When he got out of the parking lot, Meng Li pulled over to the side of the road and replaced his high heels with flat shoes.

I didn't want to stay there for a long time before, so as not to entangle with Lin Tianrui.

The car started up again. She drove around in the car to listen to music, but the more she listened, the more unpleasant it was. She simply turned it off.

The night of the city is colorful, full of many desires, and how many people's hearts are silent.

Waiting for the Jiang family, Meng Li quietly touched his room.

The Jiang family has a large population. The clients are grandparents, parents, a little niece and a brother.

My niece was adopted by my brother. My brother didn't say much about the specific origin of the child.

But it is certain that it was not born by the elder brother of the client, because the mother of the client had taken it for paternity test, which ruled out this possibility.

They don't understand why their son adopts a child when he's unmarried.

She took a comfortable bath and began to practice for the first time.

Lin Tianrui often relies on her strength, and then has enough momentum to control her clients.

Then I have to hold on.

She took out the Pearl and began to practice. She even considered whether she needed to bring some bodyguards when she saw Lin Tianrui when she had no strength.

It's not only Lin Tianrui who can afford it.

Lin Tianrui went back to the hotel room and said to his two bodyguards:

"if Jiang Yayu wants to leave in the future, you have to stop me."

The two bodyguards nodded.

Lin Tianrui feels a little hot and dry all over. Now that the dead woman has run away, who can he find to solve the problem?


The next morning, Meng Li wakes up and goes down to have breakfast. The table is full of seven people.

It's a very busy family.

Little niece Jiang Yan pushed Meng Li with her short legs. Nai said angrily:

"I want to have breakfast with my aunt."

Mr. Jiang smiles kindly and teases his niece:

"why don't you sit with me?"

"Gee." Jiang Yan tilted her head for a moment and said:

"well, I'll sit with my aunt today and my great grandfather tomorrow."

"And then sit with my great grandmother the day after tomorrow. How about taking turns like this?"

Jiang Yan's words make everyone laugh. Meng Li takes a funny look at Jiang Yan. The little girl is too talkative.

Everyone began to eat breakfast. Jiang Yan put the food for Meng Li on the plate, and said: "give it to my aunt today, and give it to my great grandfather tomorrow. I will treat you well."

Everyone can't help laughing again. Jiang Yan is the pistachio at home.

And it was liked by the client's grandparents. They doubted that Jiang Mingzhi's bringing the child back was to make the old man happy.

To some extent, forced marriage was avoided.

She felt that she understood the truth.

And Jiang Mingzhi is the most serious person to Jiang Yan.

She took a look at Jiang Mingzhi and noticed Meng Li's sight. He also looked over and asked in doubt:

"what are you looking at? Your brother, I'm handsome again today? "

Meng left his eyes and didn't look any more, so as not to give him this illusion again.

Everyone began to chat again. Jiang Yan ate obediently and would not interrupt at all.

It's nothing more than some news and some company affairs. Now the company is mainly managed by Jiang Mingzhi and Jiang's father. They almost don't care about the old man.

In their words, the way they used to put it in today's society has become unbearable.

People of this era have to cater to this era.

After breakfast, my brother and dad went to the company.

The old man went out, he also had some old friends to get along with.

My great grandmother was old and in poor health. After dinner, she lay on the Garden couch outside, enjoying the sunshine and breeze in the early morning.

Jiang Ma picked up her bags and planned to go out, so there was no arrangement for the whole family.

Before going out, Jiang Ma asked one more question:

"do you have any plans today?"

Meng Li shook his head: "No."

"That lunch you and grandma solve together, I won't come back to eat."

Finish saying, Jiang Ma head also did not return of walk away.

Meng Li Good

Although Jiang Ma can't hear.

She went back to her room. It took her some time to come back, and it was even longer for Lin Tianrui to inherit the consortium.

There was plenty of time left for her.

She continued to practice and went out of the room for lunch.

Grandma's digestion ability is worse, so her food is different from Meng Li's.

When they sat opposite each other, grandma began to talk about what was wrong with her, saying that she was really old and that she was in pain when she was old.Money doesn't solve the problem.

Meng Li hears the speech and sweeps it with his mental strength. He finds that there are no big problems with Grandma's health, but there are many small problems.

And these are all problems brought about by aging, which can hardly be avoided.

But it can be relieved by conditioning her.

I wonder if Meng Li should be glad that he is a soul body. Although he has no body, he also gets rid of the trouble brought by the aging of his body.

As long as she's alive, she shouldn't get old.

And when she was alive, her accomplishments were in place, and she had already retained her youthful appearance.

So Meng Li, who had planned to continue to practice in the afternoon, still went out. She wrote out some recipes, went to buy the herbs back, and then gave them to her aunt at home. She told her how to do it and asked her to do it.

But the aunt is not very able to understand, Meng Li can only demonstrate once, also make some conveniently.

In the evening, everyone can eat it. It's suitable for all ages.

Of course, the smallest Jiang Yan certainly can't eat, little lovely body can't stand it.

It can also be regarded as a bit of welfare for the client. It's easy to do it by yourself. Maybe sometimes a small move is the key to get high score and high score.

There's money for these anyway.

Jiang Ma asked with concern:

"can this thing beautify the face?"

Meng Li thought about it for a while, but it didn't work much. The most important thing was to recuperate the body, but he also nodded.

"when I caress the corners of my eyes, my mother's wrinkles will turn bad."

Meng Li: "er..."

Forget it, let Jiang Ma keep this kind of good state of mind, and if she is in good health, her complexion will be good, and she will be a few years younger.

Jiang Mingzhi took a spoon in his hand and looked at Meng Li:

"then what do we eat this for?"

Isn't it all women's food?

Meng Li opened the flicker mode:

"this is multi-functional, women eat beauty, men eat health, the elderly eat longevity..."

After hearing this, Jiang Mingzhi immediately looked at Meng Li with strange eyes:

"where did you come from? Were you cheated by someone who set up a stall in the park?"

As soon as the words came out, the family put down their spoons one after another and stared at Meng Li, deeply suspicious of the medicated diet.

Meng Li

I've gone too far.

Only Jiang Yan's small head was full of curiosity about medicated food.