She didn't go to brush the task, but went to see how to practice.

There are many ways to practice. In addition to the common mental skill, there are also ways to cultivate the true world, and even the interplanetary plane.

Meng Li feels that what he sells here is true, but even the internal mental skills of martial arts are difficult for modern people to understand, not to mention those cultivation skills. Even if he can practice them, he can't succeed in this age of rare aura.

Meng Si decided to leave the body before the operation.

It's far more complicated than those skills. It's easy to operate, but it also has the secret of absorbing aura and the advantage of shaping. Meng Li thinks this is very suitable.

When you are bored, you can practice a better figure to please yourself. When your body adapts, it's easy for the client to use it when he comes back.

In fact, her system has space for these things, but she certainly can't take them out for use. She will make good use of the ones exchanged in the game. I don't know what the super system thinks of keeping fit every day.

Think of her mouth also show a smile.

A Book of physical training is not cheap. It took Meng Li a lot of gold coins to get it. I think it will be here in a few days.

This super system is really powerful. After all, it has to deliver goods to everyone.

Meng Li is very suspicious that the super system has been falsifying the express bill of the express company, and then pastes these express bills on the goods, directly throws them to the express company, and then tampers with the data of the express company?

Such a game has been done, express things can not defeat this super system.

Then she went to observe NPC, brush a morning task, forced brush some tired, Meng Li finally found a different.

Most NPCs are 100% sure to be NPCs, but some NPCs give Meng Li reason to suspect that he has trapped a person's soul.

But it's just a doubt, not a confirmation.

What's more, Meng Li is still thinking about a question: why does the super system trap people's souls in NPC?

This matter is very important. If there are still many souls trapped in the game, you have to worry more when dealing with the super system.

This system is not a first offense. It must have devoured a lot of souls in the last world. The souls of the players who were inhaled at that time have dissipated. Only after the souls of those players have dissipated, can the game accept the players in the new world. Otherwise, it's not allowed to reveal the truth?

But why can we leave some souls to become NPC?

At that time, the client watched the soul players of this world dissipate one by one for various reasons, then watched the players of other worlds come in, and then watched the players of other worlds become "soul players".

Although the client can't express her ideas after she becomes an NPC, it's just because of this that she becomes an NPC and it doesn't work, but it doesn't work, and the client has to continue to be an NPC.

This is also the most resentful part of the client. She would rather dissipate than be an NPC. She uses a virtual body to say what she doesn't want to say and do what she doesn't want to do.

Is it the punishment given by the super system to the client?

Because the client came in a special way. Zeng CE let her in. Is the super system helping Zeng CE torture the client? It's also unrealistic. I always feel that the super system is not so "warm-hearted".

That's why I don't know now.

This morning, after more than a dozen tasks, I met an NPC like Mr. Shuqing. It was only under Meng Li's deliberate verbal stimulation that he had a slight reaction.

This is a man who buys a panacea at Qiaotou. Meng Li's task is to pick a panacea from the mountain and sell it to him, so that he can cure his wife at home.

The rest are not met, which means that the probability is not very high. There are so many NPCs in the game. She has tested more than ten NPCs, and only two are suspicious.

When it seems boring, you can study it again. Now there is no time. Zeng CE has already played there, and he is hungry.

He under the game, also let Meng from the game, after the game, Meng from a look at the time to find that has been faster.

Playing this game makes time pass quickly. It seems that she wandered in another world for a long time and finally returned to the real world. This game gives her too obvious sense of time and space.

"I'm going out to dinner." Zeng CE stares at his watch.

Meng Li looked at him: "in the morning you said take me out..." Her voice sounds aggrieved.

Zeng CE just said, "it's not convenient this time. You can have a rest at home. I'll come back early in the evening to accompany you."

"Why not?" Meng Li asked in a low voice.

Zeng CE was silent for a few seconds and said, "it's all men."

Meng Li pulled the corner of the mouth, this was really nonsense, clearly is to accompany his girlfriend outside to eat.

In the morning, he also said that he would take her out to eat. When his girlfriend outside called, he forgot what he said in the morning. However, Meng Li still expected that. She would not like to eat with Zeng CE."Well, go early and return early." Meng Li squeezed out a smile and said to Zeng Ce:

"you should pay attention to your health when you are busy outside. Don't drink when you have a cold."

Zeng Ce: "good."

Seeing Zeng CE off, Meng Li feels very hungry. She is too lazy to cook. She takes out the Bigu pill that the client exchanged in the game.

When pigudan appeared in the eyes of the public, at the beginning, everyone was curious to exchange it for food. After all, it's amazing to eat one for one or two days without hunger.

But everyone has been used to eating since childhood, and eating is a happy thing. It's not pleasant to not eat for two days, which makes the mouth too lonely, so bigudan is not loved by everyone.

Zeng CE, for example, despises such things. He is not short of money. There are a lot of delicacies waiting for him to eat. It's a pity not to eat them.

Perhaps only Meng Li, who is not eager to eat, likes it. Meng Li ate one, so he doesn't have to think about what to eat for two days.

Meng had a light sleep in the afternoon, but he wanted to clean up after three classes.

She didn't choose to drive to school, and the client didn't have the habit.

It was only half past two when she got to school. Meng Li was bored. She stood in the corridor and looked at the boys playing basketball in the distance. Looking at the young boys, she remembered that Zeng CE was one of them.

Now he is no longer simple, most of his circle are dignified figures.

Many people think that Zeng CE will become the leader of the game industry and even monopolize the market.