This is the world appeared a demon, the so-called demon, in fact, it is just people here call it.

They are not demons, but monks from another world.

According to these friars, they have risen to the world.

But the number of ascents is too much. Every day, a lot of monks suddenly appear in this world, but the power system of this world is not the same as what they used before.

And there are all kinds of species that they haven't seen, which is a new world for them.

Only from the perspective of clothing, they are cumbersome wide sleeves, but most of them are simple strong clothes, and there is a big ideological gap.

The reason why people here call them demons is that each of them has more power than most of the magicians and fighters here.

What's more, they come out of thin air, which makes people here puzzled. Well, people come down from the sky?

Since I can't figure out the reason, in the aboriginal mind, these friars are no different from evil demons. They also say that they are from another world, which is too shocking. Is there really another world?

Of course, these monks are also aware of this. They come from the world where the strong are respected. When they know their own strength, they naturally have to do something to gain resources and lay a foundation for themselves. Besides, their descendants or relatives and friends in the original world have not yet ascended. If there are conditions, they have to pave the way for them.

They can't integrate into the people in this world. People here are afraid of them and think they are terrible. Their serious friars are called demons.

This also makes them feel angry. Besides, they have many people and great strength. Why should we look at the faces of these people?

If they can't get in, they won't get in. They just have to be independent.

So the small town where the client used to stay was occupied by several monks. There are no magicians and fighters in this barren Town, but the most are warriors. For monks, warriors are ordinary people and can't be ordinary people any more. How can they resist them?

Of course, those friars would not occupy a barren town if they had the conditions. They had no good connections. In short, they did not form a larger friar organization, and they did not want to join other friars.

When the town was occupied, the client came out with the rest of the town. They wanted to find a new place to live, but they all thought it was a very difficult thing.

Because many places are occupied by an increasing number of monks, and the places that are not occupied are not willing to accept them as vagrants.

Once wandering, it is almost difficult to stabilize again, and the client dies in this wandering.

Her wish is to live.

She also wants to be a strong person. She feels that her fate is too hard and she will always struggle at the bottom of the society.

Meng Li said to you Yun: "the desire of the client of this task is very secondary. Just give her life and be stronger. It should be a world task."

"Yes." You Yun said.

"The world is such a big problem, how can I get it." Meng Li is a little curious. In this case, it's time to inform the domain master.

It is obvious that the two worlds are in a mess. If she guesses correctly, the world connected with this world is a cultivation world.

In order to deal with the two worlds, it needs the domain owner to do things conveniently. It takes a lot of time and effort to do it by yourself.

You Yun pondered and said: "this world It seems to belong to the small Southern District. "

Meng Li: "what

"So coincidentally, I got the task of Xiaonan District."

You Yun said, "it's a coincidence."

"But the organization has also extracted a piece of information."

Meng Li: "you say."

You Yun said: "well, the world where monks existed before no longer allows intelligent creatures to be in it. Later, they may have to go into a dormant state and repair themselves, just like the concept of machines going to sleep."

Meng Li: "so the way of heaven is to let them come to this world to live?"

"Yes, it's the monks now, and some powerful demons may come later." You Yun also said:

"as for coming to this world, how to coexist with the local aborigines is their business."

Meng Li: "yes, the way of heaven will not consider so much."

It is the mercy of heaven to let these friars come out one by one. They are not allowed to be destroyed in it, and they are not allowed to return the aura they absorbed to heaven and earth.

If the way of heaven wants to be dormant, it will take tens of thousands of years.

Everything has a life span. Even the world can't avoid it. They will have their own ways to make themselves immortal.

Meng Li said, "my task is basically to solve the problems in this world."

"Yes, according to the way monks and aborigines get along with each other today, there must be a lot of chaos, and there may be extinction of culture and species in the middle." You Yun said.Meng Li nodded and said, "yes."

"But how can the way of heaven in this world allow those monks to" fly up "and come here? He should know that the monks who can come here are very powerful."

This is what Meng Li didn't figure out.

You Yun said: "I don't know, but the way of heaven is obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter, and then consciously hope that someone will change all this."

"That's why you're here. On the client's side, you're just helping to fulfill her wish. After all, everyone who dies has her wish."

Meng Li pondered and said, "maybe the way of heaven in this world has great love. He can't bear these friars to die out in the original world. He can only accept them."

"Poof, you can think of it." You Yun laughed: "maybe he just wants to make the world more perfect. Everything needs to be a little bit. You see, the world is colorful."

Meng Li Yi said, "let's think about it better."

You Yun: "OK, that's what you said."

Meng Li

"It's a task that I can't start for a while, maybe I have to plan," she said

You Yun: "don't worry, you can't do too much now."

Meng Li straightened things out in his heart for a long time, and then said to you Yun, "monks should be cultivated to a certain extent before they can soar, because from one world to another, they have to bear it."

You Yun said: "there are too many of them. The way of heaven in that world should also deliberately speed up their cultivation."

Meng Li: "I also have this kind of speculation."

If you only rely on yourself, you can't see so many people rising every day. There is a gap between people's abilities and talents. It's the way of heaven that helps them. At least they have a lot of aura, and then they are just pretending to be in the process of looting.