Giant wind beast said with a smile: "it's such a small thing."

"Why don't I help you with such a small matter? How can I ask for it?"

Meng Li pursed a smile and said, "although the power of asking for help is insignificant, we should also have this attitude."

"Good boy, that's all right. It's just a trip." That's how the Beast responded.

He also didn't ask why Meng Li didn't go to ask for help in person. Since Meng Li asked him to help, he must have some difficulties.

Don't bother to ask.

"Where's the letter?" Asked the beast.

Meng Li handed the letter to Jufeng beast. He put it away and said to Meng Li, "then you're not in a hurry, are you? I might be talking to the old guy? "

"Don't worry." Meng Li said, "I will wait for you here."

"Will you be noticed by others in the past Meng Li can't help but ask.

The giant wind beast thought for a while and said, "you mean you can't let others know?"

"Oh, I see. I see what you mean." "I don't know," he said

Meng Li: "thank you very much, master."

Since giant wind beast said that he would not let others know his whereabouts, no one should know.

Most of the races in the vast world are powerful, and Meng Li can still trust them.

Even if they know that they have come to this space, can they know that they have had contact with giant wind beast?

As long as they don't know that the giant wind beast has left this space since they came, they probably can't guess the relationship between them.

And the giant wind beast is obviously not everyone can do, they can't ask giant wind beast.

"I'm going." Giant wind beast saw Meng Li's melancholy, sighed a little, and then left.

Meng Li wanders around in this space to see if he can find some fat crystals to dig. Anyway, he seems to be idle now. He has nothing else to do but deal with the world problems.

No more tasks.

But not being able to do a task is not something to be happy about.

After wandering for a long time, Meng Li didn't find Zhijing, so he waited for the giant wind beast to come back. He handed the bead to Meng Li and said:

"this is what Xiaoman asked me to give you."

"Thank you, master." Meng Li took the bead.

"And a letter, and this mustard space." Giant wind beast takes out two things again. Meng Li goes on, and giant wind beast says:

"you have a deep relationship with Xiaoman."

Meng Li bowed his head with a smile, nodded, and did not deny it.

"It's fate." Giant wind beast sighed.

"All right over there." Meng Li asked Jufeng beast that he hadn't been to lingman clan for a long time. He also missed the kind lingman clan leader.

Giant wind beast: "all is well."

"But it's said that some people of lingman clan have become the host of killing." Said the beast slowly.

Meng from the bottom of her heart, this also let her some difficult to accept.

Lingman is a kind of people who ask for love. It's hard to ask for love.

Moreover, the killing seemed to have spread to her.

Even if it's an infectious disease, it doesn't seem to have such a big feeling in daily news reports, but if a friend tells you that his friend has this disease, you will always feel sad.

"How did the patriarch solve it?" Meng Li asked.

Will you leave the people around? Then the host will probably choose their clansman after devouring.

Giant wind beast said lightly:

"let's go to the land of eternal night."

Meng Li: "the land of eternal night?"

"Well, it's the edge of the vast world. There's no life there. It's a barren land." The giant explained.

Then he asked Meng Li, "don't you know the land of eternal night?"

Meng Li shook his head: "never heard of it."

"The land of eternal night is too desolate and barren. It's very far away. After it becomes the host of killing, it goes there to live and die on its own." The giant wind sighs.

Meng Li: "and then? Sooner or later, it will devour them

"And then? As for where to go after the phagocytosis, we can't care. We can't interfere with their choice. " Giant wind beast said with a smile:

"the vast will is weeding out all living things. We can let it be. If the vast will is willing to leave some living things, I may be lucky to be left. If the vast will is not willing, I can return all my strength to the vast world."

Meng Lisheng admired jufengshou for his open-minded words. She arched her hand and said:

"the master is really open-minded."

The giant wind beast's voice is still laughing, he said: "don't always think about fighting with the sky. No one has ever fought against the sky. It's just that the sky has left you a ray of life."Meng Li said with emotion: "today, I have been taught."

"But I still want to ask more questions." She was so curious again.

"Say it," said the beast

"Do all the races in the vast world think like you? There are so many races among you. Have no one come together to think of any solution? " Meng Li asked.

Giant wind beast smile: "bite out with the absolute power of destruction, its invincible existence, we do not know what to do."

"So it's accepted? Didn't you do something else? " Meng Li is very curious.

Just like organizations, in order to reduce the number of phagocytes outside, and to limit some phagocytes, they still have to hand in the phagocytes now, and let them find a way to create a host for phagocytes, so that the obtained phagocytes are under their control.

Replace the devoured host with something that can be sacrificed to reduce the loss of the world and the living beings.

This is the only way for the organization to deal with it, but it's very resource intensive and manpower intensive.

Giant wind beast said: "it's not that they didn't do anything about it. Most races have agreed that they will be sent to the land of eternal night after they become the host of killing."

Meng Li pursed his lips. The races in the vast world are more casual. Based on a concept, it's better to send them away than to stay around.

They didn't think about controlling the killing.

Perhaps it is also because there is no good cooperation among different races.

Or they didn't even think about it.

Sometimes think about it, is it so easy to control it? It's endless. Up to now, we haven't figured out how it was born. Organizations have spent countless money to control it, and organizations will be powerless one day.

Perhaps at that time, the organization said it would choose to send it to the land of eternal night.

"How to go to the land of eternal night?" Meng Li said curiously.

Giant wind beast doubted: "are you going?"

"That area is extremely far away. It used to take you a long time, and it was dangerous. After all, there are many, many hosts there."

Meng Li thought that the killing was not limited by space. He didn't know whether it would be fast or slow to send the killing so far.