Meng Li didn't say anything. Ren Da finally felt that something was wrong. He said: "your requirements are a little high, and I don't know where your aesthetics come from."

Meng Li laughs: "some things are born. For example, some people are born to cook, some are born to read, and some are born to be smart."

Ren Da was silent for a few seconds: "yes, you are born smart."

"This gold may be given to you by God who can't bear to waste your intelligence."

Meng Li said, "maybe."

Ren Da Ai said, "I'm lucky to marry you."

Meng Li does not speak with a smile. Ren Da asks what he always wants to ask: "why don't you have a room with me?"

Meng Li said: "I need to think about too many things every day. Your presence will only interfere with my consideration. After a while, everything will be stable. If we are lucky enough to change our residence and live together again."

"Besides, now that the children are older, it's not good for us to sleep together all the time."

When Ren Da heard the speech, he nodded and said, "yes."

He's not going to talk about it anymore.

After that, she bought more and more things, and the things she ordered were also delivered one after another. Meng Li couldn't help feeling that this piece of gold is really useful and has a lot of weight. There is still more gold in her system space, but she didn't take it out.

But she didn't plan to come up with new ones. She told Ren Da the price of everything she bought. Ren Da also remembered that if the money came out, he would be confused.

Midway also bought some cloth called two girl and three girl do clothes, before taught them, two girl is learned, three girl can follow her to do, can wear out of the clothes so one set, or should prepare two more sets.

Meng Li, the two sons, asked them to clean and wipe the chairs and benches every day. Anyway, he didn't ask them to be idle.

Her mother-in-law's words also helped her to do things. Although she was old, she still couldn't spare time. Looking at the wine shop, she was still worried. She always felt that life was changing too fast.

Everything is almost in place, Meng Li began to contact the vendor, she wants credit, but also want low prices, people directly said to Meng Li, you are a newcomer, how can you ask so much?

I almost didn't ask Meng Li about your face?

Why should I give you low price and credit? You haven't even opened your wine shop. Can you guarantee the daily consumption?

Meng Li thinks what this person said is quite reasonable, and then turns around to change a person, so many people, there is always one person who will be fooled by her.

This is to talk business, the test is the ability to negotiate, in Meng Li's unremitting efforts, finally met a willing to cooperate with her.

Of course, Mengli has made some concessions in price, but you need to ensure that it's fresh, the supply is timely, and the accounting period needs to be a little longer, at least one month to start.

That person seems to think that Meng Li won't have such a large demand here, so he should make a small investment. Even if he runs away for a few days, he can't make much loss.

Whether there is a future or not can be seen in a few days after opening. If the early development is good and the later development is not good, I can interrupt the cooperation at any time, and I feel that I can still earn some money.

The main reason is that this woman is too good at making up. It seems very common, but her mouth is very powerful. She is very eloquent and makes people feel confused. He feels that he will lose money if he doesn't cooperate with her.

Meng Li, the source of vegetables and meat, has solved her huge economic pressure without daily check-out.

Then Meng Li put up a banner at the door of the store, saying that the store would open in three days.

Ren felt that three days was too long, and he was eager to see the results.

Meng Li said, "is this the way to start business? Don't you need to prepare? "

Ren Da: "there are all kinds of pots and pans, and some people give us dishes, so we can start business."

Meng Li said: "there is still a lot to prepare."

These three days we need marketing, which is an essential step. If we don't have money, Meng Li would like to invite a dance team to shine and attract attention.

Ren Da said to Meng Li, "it's almost gone. I can't hold on for half a month."

There's so much gold. He hasn't seen gold in his life. As a result, he came here and bought all these, and there's not much left.

Fortunately, vegetables and meat do not need cash settlement, otherwise I do not know what to do.

Meng Li said, "half a month is enough."

Anyway, people usually give money immediately when they come to dinner, so the cash collected can always clear the money owed for vegetables, meat and wine after a month. Meng Li wanted to make her own wine, but the rest of the money really didn't allow her to do it again.

I really can't manage so much. I have to wait until I have free money. If I have money, I can make some special wine. I'll forget to return after drinking it.

Meng Li is now full of interest in this wine shop. As for wine, he supplies it to a friend of the boss who sells vegetables.

Maybe the vegetable seller introduced himself to his friends because he thought he had unlimited potential.This is Meng Li's narcissism. The boss doesn't think she has unlimited potential, but a strange psychology.

He felt that even if he had to lose money, it would be good to have friends to lose money together.

There is no way out of heaven. Meng Li has a card in his heart, and he is very relaxed, that is, he is worried.

Meng Li said: "in fact, we don't need to spend much in the future. Food, meat and wine are all on credit. We just need a little liquidity. That's enough liquidity."

Ren Da sighed: "look at you so confident, I can't say anything more."

Two girls also began to comfort Ren Da, Ren Da also said that his character is really some repeated, really shouldn't, he had to recite the dish name.

The names of the dishes taken by his wife are strange and different from those of the public, but people can roughly guess what the dishes are after listening to them. The people who make the dishes say that these names are full of new ideas.

At first, he didn't know the words on the plate, but he was taught by the cook. Now he can know what it says by looking at the plate, but if he doesn't read it, he will forget it.

Meng Li is very happy about this. The cook is a kind-hearted person. Seeing that they are illiterate, he took the initiative to teach them the words on the plate. He said that since the restaurant doesn't know what words are written on the plate, they will make people laugh and be embarrassed.

Ren Da was very grateful for this. After he came back, he immediately taught some children what to read these words, but he forgot the pronunciation of some words. Meng Li reminded them.

Ren Da was surprised at Meng Li's memory. After all, he had been told several times that he had forgotten something when he got home. His wife listened silently, but she wrote it down without missing a word.

In fact, Meng Li knew the character of this plane. He couldn't explain the source of his knowledge before, but he could do it later.

With more contact with outsiders, we will know more and more words. Children should also learn them, and Ren Da should also know them.