

Uncle Tai saw the mud monkey Ning Shu crawling around like a spider on the plant. He wanted to pass at the first time, but he was stopped by the stone man.

Stone man's existence is to beat him, not to beat him and angry, he must stop, or to cause a little trouble to taishu.

Ning Shu can't break the flower diameter, or even bite it with her teeth, but a flower branch is thicker than her two. When can she bite it with her teeth.

So many people, stone people are not easy to stop, Ning Shu is in a hurry, simply holding the grass leaves, a direct pull, the result will be a whole plant has been pulled up.

It's uprooted.

Ning Shu was stunned. The first reaction was to play big. He just wanted to get one. As a result, he pulled up the whole thing.

If you have a weapon in your hand, cut the flower branch directly and drag a flower to run.

Those people who lose a flower can also accept it, but now she has even brought the pot, and those who don't have harvest can't pursue it on mission.

Ning Shu immediately responds and carries the huge one on his shoulder, which looks like an ant carrying a 40 meter broadsword.

Ning Shu shouted to the stone man, "run now."

Others were stunned when they saw that Ning Shu had uprooted his soul. Then they rushed to Ning Shu and tried to get something back.

Stone man ran at the front, picked up Ning Shu, put him on his shoulder, and began to run all the way.

The voice of the stone man was so lost in the wind that he couldn't hear it. "Why are you uprooting? Aren't you making one?"

Ning Shu: "I don't know. Mind it. Run."

The dark people in the back came after him, and a huge hand stretched out. The speed was very fast. He was about to cover Ning Shu and the stone man.

Ning Shu saw this huge hand, and his eyes showed senleng's killing intention. He put down the soul on his shoulder and let the stone man carry it.

Ning Shu is holding his fist, probably counting his strength.

She sprang up, catapulted at the giant hand like a shell, and rushed to the cannon like a mosquito.

Ning Shu clenched his fist and collided with the giant hand. Time seemed to stop. The next second, a strong sound burst out from the contact place.

The giant hand was broken like glass, and disappeared.

Uncle taishu's face was cold and indifferent. Soon a huge hand was reunited and he wanted to seize Ning Shu.

Ning Shu secretly shook his hand and it hurt a little. There was no other influence. If it was in the previous state, it must have been crushed to death by this giant hand.

Ning Shu clenches his fist and smashes the shadow of the fist on the giant hand like the wind. The power of gathering the giant hand is broken up by Ning Shu.

He jumped back on the shoulder of the stone man again and shouted to the black crowd behind him: "when I first arrived, I didn't know how to talk and do things. If you offend me, would you like to hit me, cough, cough..."Ning Shu looks at the uncle in the black windbreaker and points to him. "I'll come to you sooner or later." I'll make you look good.

The stone man ran so fast that no one could think that his huge and clumsy body could run so fast.

Usually stone people are slow and leisurely.

People are a bit confused, so, now the soul is uprooted by people, they just smell a smell, many people are not willing to chase in the direction of disappearance.

Uncle Tai stood still and looked in that direction with his eyebrows twisted.

Is that the son of the God stone family?

The hostility to him is very heavy. From one side, I feel a sense of killing and hostility, and my hand is also very fierce.

Taishu narrowed his eyes, then he planed the matter behind his head and began to track it according to the marks left before, which was easier than those who followed blindly.

Ning Shu sat on the shoulder of the stone man, holding the other in one hand, which was red and swollen, red and red.

Ning Shu was tearful. "It hurts so much. My hand is broken."

Stone Man:

It's a little bit groovy, but it has no mouth.

Ning Shu mourned for her hand and began to look for something everywhere.

"What are you looking for?" asked the stone man

"Is there a mark on you and me, and on the living soul? If there is a mark, we will be found everywhere."

According to Ning Shu's understanding of taishu and that organization, taishu has come in person, which shows that he is very keen on rebirth and has not given up so easily.

Uncle, they are people who walk step by step and look at ten steps. They have absolute strength to think that the soul is their own. It's normal to make a mark like a dog pee in advance.

Stone man didn't speak, always thought that she knew that person, but she was a baby just born.

Ning Shu searched for the mark inch by inch. At last, he found a very small mark under a leaf.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find it.