The witch read the mantra in panic to save her life.

As soon as the vines are pulled out, the witch's heart will definitely burst with blood. Now the vines are stuck in her heart, which is quite hemostatic to some extent.

Let the witch feel like she can save it.

"Save me, I can tell you how to release the soul inside. Without my command, these souls can't leave. Only I can solve the spell." The witch had to look at Ning Shu who played with beads.

It's like a child's interesting and devoted to his toys.

The little mermaid looks good, the focus of the appearance can not say good-looking, but this scene, but let the witch feel chilly.

Life is passing away. The witch doesn't want to die. She can only beg the little mermaid to save herself.

Ning Shu shook his head. "No, I don't want to know now. I want to study how to release it myself."

"Poof..." The witch really vomited blood. In the past, the means to frighten humans and sea creatures were useless for this little mermaid.

"Then, then..." The witch saw the blue scales in the corner of her eyes, and her brain was full of light

Ning Shu: "the fish is dead. Even if he has any business, there is no use for eggs. I don't want to know."

When the witch heard this, she swallowed the blood in her mouth. She didn't dare to bleed. The smell of blood would attract hunters.

Smell the blood, maybe come to tear her. Even if the little mermaid doesn't kill herself now, it may attract other creatures.

Never hated children so much. The word "bear child" is in front of the witch.

Always suffer losses in the hands of little mermaid.

Before, she thought that the little mermaid was a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers. She was not in awe of the witch, and her elders did not tell her the terrible nature of the witch.

As a result, she is a violent Mermaid. After eating so many mermaids, she has never seen such a mermaid.

How can a mermaid have such skills? If a mermaid has such skills, where can she eat such a mermaid.

What's the matter with the little princess.

Don't be afraid of yourself because the other side has strength.

Witch hate how to provoke such a mischievous, willful Mermaid.

"No, you don't know what Lan's deal means to the whole Mermaid family. As long as you promise to let me go and send me ashore, I will tell you."

Ning Shu shook her head. "My mother said that witches are used to coaxing people to sign contracts. If I promise you, I'll take it."

The witch is angry and anxious. The little mermaid is so difficult to deal with. I used to know that the little princess of the mermaid is innocent and kind. She is the most lovely Mermaid.

God he is naive and lovely, is a devil at all.

"LAN, LAN wants to be the leader of the mermaid."

Ning Shu said, no expression, as long as there are intelligent creatures, they want to strive for as many living resources as possible.

Lan'en is really a back of life. He has been occupied by others. He has not become the king of mermaid. His body has been boiled into soup.

The hero's tears are filled with tears before he dies.

A deep tear of sympathy for LAN en.

The witch sees that Ning Shu is still indifferent. Some people want to fight for your mother's throne. Are you so indifferent? Are you born?

Ning Shu asked with his head askew, "why does LAN want to be the king of mermaids? Besides having more mates, more food and other wild hopes, do you want to deal with human beings?" The mermaid was badly bullied by human beings.

As soon as the spirit of the witch shakes and the weak eyes brighten, "you let me go first."

Ning Shu: "that's over. I don't want to ask."

Don't bother to argue with the witch. The smell of blood will soon attract hunters.

Another vine pierced into the witch's heart. The witch cried out sadly. No, the blood splashed out. One heart was blurred by the vine.

"You..." Completely not according to the routine, the witch has been unable to use the power to recite the incantation, and after a few painful struggles, she becomes angry.

Her soul floated out of her body and rushed towards Ning Shu, with open teeth and claws.

The spirit lost by the witch is still old and short. Ning Shu shakes her head and Tut, "sure enough, your soul is still so old."

The witch in the state of soul heard Ning Shu's words and looked frightened, "you can see me."

Ning Shu tilts her head and smiles sweetly. Because of her face, she looks very naive and sweet. "Yes."

After a shiver, the witch turned around and fled. Ning Shu opened the black hole, caught the witch directly and threw it in.

The devil knows if there is any harm for the witch's soul to stay in the world.

It's still the turn to reincarnate the world, so I'm relieved.

The witch died suddenly. The body was lying on the ground. Ning Shu took the beads and left. He met several fierce hunters in the middle. He was obviously attracted by the smell of blood.Ning Shu stealthily passed by these giants, but when he was near the mermaid group, he saw a seemingly human thing floating on the sea.

Did someone have an accident at sea.

Ning Shu tangled between saving and not saving, then swayed his tail to the sea.

Close to see, this is a man, has been in a coma, but tightly holding a plank, with this plank, just let him not sink into the sea.

The man was young, handsome, and dressed in aristocracy.

Ningshu people spent some time in the royal palace. This man is not rich but expensive in human society.

There is a knife hanging on the waist and a complicated and swollen bow tie on the chest. It's so dressed up.

Identity, Prince!

Ning Shu is very hard to see the prince. Even though the former hickory is gone, now there is another prince.

Why didn't the fish eat it?

Here comes a prince, another prince. Do you have to ask her to save people and pull her to the plot?

It's endless. Maybe the prince is kind and really likes Mermaid.

But then, the mermaid can't get the medicine any more. The tail becomes legs and goes ashore.

Look at him like this. Something must have happened at sea. The weather at sea is getting so fast. The board should be a part of the ship.

I don't know if I've been soaking in the water for several days, and my skin is like steamed bread.

Ning Shu touched his nose and breath. He was still alive.

Ning Shu dragged him to the secluded seaside, put in a little aura, and then plopped him on the beach.

The prince was awakened by pain. When he woke up, he looked around blankly and rubbed his head. It hurt so much.

"Hello..." A slightly low voice sounded. Although it was low, it could still hear that it was a female voice. It was even a little pleasant.

The prince thought in his heart, looking around with his eyes, could someone have saved him.

"Look at the sea." Ning Shu said.