"This time, it's just exploration. You don't need too many people. Xingli and gege, you must stay. Brother Gu, their safety is up to you. Sister aobing, don't go either. Just have a rest here. Ah Yi, Xingxiu, dixiu and Pleiades follow me, and others stay here in case of change.

Xiaoshu, you can stay. Take advantage of the wind. Even if I ask you not to go, you won't agree. If you want to go, you can go, but it's agreed in advance. If anything happens, you go first, and we have a way.

Shangguan, don't go. These potions are for you. I hope you can develop powers. Although your internal power is very good, if you have the combination of powers and internal power, I believe you will further advance your martial arts attainments.

As for Mengxue, you can fly with the sword, and your ability should not be underestimated. In case of any change, you also go with them. If anything happens, take the wind and leave with their sword. Xiaoxiao, Tianqi. "Yue Baiyi arranged everyone's Posts one by one, and suddenly thought of something and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao's father and daughter.

"Yes!" they hurriedly replied.

Yue Baiyi nodded and said seriously, "I'll give you a very important task."


"I'll give you a few days to count the blood spirit people on the whole continent, place them in a safe place, and give them the medicine in this ring to drink, so that they can speed up the progress of improving their blood.

Select leading blood spirits and let them manage them.

Remember, don't conflict with human beings, and be careful. Liusu, Jingsu, fangsu, SHISU, Xinsu and Weisu, you six should protect the princess well. If anything happens, you are the only one to ask! "

"Yes, Emperor! My subordinates obey!"

"OK, you can start now."

"Yes! You will finish the task to the death!" the party was about to leave, but they were stopped again by Yue Baiyi.

"If you die, you can't complete the task. You have to survive! Do you understand?"

"Yes! Thank you, Emperor!"



Yin Xiaoxiao left and looked at the nirvana arranged by Yue Baiyi. Suddenly he understood why the spirit of blood spirit wanted her to become the emperor of blood spirit. What he lacked was perhaps this kindness.

"Let's go too, Emperor."

"All said, you can call my name." Yue Baiyi frowned slightly and reminded.

Nirvana turned back and took a deep look at the moon's white clothes, revealing a faint smile. Although it was very light, it was very sincere.

"Let's go, clothes."

Yue Baiyi was slightly stunned, nodded, and seemed to have some emotion, "I never thought I could be friends with you one day before. You are right."

"No, only my loyalty to the blood spirit family is right, but you are all right. Now I understand why the blood spirit chose you. Seeing your performance just now, I suddenly realize what I lack."

"What is missing?" Yue Baiyi wondered, and others looked at Nirvana curiously.


"Ha?" everyone was a little surprised. They couldn't believe that this sentence could be said from the mouth of Nirvana, and Yuebai didn't believe it.

"A good emperor not only has super strength and extraordinary wisdom, but also should have an exquisite heart and a heart of benevolence. Only in this way can he be loved by all the people. Yi, I don't know if you have any memory."

"What memory?"

"You fool, do you think the spirit of the blood spirit just brought the blood essence of the blood spirit emperor to this planet?" unknowingly, the tone of Nirvana brought a trace of doting, as if it was the feeling of watching the white clothes on the white moon night, as if it was the feeling of brother.

"This. Ah! You said your fine energy source..."

"That guy actually brought my blood essence to me, and the essence energy source was originally my thing. It was the crystallization of my strength. Before my death that year, the king of blue spirit helped me personally combine the power of technology and spiritual civilization. I devoted my whole life to it. Right? The king of blue spirit, brother Chu."
