The farther away they were, the more dead mice they could throw.

On the contrary, they are crowded together and taste better. They are very attractive to mice. There are fewer and fewer mice chasing Meng away from them.

These people are really angry and anxious when they look at Meng's back which is gradually away from them.

But there was nothing to do.

How did you get robbed like this.

It seems that people can do things without death.

After all, it's because you don't want to die.

Meng Li, Ah Wei and Zong Zhi got rid of their pursuers. Meng Li killed the mouse directly.

It's too far away. The mice are still addicted to the more intense "butterfly liquid".

It's not coming.

As long as you kill fast enough, you can kill the current wave of mice.

While retreating, the three men were busy killing the mice. They were all so tired that they finally killed the mice.

They have also changed their direction. They can't go in this direction all the time.

Meng Li touched the shoulder strap of his climbing bag. In fact, this climbing bag is very useful. It always protects the back of a person. Otherwise, it's hard for a mouse to jump on the back.

But on the way, I met Wu Zheng and another man.

It seems that they have been waiting here for a long time. Awei's face coagulated and took the lead in saying:

"are you waiting for me here?"

He didn't have time to pay attention to Wu Zheng when he rushed out of the bag enclosure, so that he didn't know when he left the supply box.

Wu Zheng said with a smile:

"are you tired?"

"I don't have any tea for you, or I'll give you a bottle of water to drink?"

Awei's face was gloomy. The setting sun and the sweat on his forehead dripping on the corners of his eyes made his eyes hard to open.

Meng Li also pursed his mouth and looked at Wu Zheng.

The other side is in good condition. The reason why they choose this way is to go in the opposite direction, making those who are looking for them feel that they can't go in this direction.

Because there are fewer trees and more dust on this side, the wind blows on people's faces, and the sand grinds.

Overnight is not a clear choice.

Who knows Wu Zheng is also reverse thinking, accurate guess they will go this way.

Although there are three people on the other side and two on the other side, the number of people is dominant, but physically, the difference is too far.

They made a big circle. During this time, people would have enough to eat and drink to replenish their strength.

Meng Li decisively takes out the nutriment from his body, takes out three tubes of nutriment from the inside, and hands them to Ah Wei to Zongzhi.

They took over and knew Meng Li's intention. They immediately opened it and began to drink.

This is a high-quality nutrient with high purity. A small tube immediately gives people a great sense of satiety, and their physical strength has been slightly restored.

But this action can ignite the anger in Wu Zheng's heart.

"he's going back to drink right away, isn't he?"

Meng Li: "waste? Do you believe I'll finish it? "

Wu Zheng

He looked at the people around him and attacked them. Although he drank the nutriment, Meng Li was really tired and powerless.

It's hard to deal with.

There is a feeling of fighting with one breath.

It's hard.

However, Meng Li risked being eliminated, and the nutrients he got must be protected desperately. No matter how hard it is, he must stick to it.

She felt numb and her arms and legs were not her own.

Even in a moment, I doubted whether I was too impulsive to do team competition.

Too tired, too tired, too hard.

I haven't worked so hard in the last days.

I didn't wait to let others know whether this kind of task is a pit or not.

At that time, people who felt that they could immediately get the contribution point were not low in star level at least, so they had some strength.

Who knows there are so many people in a task, and everyone's IQ is online.

It's not that easy to deal with.

The strength is too low teammate is not met, but meet the opponent is not weak ah.

The heart cries bitterly, but the body still has to resist the attack of others.

From body numbness to heart numbness, and then to facial numbness is a very fast process, she has no strength to make redundant expression.

I don't have the strength to say anything superfluous.

Like a mechanical hitter without feeling, attack, defend, attack again, defend again.

I was beaten, because numbness and pain are light but a lot.

Not only Meng Li has this feeling, but Zongzhi and awei are numb.

That kind of numbness revealed all over the body even makes people's thinking can not work normally, just blindly fight.Wu Zheng found their weakness and stopped talking. It's not good to pull the other party's thinking back.

It's a great pleasure that the opponent doesn't have a clear mind.

It's a pity that Meng Li hasn't maintained this state for a long time. She was injured by Wu Zheng. That hit was very painful and made her wake up.

She looked at the past fiercely, mobilized the weak spiritual power on her body to give her weapon blessing, and threw it at Wuzheng. He resisted, and Meng Li kicked him directly.

The most important thing for a man is

But Meng Li's playing method is not glorious.

It will make people feel shameless, but where can Meng Li take care of so much now?

As long as the other side is good, it is to fight back.

Wu Zheng looks at Meng Li with a ferocious face. The strong pain almost makes him unable to straighten up. Awei's numbness is made clear by this scene.

Thinking works a little bit, but it's still slow.

As a result, he was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help laughing:

"it's sour."

"Beautiful He said to Meng Li.

Zongzhi was silent, and as a man, he could only express sympathy.

Ah Wei doesn't delay either. He attacks Wu Zheng while you are sick. Wu Zheng's companions come to help, but they are entangled by Zongzhi.

Meng Li rubbed his elbow, which was so painful that he didn't care so much about it. It's the right thing to beat each other with awei.

Wu Zheng's pain was not relieved, so he was attacked by them again. He couldn't resist any more. He called out to go, and the man who was fighting with Zongzhi began to retreat.

It's a pity that Meng Li's three men really don't have the strength to pursue. Their state is too bad.

Let the other party run away.

The other side is just in pain. After running for a while, they can still play, but they are tired from their bones and need a long time to rest.

But also to leave here quickly, so that the other side will not turn back.

They can only drag tired body, change direction again.

I'm worried about meeting another wave of people on the road, because they really don't have the strength to deal with it.

Now those people should be looking for them. After all, the importance of nutrients to survive in the condition of food shortage is self-evident.

Wu Zheng ran away. Looking back, no one came after him. He immediately regretted it.