Ning Shu gropes for the channels of the body and begins to cultivate. It's not the human body. Ning Shu must feel the direction of the channels.

The devil knows where the animal's Dantian is.

Ning Shu breathed in like a dog with its mouth open and its mouth open.

A leg caught in a trap can't feel its existence.

Little boy, come on, come on, come on

Ning Shu noticed the movement outside while practicing.

The cold wind is whistling. Ningshu, who is in the pit, feels cold.

Ning Shu lies on the ground, his black eyes are rolling, and he looks up at the hole from time to time.

Ning Shu is deeply suspicious. Is it not coming?

Can Bai Sanniang wait for a young man, she can't wait?

Ning Shu felt that the world was full of malice to her.

Anyway, it's time to cross to follow the youth. It's too variable at this time.

It is not excluded that 2333 is intentional.

Already, Ning Shu licked two mouthfuls of snow, his tongue was frozen and numb. He calmed down and began to practice. If he didn't practice, he couldn't wait for the boy.

Even when people come, they are already dead. It's funny to be a teenager's plate of Chinese food.

But is that a reward?

The grace of saving lives, repay each other with one's own body!!

"Ah..." A slightly surprised voice sounded over Ning Shu's head, and some snow fell into the hole.

Ning Shu looks up and sees a child lying at the hole of the trap. His face is young and full of surprise.

Ning Shu got up excitedly, opened his mouth to talk to the child, and the result was a whimpering voice.

Speech impassability, Ning Shu can only hope that the other side can see the feelings expressed in her eyes through her hairy face.

Yi Liang lies at the entrance of the cave and sees a white body with black eyes and nose.

Yi Liang's heart was a little elated. He didn't expect to find a fox. He had dark and wet eyes on Ning Shu.

"You wait, I'll save you." Yi Liang ran away with the bamboo basket on his back.

Ning Shu bares his mouth. His legs hurt.

Ning Shu looks at the cave and waits for the little guy to come back.

Yi Liang ran back. He didn't know where to find the cane.

He gasped heavily, because it was cold, and white breath came out with his breath.

His face and nose are red.

Yi Liang tied the cane to the bamboo basket. He was afraid it would not be strong, so he tied it several times.

Yi Liang grabs the cane and slowly puts down the bamboo basket.

"Little fox, you jump into the bamboo basket and I will pull you up. Do you understand?" Cried Yi Liang to Ning Shu.

Yi Liang is worried that little fox can't understand.

Ning Shu endured the pain on her leg and jumped into the bamboo basket.

Yi Liang slowly pulls Ning Shu up, and it takes a lot of effort to pull Ning Shu out of the hole.

Once out of the cave, Ning Shu jumped out of the bamboo basket and stretched out his legs to cry to Yi Liang twice.

Yi Liang saw the trap on Ning Shu's leg and rubbed it tightly on his body.

I want to take the beast from Ning Shu's leg, but I'm afraid that the mountain monsters will hurt me.

Ning Shu sobs to Yi Liang, who squats down and reaches for the trap.

"I took this trap for you. Don't bite me. I don't have the money to cure it." Yi Liang said as he reached out to get the trap.

The power of the trap is great. It's not easy for Yiliang to open it.

Then the serrations of the trap were rubbing on the wound of Ningshu.

Ning Shu:

It's impossible to love.

Ning Shu looks at Yi Liang expressionless. Yi Liang is a little nervous. His nose is sweating.

"Hold on a little, I'll open the trap in a minute." Yi Liang comforts Ning Shu.

Yi Liang uses a lot of strength to finally open a gap in the trap. Ning Shu quickly stretches out his legs.

She's really going to lose her leg if she's tortured like this.

Yi Liang's hands are loose, and the trap is tightly closed. With a snap, people are scared.

Ning Shu sobs to Yi Liang. Yi Liang wipes the sweat on his forehead and says to Ning Shu, "let's go."

Ning Shu looks at Yi Liang. The plot says that the child is 12 years old, but he is malnourished. He doesn't look like a 12-year-old.

His clothes were patched and his toes were sticking out of his shoes.

On such a cold day, he didn't wear much clothes. He mended his clothes and tied them to his waist with a small rope.

Very poor.

In such a situation, Yi Liang saved Bai Sanniang, didn't kill Bai Sanniang, and didn't sell Bai Sanniang.

It's very kind.

"The cut in your leg?" Yi Liang saw Ning Shu's leg, scratched his head and looked around. Now there is snow everywhere, and he can't find any herbs.Ning Shu doesn't care very much. As long as there is no trap, her wound will be better.

Ning Shu jumped into Yi Liang's bamboo basket, and Yi Liang was a little surprised. Then he said, "go, I can't support you."

Yi Liang reaches out and takes Ning Shu out of the bamboo basket. He carries the basket on his back and goes away.

Yi Liang struggles in his heart, but finally he lets Ning Shu go.

Yi Liang thinks that the fox is human. It's a pity to die like this.

Even the problem of food and clothing has not been solved. The first thing people want is to survive, but the goodness in the child's heart prevails.

Ning Shu looks at Wen Liang's back and limps after him.

Seeing Ning Shu at the corner of his eyes, Wen Liang stopped and sighed.

Wenliang put down the bamboo basket, stretched out his hand to hold Ningshu in it, and then took off his clothes to cover Ningshu's body to prevent someone from seeing Ningshu.

Wenliang carries the bamboo basket and runs. It's better to be comfortable in the basket.

Emma, the leg hurts.

Ning Shu looks at the situation through the gap in the bamboo basket.

This mountain forest is the back mountain of Wenliang's house. Ning Shuben thought that Wenliang's house should be covered with tiles, but he didn't expect it to be a small yard.

But the house is rather shabby. It should have been in the garden yard. There are some herbs and some vegetables. But in this weather, the vegetables are already ticking. They are covered with a layer of snow, showing yellow leaves to rot.

But it's much better than Ning Shu thought.

Wenliang pushes the door open, and the door quacks. Wenliang enters the room and puts down the bamboo basket.

Ning Shu jumped out of the basket and looked at the whole room. It was empty, with a shabby table and two old benches.

But the room is very large. If you follow the size of the space, I'm afraid there are many decorations in the room.

Were the gentler families richer before?

"Wait, I'll get you some medicine." Wenliang picked up the clothes in the bamboo basket and put them on. He went to the yard to find herbs.

Soon he pulled out a herbal medicine, found a pot to pound it, and mashed it with an iron pestle.

Apply herbs to Ningshu's legs, and then cover the wounds on Ningshu's legs with cloth strips.