There was a hard object on the ground, which cut her hand. She raised her head in a hurry, changed her position, but pressed on the skull again.

She didn't notice that the skull was absorbing the blood from her wound. Her eyes were all on the blood people. She felt that the skull made her uncomfortable, so she changed her hand again.

"Hearing the curtain, help me..." she begged helplessly.

Hearing the curtain, he turned a deaf ear and kept digging tombstones.

All of a sudden, the skull burst out a strong force of evil spirit. It seemed to form an induction with the tombstone being dug by the hearing curtain, and it was buzzing.

Yunling felt the movement around her. As soon as she turned her head, she saw the skull shaking uneasily.

"Wen Renmu, can you look back?" She screamed.

Wen Renmu still didn't look back and stubbornly wanted to dig up the tombstone. The ghost tombstone was still shaking, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Look back!" Yunling angry and sad, a excited, put the skeleton head up, toward the hearing curtain thrown in the past.

Just hit the tombstone, they had a greater shock, heard the curtain Leng for a while, this just stopped their action.

He stepped back, this...

something is going to break the ground!

"Back." The consciousness of hearing the people's screen was sober, and the unconsciousness that had been impacted by the evil spirit before, including the situation of the blood people, was the same as him.

When the black fog spread out from under the tombstone, and then gathered towards the skull, Wen Renmu and Yunling were staring.

The skull floated in the air. First, it looked at the people of the blood clan, and then it spoke. It said:

"it's finally up to you." Then there was a wild laugh.

This is a low man's voice. People on the scene feel very thrilled. Who could have thought that a skeleton could speak?

"Thanks to you for letting me out." The sound came again.

"Who are you?" he asked

"I'm yunsen." He answered.

Hearing the curtain, the pupil shrank: "yunsen? "Yunsenzong?"

"Master yunsen?"

"Yes, that's me." Yunsen gave out a crazy laugh again.

Yunling shook his head in disbelief. No, this is the so-called master of yunsen sect?

Don't you mean he's immortal?

Isn't yunsenzong a fairyland?

Why does he live in a cemetery, why does he climb out of the tombstone, why does he integrate with the skeleton, looking at the evil and sinister, horrible and disgusting.

"Ha ha ha, after many years of calculation, my wish has finally come true!" Yunsen's laughter resounded through the space, and then a piece of black fog went towards the people of the blood clan. When the black fog faded, Yunling and Wen Renmu were stunned.

Those blood clan people didn't even make any sound, let alone any resistance, but in a flash, they were sucked up by this terrible thing.

It sucks human blood!

"You Cloud Ling glaring, cloud deep said: "you are very anxious?"

"Don't be afraid. It's your turn soon."

"Devil, you are a devil!" Yunling said in fear.

Yunshen: "devil? I'm not. I'm just a strange ghost repair! "

"All I do is to be strong, strong and innocent!"

Hearing this, he asked coldly, "so everything is your calculation?"

"What do I calculate?" Asked yunsen with great interest.

Wen Renmu said: "step by step, let's come here. The so-called yunsenzong is just a lie. There has never been a so-called yunsenzong, and there is no treasure in the world."

"You're smart." Yunsen is still a little keen to hear people's stories.

He also heard the hearing curtain say: "even a few of them are deceived by your lies. Maybe you need their blood at the moment, so you weave out the lies that can untie their curse and let them deliver them to the door by themselves."

"In fact, there is no curse at all. It's all your design."

Cloud deep ha ha a smile: "I unexpectedly a little appreciate you."

Yunsen's aloofness and unbridled laughter make people feel resentful.

They were really fooled. Everyone in the world was fooled by yunsen alone.

Where there is so-called treasure, there is nothing.

Yes, it's just a fatal trap.

He had a premonition that he was doomed, but...

he said to yunsen, "what are you going to do with us?"

"The skeleton head swayed:" you are useless, but she is useful He looked at Xiang Yunling:

"I've been waiting for her for a long time!"

"What are you going to do to her? If you have anything, just come to me! " Hearing the news, my heart became heavier.

Yunsen sent out a smile of unknown meaning, while Wen Renmu suddenly said:"Even if we are going to die, can we die to understand?"

"What do you want to know?" Yunsen cold smile: "do you want to know I will tell you?"

"In this way, you have enough high posture, and can humiliate us, but also kill our heart, what's wrong? What we want is to die. Do you understand that we can still resist you? " Hear the person curtain humiliate ground to say.

Yunsen: it is

"Then I can help you."

"Come on, what do you want to know?"

"How do you expect her to be the one you need, the so-called destiny?" Hearing that yunsen was willing to speak, he immediately asked.

Yunsen thought about it and said, "I said I would predict. Do you believe it?"

"I knew that heaven would arrange a person whose mission was to get rid of me, so I set up the whole Bureau in advance, and then sealed myself."

"Instead of arranging such a person by the way of heaven, I'd better arrange one myself. In this way, it won't be a threat to me."

"I chose her, and I tried my best to send her to a different world."

"You say I'm not fierce. I dare to calculate the way of heaven. Since it wants to arrange people to come from a different world to get rid of me, I'd better arrange one person to go there first, and then the way of heaven will arrange her to come back. Her soul is special, and the way of heaven can only choose her!"

Yunsen's tone was extremely proud, and the rampant laughter never stopped.

Meng Li is surprised to hear yunsen say that. Yunsen can predict.

But also predicted to these, and can calculate the way of heaven.

It's a character...

against heaven.

So is also therefore, in the plot Yunling has not been able to complete her mission?

The reason why yunsen sealed himself is that he wanted to hide the truth?

I want Tiandao to think that his plan is going smoothly, so as to avoid other changes.

While Meng Li was still thinking about yunsen's being sealed, yunsen said, "so do you understand?"

Cloud Ling desolate smile: "understand, with you."

She has no hope, this person is so powerful...

she thought Wen Renmu really accepted his fate, so she wanted to accept his fate with him.