When the Empress Dowager woke up, she opened her eyes and saw the queen sitting in front of her.

She gets up hard and purses her dry lips. Meng Li gets up and pours her a glass of water and hands it to her.

The Empress Dowager hesitated. She took it with her hand, sipped it, and then returned the cup to Meng Li.

Meng Li put the cup, sat beside the Queen Mother's bed and looked at her quietly.

"Queen, do you really insist on that?" The Empress Dowager finally said.

Meng Li nodded.

The Empress Dowager sighed, "can you fight for power with your husband?"

Meng Li said, "mother, my husband hates me so much that he even wants to kill me. Shouldn't I protect myself? Even for the sake of self-protection, we can only choose to fight, right

"It's you who have to fight first, and then the emperor wants to kill you." Said the Empress Dowager.

Meng Li shook his head and said, "it's also a matter of time. I can only enter, but I can't retreat."

"It's all for the sake of power. Now you are deeply influenced by power, and you are also sad about your family. The wrong decision made at the beginning gives you a taste of sweetness." The tone of the Empress Dowager is deep remorse: "so that you sink into it."

Meng Li said with a smile: "whatever the mother thinks."

"The emperor needs to have a rest. My concubine has ordered me to go down and not let others disturb him. As for my mother, I think we should also have a rest. My mother will relax and have a rest in the palace for a while."

"What?" The Empress Dowager got up and looked at Meng Li in shock:

"do you even want to be imprisoned for mourning?"

Meng Li: "after the mother, the minister concubine is not this intention."

"No, what does it mean? I value you so much and think of you in everything. I used to make you queen and give you everything. Is that what you did to me The Empress Dowager was so angry that she coughed and couldn't stop.

With her face flushed, Meng Li poured her a glass of water and patted her on the back. The Empress Dowager gasped for breath. Her cheek crossed a line of tears and she said bitterly:

"Ai Jia really misunderstood you."

Meng Li took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes for the Empress Dowager. He said in a soft voice:

"empress dowager, it's ridiculous and impractical for the heavenly family to intercede. At the beginning, the Empress Dowager strongly recommended her to be the queen. Isn't it to make her family work harder? Because my father and brother are excellent. You don't just like my father and brother, but you see the benefits of my father and brother. "

"Later, I asked my concubine to take charge of the government. It's also my mother. Aren't you afraid of gossip?"

"I've got the right, and I'm also suffering from rumors, right? It's the mother who looks forward to the future that gives me the chance. "

"No, it's not." The Empress Dowager suddenly pushed Meng Li away:

"in any case, you only have today when you have a sad family, but you have to punish me and imprison me."

Meng Li said with a smile: "believe me, it's all temporary. When it's settled, you're still the Empress Dowager. I still respect you and honor you. I'll let you live in the harem."

"No, no, don't argue with my son, will you? My son is poor enough. Let him go. Be kind The Empress Dowager suddenly begged.

Although Bian Cheng didn't respect her, told her to go away, and even said that she would cut off the love between mother and son, the Empress Dowager felt soft when she thought of Bian Cheng's helpless eyes.

Her son asked her to find a way, but she had no other choice but to ask the queen.

Meng Li raised his eyebrow: "how can you let him go? Will he let me go? "

The Empress Dowager immediately said, "yes, as long as you give back the right to the emperor, the jade seal and the tiger amulet to him, he will surely remember your feelings today and will not hurt you."

Meng Li chuckled, sighed and asked, "mother, it's my concubine who gives all this back to the emperor. Can he take responsibility?"

"Yes, it will. The imperial doctor said before that he had a chance to get rid of the emperor's addiction to alcohol." The Empress Dowager said eagerly.

Meng Li said apologetically, "that will disappoint the empress. The emperor's addiction to alcohol has not been eliminated. Now he is drunk again."

The Empress Dowager stares at Meng Li in amazement: "now the emperor is trapped by you, it's not what you say he is doing that he is doing."

Meng Li stood up and said, "since my mother doesn't believe me, I can follow my concubine to see it."

"No, why do you want to go?" The Empress Dowager did not dare to see it. She knew in her heart that she might be disappointed. It would be better to be a queen than to cheat her.

The Empress Dowager deceived herself, but Meng Li didn't ask for it. She just said, "the emperor's image is returned to him, and he abandoned it and delayed it."

She sat down again and said with a good temper:

"you also know my ability. My concubine will surely make the people peaceful and work for the well-being of the common people. My mother can't just think about the emperor. She should have great love and think about the common people in this world. Who doesn't ask for a clear Lord?"

"A woman with power, needless to say, is so high sounding." The Empress Dowager don't open Meng Li's eyes to look at her. She said angrily and bitterly.

Meng Li raised his eyebrow and said, "what do you say after you follow your mother, but in the final analysis, it's your Bian family. There's Bian Qi, the great prince in our palace, and he's also the only prince..."The Empress Dowager's eyebrows moved and she didn't speak. Meng Li sighed:

"the Empress Dowager should cultivate well. Although the emperor has broken off the relationship with you, my concubine still regards you as the Empress Dowager."

"You Are you spying on us? " The Empress Dowager's expression became more and more subdued.

Meng Li said: "the emperor shouts so loudly, as long as he has ears, he can hear it."

The Empress Dowager is speechless.

"I'll leave." Meng Li gave her a gift and planned to leave.

In my mind, the Empress Dowager has no crime, and never has to retaliate against her. Now banning her is to avoid her causing trouble. When the situation stabilizes, the Empress Dowager will still be the Empress Dowager.

It's OK to enjoy your old age.

It depends on whether she can think it over, but judging from today's dialogue, the Empress Dowager did not react too strongly.

Maybe I'll get used to it later.

Meng Li walked out of the Empress Dowager's bedroom. The sun was shining on her face. She opened her hand. There was a tiger amulet lying in it. She held it with indifference.

The generals of the imperial forest army all fell to her, and there were some generals stationed outside. They also had factions. The leader of one faction fell to himself, and they could only follow him. The military power was in hand.

Even if a prince wants to launch a mutiny, he has the ability to deal with it.

This time, Bian Cheng, the emperor, has really become a decoration. Those who are crazy to see the emperor and ask the emperor to come out to overthrow her also have to find an opportunity to let them work in other places for a period of time.

The fight for rights involves countless people, some of whom win and others lose. It all depends on their choices at that time.

What do those people think about the emperor? It's clear that the emperor is so unbearable now. He ignores the government and does not care about everything. He has missed the foundation of the people and his ancestors.

Just for loyalty?