Although I don't know why Zhang Jiasen is trapped with these people, it's obviously someone else's game.

And what's the role Zhang Jiasen plays in it?

But the sparks from their collision are enough for Zhang Jiasen to bear.

Ning Shu looks at Zhang Jiasen. This time, he has to solve Zhang Jiasen. He thinks that Zhang Jiasen is disgusting her, and the result is more dangerous than simple disgust.

I'm not going to bypass Zhang Jiasen.

The judge stood in front of Zhang Jiasen, apparently afraid that Ning Shu would suddenly hurt people.

The judge's face is icy, "you still want to start, I advise you to be obedient and wait for the result of organizing the trial."

Ning Shu said, "even if the organization really wants to punish me, I admit it. After all, I dare to do it. If I do it, I kill people, I will be punished."

Zhang Jiasen stood at the back, looking at Ning Shu with a whip. She looked fearless and determined to fight with death.

What is it that gives her such determination and makes her so desperate and reckless.

Zhang Jiasen clenched his fist and felt all sorts of feelings. This woman even despised him more than she thought, and was even colder than she thought.

He is like a devil, want to see her embarrassed, want to see her helpless, want her to reach out to himself, give him his hand.

But she is always like this. People can't help but want to crush her into mud. It's hard to see if she's still so annoying.

But with her head held high, she had no scruples. The feeling of burning jade and stone came to her face. How could she do this? Why didn't she be afraid? Why didn't she ask for a detour.

I really want to break her bones one by one, so that she can no longer stand up.

What a hater!

People hate and gnash their teeth all the time.

Zhang Jiasen felt that he hated this woman very much, but he longed for the other side to look back at him.

Not always to her.

Zhang Jiasen touched his heart. The feeling of this place is really strange.

The judge was left speechless by Ning Shu's hob meat. He could only protect Zhang Jiasen as much as he could. It's not for Zhang Jiasen's sake. How good is the relationship with Zhang Jiasen.

But if this man is really allowed to kill him in front of himself, where is the authority of his judge.

And still in the law city.

It's a shame that he didn't stop making trouble in such a place as this as a judge.

Usually those taskers look at themselves as detours. After all, no one likes to be stared at by the judge.

It's a little strange for people to be so tit for tat.

Ning Shu waved a whip. "What if I had to kill him?"

Cut the grass and root. There's no reason to let Zhang Jiasen go. Zhang Jiasen is like a mouse. He's not afraid to hide. Then, is he disgusting.

If the mouse doesn't come to provoke people, it's gone. Nobody cares. But the mouse will come to bite people. If it doesn't solve the problem, will it stay to bite people?

"You can try..." Before the judge finished speaking, he saw a whip shadow coming towards the front door. It was very fast. Subconsciously, the judge wanted to avoid the whip shadow.

But if we dodge, we'll have bad luck for the latter task.

Too arrogant!

The judge shouldered the whip forcefully. Although there was a weapon to stop the whip, the tail of the whip swept to the judge's face.

The judge felt the sharp pain of soul and was absorbed a little power of soul. Although it was not much, it made the judge's face very ugly.

Zhang Jiasen is wrong. He will leave the water city and return to the system space in the first time.

Just go back to system space and it's safe.

But Ning Shu has sealed the space in advance, which makes the space agglomerate, and there is no way to transfer.

Of course, if the space law is profound for some people, there is a natural way to break through such a space blockade, but Zhang Jiasen obviously can't break through.

Instead, he hit his head.

His face became colder and colder. He looked at Ning Shu. "Don't you want to kill me? Come and kill me!"


But you will kill you if you don't say it.

The judge responded and immediately protected Zhang Jiasen. He was gnashing his teeth. Can't he wait for a while?

Wait for the verdict of the organization to come down.

It seems that he is determined to kill the Tasker.

Is there any deep hatred.

As for his presence here, there are naturally various reasons. The judge's face is a little ugly. He knows that he seems to be an important part of others' Bureau.

The judge didn't care at all about Ning Shu's accusation, because he didn't belong to any faction at all.

Judges must be fair, and some more flexible punishment must be reported to the organization.In fact, the judge's position is quite awkward. Sometimes when a Tasker violates the rules and you want to punish, the main system says to deal with it flexibly.

Flexible treatment will reduce the punishment. The original damned crime can not die.

Judges eat lotus root.

As for the scourge, it's a good thing, of course. If the judge kills a person, he will collect the soul power of the punished person. It's not the judge who collects it.

But part of it is to be handed over to the organization, and the judges themselves leave part of it as remuneration.

The judge is also a job, of course.

The Tasker gains the soul power by doing the task, while the judge gains the soul power by punishing and killing the Tasker.

It's kind of like a food chain.

At least the judges are superior to many of them.

But to a certain extent, the judge will not be able to punish.

But these people are in the care of the organization.

Even if the judge wants to judge, he doesn't have that strength.

Ning Shu said nothing. Since the judge wanted to protect her, we should fight together.

As long as it is the soul, it will be very painful to be beaten by the whip, and it will also be absorbed by the power of the soul.

Ning Shu waved a whip, and the judge opened the border shield directly. The whip slapped on the shield, but he failed to break the shield.

Ning Shu uses his strength to whip the shield.

The judge said, "it's a protective prop for the judge. You can't break it at all."

Ning Shu pursed her lips. "It's like a turtle shell."

Very annoying.

The judge and Zhang Jiasen are standing in the border, while Ning Shu is waving a whip outside.

What kind of prop is it? It has such a powerful power. Want it?

Since it is organized for judges, it must be something unique to judges.

It's so strong. If you have it, then you won't be able to beat yourself. It's awesome!

Ning Shu is waving a whip while watching the border greedily.

Hot eyes.