The evil child said, "but you know you can't kill me, so why Miss Qingqing's life?"

Meng Li said, "try it."

"Where's the confidence?" Asked the evil child.

Meng Li suddenly attacked her and said:

"it's not self-confidence, it's a must! I have no grievance or hatred with you. It's OK to send me to strange places. It's not a so-called test. I've always harbored evil thoughts and teased me. I really can't swallow this breath. "

"All my anger now comes from the many wills and negative emotions you imposed on me, which makes me sick."

The evil boy avoids Meng Li's attack and begins to fight back. They fight each other. Meng Li thinks he will lose soon, but he doesn't expect that.

She was ready to be killed in failure. She thought that even if she died with dignity, she would not live without dignity. She did not want to live in the shadow of evil children.

At the moment, she was puzzled and annoyed. She said:

"since the power is higher than me, you should show your real power. Why do you tease me again?"

Is the evil child playing with her? But she is not. From her hand, it means that she and the evil child can only live one.

The evil child snorted: "do you think I don't want to? You should have been vulnerable in front of me, but now you have a strong will. You're holding me down! "

Meng Li didn't quite understand the meaning of the evil child. What is the strong will holding her down?

Can you hold her down by will?

"Your heart is strong and firm, which I didn't expect." The evil child looked at Meng Li and said:

"what are you doing?"

Meng Li didn't understand the meaning of the evil child's words, but he and the evil child were always in a difficult state. But keeping this state was also the result of her exerting all her strength. She looked at the evil child's face and thought, can the will really hold her down?

Her desire to kill the evil child became stronger and stronger. She had never thought of winning before, but now she saw the hope, but her desire to kill became stronger and stronger, and she was shocked to find that she was in a weak position.

The evil child seems to be getting stronger?

When Meng Li realized this, she was already injured. They were no longer fighting in the room, but went outside.

Meng Li's angry face made him feel proud

"You have been deceived!"

Meng Li snorted: "you are used to irritating people."

"It's natural," said the evil child. "Most evil thoughts come from anger. To say I'm evil is to say I'm angry."

Meng Li didn't pay attention to the evil child, but her words "you've been cheated" echoed in her mind.

There is no doubt that she was deceived, because now the evil child has become stronger, why does she become stronger?

According to her, before she was weak, she was suppressed by her own will. Now is she stronger because her own will is not strong enough?

But the will to kill the evil child is stronger?

Meng Li is thinking about things in her heart, and she has to deal with the attack of the evil child. She presses her step by step and makes Meng Li hurt again. Meng Li feels chest pain and bad luck. She knows that if she drags on, she will die.

She realized that the problem lies in her own will, but what will she have to suppress the evil children?

What suppressed her at first?

Meng Li wanted to calm down and think about it, but now she didn't have the chance. She was finally shot down by the evil child. Then the evil child took out a dagger and said to her heart:

"I'll dig out your heart and eat it."

Meng Li closed his eyes and said, "why don't you struggle? The heart of those who are struggling before is delicious."

"You talk!" The evil child stabbed Meng Li with a dagger. She didn't go in all of a sudden, but tormented Meng Li with a slow speed.

Meng Li always closed her eyes. She was worried about her life. It seemed that she had no memory in her life. She passed the day when she met the evil child, and then a series of things happened.

Now her will is not pure, can not suppress the evil child, what kind of will? She was frantically searching for her first will before she died.

She knows that only by finding the true will can she have a chance of life, but how can she find it in a short time?

On the contrary, she lost her ID because of her eagerness.

The pain of her body told her that soon her heart would be pulled out, and she felt her flesh and blood cracking and bleeding.

By the way, it's bravery, bravery not afraid of life and death, and following the will of ID.

It's not the will to kill that comes from winning.

Although the former and the latter seem to be to kill the evil children, there is a huge gap.

The former is to realize that he and the evil child can no longer live together on the island of punishment. What's more, he does not allow himself to be teased like this. He respects himself and can only take that step bravely.The latter, simply to win.

She tried to ignore the pain in her body. She thought more and more, and her mind became clearer. In a trance, she felt that she didn't belong to this place at all.

The idea of breaking through her current understanding surprised her.

"Who are you and why are you keeping me in this place?" Meng Li said suddenly.

The evil child released his hand, and the dagger was inserted into Meng Li. Then he was suddenly pulled away by the evil child, and the blood splashed out. Meng Li frowned at her and asked:

"the people of the island of punishment are also the incarnations of your evil thoughts?"

"Well?" The evil child didn't admit it or deny it. It's just a question of unknown significance.

Meng Li stared at her: "who are you? What are you going to do to me? "

"You're right. Everything on the island of punishment is the embodiment of my evil thoughts. It's all mine."

"Including you, you are also a trace of my evil thoughts, but you have evolved to be a little independent, and go against my consciousness everywhere."

Meng left his eyes at a loss, and asked repeatedly in his heart, really?

As if seeing Meng Li's inner thoughts, the evil child said, "you used to be ignorant because you were just my evil thoughts."

"The island of punishment is my world, which can make my evil thoughts grow infinitely."

Meng Li said, "but people here are always killing each other."

The evil child said: "this is what I need. Of course, I want to leave the worst. I only need the worst. I let the evil eliminate the weak and leave the strong evil thoughts beside me. Only in this way can I have more powerful power."

Meng Li was numb with pain and lost too much blood.

Evil child's words sound reasonable and logical, but so what?