The woman is out of breath. Beside him, a feels that he has heard the heartbeat of each other. He patiently waits for the woman to breathe.

When the woman was relieved, she said directly:

"what's the use of catching me? I've thrown it out. "

"Do you have teammates to meet you? How about I trade you and your teammates for supplies? " Ah Wei said coldly.

The woman laughs:


Although there are her teammates over there, but those people are chasing so closely, whether the teammates can safely retreat with something is still unclear.

"If you want to exchange it, go." Women's attitude is very indifferent.

On the contrary, Ah Wei is a little uncertain.

If the other team does not get along well with their teammates, how can this woman work so hard?

This is at the risk of being eliminated. If some of those people were a little more violent at that time, they might have killed the women to vent their anger.

In awei's heart, here are all taskers, he has never met ordinary people.

Can see this indifferent attitude, as if firmly believe that his teammates will not care about her.

"Take me to your teammates." Ah Wei said.

The woman's arms are encircled with her hands. She's not tall, and she's not as tall as Ah Wei. But when she squints at people, she still has some momentum.


"you want to be beautiful, sister, I can listen to your arrangement?"

Awei: "what

"Elder sister, you are all in my hands. Would you please find out the situation?"

The woman sneered and raised her eyebrows:

"you look up to yourself too much."

"I'm not afraid of you at all."

Awei's face suddenly darkened. He stared at the woman and said:

"do you really want to provoke me?"

Women are still indifferent:


Ah Wei gave a deep smile. In the daytime, it was a bit gloomy. He said:

"I have a way."

With that, he grabbed the woman. She had already lost her strength and was unable to resist.

When Ah Wei began to search, he said:

"I want to check, who knows if you took the opportunity to take something out of that mountaineering bag when you held it for so long."

The woman looked very angry, and she yelled:

"you dare."

As a woman, who would like to be examined?

And it's a man.

This is undoubtedly the ultimate humiliation.

But awei didn't care about women's feelings at all. He said:

"what are you so afraid of doing? How old are we? It's not a kid. "

"It's not your body, to say the least."

"Roll...!" The woman scolded anxiously, but she had nothing to do with awei.

Maybe she has never been humiliated like this before. The woman is filled with grief and indignation. Her eyes are full of blood. She stares at awei and says:

"you'd better not let me know who you are in this life, or we won't die forever."

Ah Wei tut said:

"this will never die?"

Soon, he found a box from the woman, looked at it, and immediately put it on himself.

Let go of the woman and said:

"it's very smart. What you want most is an antidote."

"It's a pity that if you want to blame it, you'll blame yourself for running in the wrong direction and falling into the trap."

After finishing her clothes, the woman was extremely embarrassed and said to awei:

"I advise you to give it back to me, otherwise I don't know who you are today, and I will know another day."

Awei doesn't think so:

"when you have nothing to do with others, do you like to threaten people so much?"

What the woman wanted to say, the words all came to her mouth, but stopped. She just gave a cold smile and said:

"you've got the only thing, too. Go away."

Awei looked at the woman and sighed:

"a woman is a stubborn thing. She knows she is inferior to others, but she never forgives others. Do you really think others dare not do anything to you?"

"But I'm kind enough not to send you home."

"Goodbye, I hope we can see you again next time."

Wei turned and walked in the direction of material.

After Ah Wei left, the woman's expression was a little bit broken. She sat down on the ground and said to her system:

"be sure to find a way to help me lock this person. I have to report the humiliation today."

The system is in a bit of a dilemma:

"it's really hard, it's hard."

"Can I treat you badly?" Asked the woman.

The system is silent.

After a while, the woman asked:"Dumb?"

The system says:

"I'm trying to find a way. If I can make it, don't blame me if I can't make it."

Awei walked a distance, then opened the box to see, there are syringes, there are liquid medicine, this should be the antidote.

He was thinking about whether to go back now or later.

I remember that before I came out, I said I would go back to Zong Zhiyong as soon as I got the antidote, but awei was not reconciled.

Try your luck again.

When awei caught up with those people, it was still a mess.

The mountaineering bag no longer knows where it has been thrown, only the materials inside are scattered in everyone's hands.

One person got a little bit. The bag for the tent was in Wuzheng's hands. Because the bag was very big, everyone cared about the tent and was chasing Wuzheng.

"Ah Wei, help me now!"

Ah Wei spat. Does he know that Wu wants him to attract fire?

Some people put their eyes on awei, and awei simply asked Wu Zheng:

"have you put away the medicine yet?"

Wu Zheng

"Isn't it where you are?" Wu Zheng immediately asked.

Now is the time to test his acting skills. Awei was not surprised at all. He said in a hurry:

"no, I just came here. I think the medicine is in the tent bag. Be careful, it's very important."

Everyone looked at the tent bag in Wuzheng's hand.

Many of them are looking for an antidote. Many of them were injured yesterday. No one wants to hurt their team so early.

But snatch to snatch, is to make some compressed biscuits, this kind of food in hand, said useless, also useful.

After all, food is very important.

Let's say it's useful. It feels like

I always feel that this wave of losses, tired to get such a thing.

Awei ran to Wuzheng without hesitation. Wuzheng couldn't wait for awei to catch up with him. He turned back and glared at awei fiercely, and then speeded up.

At that time, the women's team-mates did receive the bag, but they were slow, couldn't walk away, and were besieged.

After a period of chaos, in order to save their lives, the person with the bag had to throw it out. Before throwing it out, he zipped it open and things were scattered all over the place.

We went to pick up things, and the people who used to take bags were able to get away.

When Wu Zheng arrived, it was time for everyone to pick up things.

He was also lucky. By chance, he got the tent next.

Unfortunately, no one found the medicine. Suddenly, Wu Zheng understood something. He looked back at Ah Wei and said in a loud voice:

"where is the medicine, isn't it?"