I don't know if it will work.

Ning Shu stretched out the vines again. The vines wrapped around the fragments. When he tried again, he could move the fragments.


Ning Shu is very surprised. Several drops of milky white liquid are continuously dripping on the law mark.

The leaves of wood rule become more green.

Ning Shu opens the bag, controls the vine with mental power, and lets the vine throw the fragments into the bag.

Slowly, it was a success, but Ning Shu was very excited.

Although it's slow now, I can pick up a lot of pieces when I'm proficient.

But it is very spiritual, especially to control the overgrown vines. More vines are needed.

This is a delicate job for the vine. It needs to concentrate on the details.

Instead of letting the vines brutally destroy the city, it's easy.

Ning Shu simply opens the bag and lets the vines wrap the pieces and throw them into the bag.

She only needs mental control, but wood law also needs a lot of energy.

Once the pieces cannot be moved, she needs to add energy to the wood law.

Ning Shuduo stretched out several vines, which stretched out in all directions. He picked up the surrounding fragments, wrapped them around, and then retracted them to put them in the bag.

Ning Shu only needs to open the bag with two hands and wait for the vine to throw in the fragments.

Ah ah, a new era of garbage collection has been opened up, so that you can pick up a million pieces of garbage by sitting here. You don't have to be so tired.

But Ning Shu's mental strength is very weak now. After picking it up for a while, his mental strength is a little exhausted. His eyes are black, as if his body has been hollowed out.

Although so, Ning Shu is very happy. As long as the spirit is raised, the stronger the spirit is, the more vines can be controlled, and the speed of garbage collection will be faster.

A million is small. It can be done.

Ning Shu is dizzy and sits down and rubs his forehead. How can he make his mental power stronger without self abuse to stimulate the mental ball?

The greedy wolf's eyes flashed and sat beside Ning Shu. "Your mental strength is really weak. I have a way to have a strong mental strength. Do you want to know?"

Ning Shu: No

"Oh, poor boy." The greedy wolf sighed, "my way of cultivation is very simple."

Ning Shu shielded his hearing, closed his eyes and kept his eyes closed.

Consciousness sink into consciousness, see the floating spirit ball, the spirit ball is still the size of table tennis, self abuse several times to stimulate the spirit ball, how can not see the spirit ball become bigger.

At this time, the mental strength of the weak constraints will appear. It's not good to build a space channel when it's weak. Now it's very difficult to control the vine to pick up debris.

It's easy to destroy an ordinary house with vines, but to pick up a piece of debris requires more mental energy.

As for the cultivation method that greedy wolf said, Ning Shu was curious, but didn't want it.

Cannibalism is soft, and she will rub him on the ground later.

Now that I have collected his things, I will pick him up and bear a reputation of ingratitude.

Don't accept anything, pick up no psychological burden.

After finding a way, Ning Shu is so happy that he won't have to pick up pieces by hand. He just sits still and controls the vines. He's so cool that he doesn't want to.

A million pieces at a time may be finished soon.

Put the spirit up, up ah!!!

Ning Shu looks at the mental ball timidly, and stimulates it carefully. His head aches like a hammer.

Soul has a kind of tearing pain, Ning Shu can't help holding his head, pain ah!

It hurts!

But there is only such a spiritual cultivation method in the system mall.

"Ah, poor boy, you should not cultivate the secret script of the system mall."

"That's the theory that makes sense, but the actual effect is not so good. Oh, I made up that secret script to cheat people. I thought no one bought it, but no one bought it."

Greedy wolf shrugs his shoulders, faces Ning Shu's cannibal eyes, and says: "theoretically speaking, after all, there are still people who rely on self abuse to strengthen their mental strength."

"In addition, the mental strength trained in this way is relatively strong, and the mental ball will become more and more strong. If you carry out mental attack, the mental ball trained by self abuse is obviously tough."

"Of course, if you don't abuse yourself."

Ning Shu gnawed his teeth. "Can you shut up?"

There's always a fly buzzing in my ear.

"Join the freedom seeking organization and I will give you an improved version of the secret script. How about double the effect without suffering from self abuse?" The greedy wolf winked at Ning Shu.

Ning Shu really wants a big ear scraper to fan past, the whip wax oil all over does not dispel hatred.The greedy wolf has a kind of indescribable lowliness.

Cheap. People!!

I said, don't mix with you, do you think you are in the courteous and virtuous corporal?

Ning Shu left with his pocket in his hand. In order to avoid him coming back, Ning Shu went directly to the nearest Anhe.

Xiangfeng man: "what are you doing? Run to me if you have nothing to do?"

"I've been haunted and come here to hide." Ning Shu raised his chin in the direction of greedy wolf.

Anhe took a look at the greedy wolf. "How can you mix with him? He's just an old rascal. Don't be confused with him. Don't get confused."

"Oh, well, he said you were a pervert of aesthetic distortion."

"What?" Anhe widened his eyes. "That old Lai said that my aesthetic is distorted, and his aesthetic is distorted."

Xiangfeng man looked at greedy wolf with a sneer. "Come here, you have the ability to talk to me."

"Alas..." The greedy wolf walked over, stretched out his hand and clapped the dust on Anhe's shoulder, "it's so dirty, pay attention to the image."

Anhe's face is expressionless. "Believe it or not, cut your hand."

The greedy wolf said to Ning Shu, "does he say that I am an old rascal and how unbearable I am?"

"In fact, you think, these people are really stupid. They think that everything they do is right and great."

"I read my jokes one by one and felt that no one could overthrow the organization because it was so huge."

"Don't resist, but laugh at me. Tell me who is more insensitive, a group of insensitive people."

Ning Shu:

I wipe. This guy is determined to brainwash her.

Anhe ha ha Da, "it's OK to pick up more garbage with less beeps."

"It seems that too uncle's punishment to you is too light."

The greedy wolf said, "even if I'm punished for picking up rubbish, I'm still saying that."

"Then go and pick it up. When picking it up, think more about how to overthrow the organization and think more clearly." Wave in peace and impatience.

Obviously I don't want to talk to greedy wolves.

The greedy wolf waved to Ning Shu. "Come here, I have something to tell you. It's a secret."