In the days after that, Bian Cheng could see "Liu Meiren" from time to time.

What's more, he found a rule that the more drunk he was, the more likely he was to see "beauty Liu.".

So in order to meet "Liu Meiren", he drank desperately. Every day he drank so much that he couldn't even go to court.


The emperor, who had been able to see drinking on the Dragon chair before, is now invisible.

When the Empress Dowager saw that the emperor had not gone to court for a long time, she felt extremely helpless and tried to persuade Bian Cheng. But how could Bian Cheng listen to her?

Only said: "as long as I drink wine, I will be able to meet the beauty, I am willing, I am happy."

The Empress Dowager gazed at his crazy expression and sighed repeatedly:

"emperor, you are bewitched. The disaster star has long gone."

"Disaster star?" Bian Cheng was angry and roared, "I don't allow you to say that about her!"

Beauty Liu is his only concern and the most beautiful thing in the world. She is the only one who is infatuated with. How can we say that she is a disaster?

"Go away, don't come to me. I don't want to see you." Bian Cheng began to smash things at the Empress Dowager again.

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager could only leave bitterly. If she was there again, she would be injured again.

Now she has no ability to discipline her son.

Even if it was forced by death, the son didn't care at all. Sometimes the Empress Dowager thought that she would simply apologize to the former Emperor by death.

But I dare not really die.

When the Empress Dowager left this time and got news from the emperor, it was Bian Cheng who had an accident.

At first he vomited, then he vomited blood, and then he fell unconscious.

"The emperor! Wake up When the Empress Dowager came, she saw the queen crying.

"Ah..." The Empress Dowager also hurriedly came over and looked at Bian Cheng in a coma. Her heart ached. Is this her son?

When he lay quietly here, she finally dared to look at him carefully. Now his cheekbones are protruding, his eyes are deep, his lips are pale, and his face is sick.

Drinking hurt his health. After drinking for such a long time, he finally drank his body.

The Empress Dowager raised Bian Cheng's wrist and held it in her hand. It's all skin and bone

"Emperor, you're trying to force your family to die! If the former Emperor knew it, I must blame the AI family for conniving you, which led to your death today.... " The Queen Mother's voice trembled.

"Mother, don't be too excited." When Meng Li saw the empress dowager, she was very sad and worried that she would faint before she could breathe.

"I was wrong..." The Empress Dowager was miserable and reproached herself. If she knew that her son was like this today, she suggested that the emperor should make another person as the prince.

In this way, the emperor failed to live up to the expectations of his ancestors and delayed the people.

"Ai Jia is wrong..." Just when Meng Li was worried, the Empress Dowager really fainted again.

"Taiyi, show it to the Empress Dowager." There is also a emperor lying on the bed, and a empress dowager faints here. Meng Li and the palace maids hold the Empress Dowager and don't let her fall to the ground.

Then he put it on the chair and let the doctor have a look.

"Empress, the Empress Dowager's depression has become a serious problem. It hasn't been improved. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid..." After seeing the empress dowager, the doctor said so.

Meng Li asked, "what are you afraid of?"

Taiyi still hesitated to say, Meng Li nodded: "I know."

I'm afraid the emperor will be angry to death sooner or later.

"The emperor's side..." She asked.

The only way to hurt the emperor is to drink too much

Meng Li: "you say."

This Taiyi, can you finish directly?

The imperial doctor hesitated and said, "don't worry. In fact, the emperor doesn't matter. If you want to wake him up, it's very easy. Just wake up the emperor, it's not conducive to the treatment of him."

"If you want to repair the emperor's body, you must make him not drink. But Chen once prescribed a prescription for him to stop drinking, which has no effect. He can't stop drinking."

"To be frank, the emperor is addicted to bone marrow."

Meng Li nodded: "you continue to say."

So we can only keep the Emperor awake for a while and warm his damaged viscera with medicine. Only when the situation gets better can we wake him up. What's more, the empress doesn't know. Even if we wake up the emperor now, he may be in this situation at any time. Moreover, the second coma must be more serious than the first coma, which is equivalent to his body being injured again. It can't be said that it will cause damage More serious consequences. "

Meng Li was satisfied with the plan given by the imperial doctor, which was good for her plan, but he said anxiously: "who will take charge of the overall situation when the emperor is asleep?"

"Ah..." She sighed to herself: "just follow what the doctor said."

She glanced at the Empress Dowager's maid. If she heard the doctor's words, she would tell her.

Did not expect Bian Cheng to see more beauty Liu can drink so fierce, Meng Li did not love a person, do not understand the taste, just think, love, really can make people so crazy?Desperate.

As for how to treat the emperor, the Empress Dowager woke up and discussed with the royal family and some ministers.

The most important thing is to discuss whether to wake up the emperor. What the imperial doctor said is that it is also very dangerous for the emperor to wake up at this time.

But if you don't wake up, it means there is no master in the world.

The imperial doctor also said that the emperor's internal organs were seriously damaged because of drinking, and they couldn't keep warm for a while and a half.

But the Empress Dowager called this wave of people, most of them were attracted by Meng Li. Now that the emperor has such a thing, they also know that the Queen's opportunity has come.

They told the Empress Dowager that the emperor's body was the most important.

The meaning is very obvious. Let him be in a coma.

Anyway, it's almost the same when he's awake or unconscious.

The Empress Dowager sadly swept everyone's face, she sighed: "the family is really old, can't, no strength, also can only rely on you."

These are the people the emperor trusted, and now she can only count on them.

"Things in the court..." The Empress Dowager looked at Meng Li and said helplessly:

"since the Queen's previous treatment is OK, let her take care of it again. Do you have any opinions?"

Her son does not like the queen, afraid of her, hate her, but today, or can only rely on the queen.

The Empress Dowager felt uncomfortable. She also knew that the queen had never been wrong. What was wrong was her son, but she sincerely didn't want the queen to be in power completely. At the moment, she kept comforting herself in her heart. When her son woke up, she could quickly take back her rights.

The imperial doctor said that the emperor would never have an accident. After his treatment, maybe he could get rid of the emperor's addiction to alcohol.

No alcohol addiction, the emperor will certainly be able to improve, all the suffering is temporary.

The Empress Dowager looked at everyone and thought they would say something, but most of them just said yes. They were willing to help the queen, which made her heart sink even more.