It can only be said that too female is wronged, my son is also involuntarily what.

How can we ordinary people dare to do such things if we don't have to?

After all, in front of the emperor, his son has admitted his guilt. Now, if I change my words, they are also guilty of bullying the king?

They also hope that this will make their sons suffer less in prison, and the lighter the charges, the better.

If you have a good attitude towards admitting your mistake, you can be less guilty.

Therefore, Meng Li seems to have no resistance to change himself, and everyone has the same caliber.

After the people sent out, Meng Li sat in the study, outside the door came Shao sichen crying.

Crying to see her.

Meng Li now just think about this person feel a little annoyed, to say Shao sichen did not seem to do anything special, but it is inexplicable.

Probably also received the plot, let his first impression of him become poor.

But I want to see you, too.

But it's just a drag, let Shao sichen cry a little more.

Suffer more.

But after a while, Meng Li found that it was not for Shao sichen to suffer, but for himself.

I can't hear any more.

It's hard to listen to his rhythmic cry.

She had Shao sichen let in.

Shao sichen came in and saw Meng Li. He immediately knelt down and cried: "Your Highness, please help my mother and fourth sister."

Shao sichen felt very bitter. Some time ago, he went to beg his mother and fourth sister to save her.

Now that they have an accident again, I have to beg your highness.

Fortunately, his Highness has come back, otherwise he doesn't know who to look for.

It's too hard for me.

He didn't know how things turned out to be like this. All the misfortunes happened to the people he loved.

Meng Li asked indifferently:

"do you want our palace to save them?"

Shao sichen's eyes were red and he nodded.

Meng Li asked again:

"do you know why they had an accident?"

Shao sichen is silent for a moment. As long as he wants to get the fourth sister and his mother out of the crisis, the only person in his mind is tainv.

If he is too female, he can't help it?

He didn't even have time to think about the cause of the dispute.

There's no time to think if Tainu will agree.

After thinking for a long time, he said:

"Your Highness, do you believe in courtiers? Fourth sister and mother will never harm you. There must be some misunderstanding. "

Meng Li asked:

"you let me believe you. Do you believe me?"

Shao sichen didn't know, so Meng Li also made Shao sichen understand. She said: "before, you really believed that our palace would do those things. How much did you trust our palace? How can I trust you today? "

Shao sichen suddenly realized.

His mouth was full of bitterness. At that time, people outside said so, and people around him also said so.

He really thought his highness was that kind of person.

But although his highness is such a person, he has accepted it. Isn't it enough to love his highness?

He insisted on love, can't you forgive his temporary distrust?

For a moment, he felt that his language was so pale that he could not find any words to explain himself.

I can only say:

"I beg your highness to forgive me for my mistake."

Meng Li asked, "do you think there is any misunderstanding between the palace and the prime minister?"

Shao sichen thought that the other party had forgiven him, so he relaxed a little. Only his fourth sister and mother were left in his mind. He naturally said:

"Your Highness is the wife of the courtiers, and I think your highness knows that they love me very much, so how can he harm you?"

"Can't your highness understand such a simple question?"

Shao sichen's heart is too anxious, and his speech is nothing more than his brain.

Meng Li nodded:

"it's stupid in my palace."

Shao sichen

He now found that the furthest distance in the world is not that I miss you but you don't know, but that I can't catch up with you at all.

He couldn't find a response to his Highness's many words.

It's really sad.

Shao sichen's body softened and he sat on the ground, looking very weak.

That kind of weakness is not only physical, but also from the heart.

Diluting all his other emotions, he murmured:

"Your Highness, I beg you, will you? Does your highness have the heart to watch his servants lose their relatives?"

Meng Li nodded: "have the heart."

Shao sichen looked at Meng Li in amazement:

"are you so cruel?"

"I am your husband, your highness!"

Shao sichen's voice is a little sharp. He looks at Meng Li with the eyes of condemnation and pain.Meng Li looked at Shao sichen and couldn't help laughing.

This is the most simple "stupid" man she has ever seen.

It's no city. I can't calm down. I was born as a big family and grew up under the excessive protection of my sisters. It's also sad.

In the plot, Shao Xinglan can always guard Shao sichen's innocence, but now he can't.

No one to protect the simple will be very miserable.

Especially in this environment.

"Is it in your heart that your mother and fourth sister are going to die?" Meng Li asked with great interest.

Shao sichen didn't expect that such vicious words would come out of the Tainu's mouth, and immediately said with dismay:

"the fourth elder sister has been locked up by the emperor, and someone framed Niang. Can they go back all over?"

Meng Li said with a smile:

"it's not going to die. How can it be in your mouth like they're going to be beheaded in autumn?"

Shao sichen took a look at Meng Li's face, looking at her face with a faint smile, which he did not seem to have seen.

It was also something he could never hope for. How many times did he fantasize that tainv only laughed at him like this?

Now too female is to smile, but he feels incomparably dazzling, prick his heart to suffer.

Now I find that the furthest distance in the world is not that I can't catch up with you.

But I am anxious to fidget, crying heartbroken, you can still gloat to laugh out.

He covered his chest with one hand. It seemed that he could not bear the pain. He took a deep breath and said:

"does your highness hate his courtiers so much?"

Meng Li still had a smile on his face:

"why, I don't hate you."

Clients don't hate Shao sichen. She doesn't think Shao sichen is worth hating at all.

Hate is a waste of mind.

Without Shao Xinglan and prime minister, Shao sichen is as easy to deal with as ants to clients. Who would hate ants?

Shao sichen took a deep breath again and asked:

"so your highness means that your mother and fourth sister will be fine, right?"

Meng Li: "how does this palace know?"

Shao sichen

He was a little crazy in his heart. What tainv just said was that Niang and her fourth sister would not be in danger.

He looked at Meng Li in despair, and had given up the idea of smooth communication with each other.

I just want to be able to communicate, no matter whether it's smooth or not.

He still didn't want to believe that Niang and the fourth sister would harm tainv. They loved themselves so much that they would never harm the people they loved.

He said to Meng Li bitterly:

"Your Highness, please believe that the courtiers will not harm you."